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Scene from the opera of "The Night Dancers", at the Royal English Opera, Covent Garden, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Idol of an Indian Temple; Notes on the Ancient Temples of India', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Six Mois Dans la Somme; Dans les lignes anglaises: Contalmaison (septembre 1916)', 1916. Creator: Charles Hoffbauer.
'Notre attaque du 24 octobre 1916; Le 25 au matin, un bataillon de reserve est en positiond'attente  Creator: Unknown.
'La Roumanie dans la Guerre; Brasso, la premiere ville prise par les Roumains, vue a vol d'oiseau',  Creator: Unknown.
''Indians mashing Turtle Eggs; The Fresh-water Turtle of the Amazons', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Peruvian Priests; Lima and the Andes', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Young Mestizo Women; Lima and the Andes', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Young Climbing-palm at a country house near Rio Janeiro; The Climbing Palm-tree, (Desmoncus)', 1875 Creator: Unknown.
Plan and arrangements of the rifle-shooting contest on Wimbledon Common, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Map of North-east China, showing the Gulf of Pechili, the Tien-Tsin (Peiho) River..., 1860. Creator: John Dower.
The town of Beyrout and Mount Lebanon - from a drawing by J. Lewis Farley, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Hellard's Patent Victoria Side-Delivery Reaping and Mowing Machine, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The 1st Lancashire Mounted Rifles and the Artillery Brigade marching past, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The city of Antioch, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Tien-Tsin, on the banks of the Peiho River, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
View of Capua, from Monte St. Angelo - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Holy Trinity Chapel School at Reach, Cambridgeshire, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Triumphal Chair of Martin, King of Arragon, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Proclaiming the result of the vote on the annexation question before the Royal Palace, Naples, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Great Semmering Railway - the Bollerswand Viaduct and Tunnel, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'The Great Entrance Gate of the Pagoda of Tanjore; Notes on the Ancient Temples of India', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Six Mois Dans la Somme; Prisonniers allemands (septembre 1916)', 1916. Creator: Charles Hoffbauer.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; La gauche du champ de bataille: le village de Bras et la Meuse Creator: Unknown.
'Les dernieres victoires Russes; Une attaque russe: les soldats marchent a l'ennemi, a peine courpes Creator: Unknown.
'Baba Achmed Gateway at Onergla; A Naturalist's Ride in the Atlas Mountains', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Windmill near Dorpat; The Baltic Provinces of Russia',1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Native Chief of Uen; Some Account of New Caledonia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'House of a Native Chief, near Kanala; Some Account of New Caledonia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Messina as seen from Calabria - from a sketch by the Hon. Major Fitzmaurice, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Dans les Souterrains du Chateau de Combles; En bas, une saile de pansement, dans un caveau don’t le Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; Des maisons ou ils s'etaient caches pendant l' evacuationde la ville, de nombre Creator: Unknown.
''Tetuan; A Ride to Gebel-Mousa, in North-Western Barbary', 1875. Creator: Trorey Blackmore.
'Quattro Capi Bridge at Rome; A First Visit to Rome', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'View in Magellan's Straits; Old South American Geographies', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Caravan Reposing, in the Hauran; The Stone Towns of Central Syria, otherwise called..., 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Proposed route of the North Atlantic Telegraph, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Embarkation of the Prince of Wales in H.M.S. "Hero" at Plymouth for Canada, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Golden Bull of Clement VII. confirming Henry VIII. in the title of Defender of the Faith, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Eclipse of the Sun on July 18 in Spain - beginning of the corona - from a sketch by..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Experiments with Captain Fowke's pontoon bridge on the Serpentine, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Grouse-shooting - from a drawing by Harrison Weir, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Progress of the Prince of Wales in British North America - Quebec, Canada East..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Town and Castle of Gaeta - from a drawing by S. Read, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales at Montreal - Arch at the head of M'Gill Street, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The lake steamer "Lady Elgin", as she lay at her wharf at Chicago on the day before she..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Socrates, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Sisters Marchisio, as "Semiramide" and "Arsace", at the Grand Opera, Paris, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Paris Wine Market: the Brandy Quarter, Rues de Languedoc and de la Côte d'Or, the Cellars, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'The Bouto, or Fresh-water Dolphin, of the Amazons', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Six Mois Dans la Somme; Sur la route, entre Maricourt et Suzanne (octobre 1916)', 1916. Creator: Charles Hoffbauer.
'Le Theatre de l'epopee de Verdun; Le champ de bataille du 21 fevrier au decembre 1916', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; Une massue autrichienne examinee par des officiers', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
''Moorish Types; A Ride to Gebel-Mousa, in North-Western Barbary', 1875. Creator: Trorey Blackmore.
'Mount Hekla; Hekla (Iceland)', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Panorama of Spezia; The Gulf of Spezia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'My Patients Father; A Doctors Life among the North-American Indians', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
The North Atlantic Telegraph - Cape Farewell, South Greenland, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
"The Last from the Wreck", by E. Duncan, in the Exhibition of the Water-Colour Society, 1860. Creator: Mason Jackson.
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales - from a photograph by John Watkins, 1860. Creator: Unknown.