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'Bear us swiftly, Boat of Mananan, to the Garden of Hesperides', c1910.  Artist: Stephen Reid
'There dwelt the red-haired ocean-nymphs', c1910.  Artist: Stephen Reid
'Fergus goes down into the lake', c1910.  Artist: Stephen Reid
'A mighty shout of exultation arose from the Ulstermen', c1910.  Artist: Stephen Reid
'And that night there was feasting and joy in the lonely hut', c1910.  Artist: Stephen Reid
'They ran him by hill and plain', c1910.  Artist: Stephen Reid
'Dermot took the horn and would have filled it', c1910.  Artist: Stephen Reid
'The white steed had vanished from their eyes like a wreath of mist', c1910.  Artist: Stephen Reid
'Calypso Takes Pity on Ulysses', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'Ulysses Shoots the First Arrow at the Wooers', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'How the Serpent that guarded the Gold Fleece was slain', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'Circe sends the Swine (The Companions of Ulysses) to the Styes', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'King Athamas steals Nephele's clothes so that she can't float away with her sister', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'The Adventure with Scylla', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'They met with an Old Man', 1905.  Artist: Dora Curtis
'Sir Launcelot', 1905.  Artist: Dora Curtis
Keir Hardie addressing the first women's suffrage demonstration, London, 19 May 1906. Artist: Unknown
Members of both Houses watching suffragettes in Parliament Square, London, 30 June 1908. Artist: Unknown
Mr Curtis Bennet listening to Christabel Pankhurst's speech from the dock, London, October 1908. Artist: Unknown
Herbert Gladstone in the witness box at the trial of Emmeline Pankhurst and others, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown
A mass of spectators at the Monument, London, 18 April 1913. Artist: Unknown
'The Coming of the Northmen', 1913.   Artist: Morris Meredith Williams
Alfred the Great at the Battle of Ashdown, 871 (1913). Artist: Morris Meredith Williams
Harald Fairhair, King of Norway, 9th or 10th century (1913). Artist: Morris Meredith Williams
Thorolf slays Earl Hring at Brunanburgh, 1913.  Artist: Morris Meredith Williams
The dying King Haakon carried to his ship, 961 (1913). Artist: Morris Meredith Williams
King Olaf's 'Long Serpent', 10th century (1913). Artist: Morris Meredith Williams
Leon Trotsky after being expelled from the Communist Party, December 1927. Artist: Unknown
Clarence Hatry, failed British financier, 1929. Artist: Unknown
Crowd outside London Stock Exchange after fall of the Hatry Group, 1929. Artist: Unknown
Sir Henry Segrave, American-born British world speed record driver, 1930. Artist: Unknown
Police arresting a group of hunger marchers in London, 1932. Artist: Unknown
Ernst Röhm, leader of the Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA), Germany, c early1930s. Artist: Unknown
Crowds on Wall Street, New York, USA, 1918. Artist: Unknown
Street market on Orchard Street, Lower East Side, New York, USA, early 1930s. Artist: Frederick Bradley
Trading Post 9, New York Stock Exchange, USA, early 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Longshoremen being picked out by a boss, New York, USA, 1920s or 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Employment office, on Sixth Avenue near Forty-third Street, New York, early 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Window of an employment office, on Sixth Avenue near Forty-third Street, New York, early 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Blind man begging, Great Depression, New York, USA, 1933. Artist: Unknown
Jack 'Legs' Diamond, temporarily in the hands of the law in Troy, New York, USA, July 1931 Artist: Unknown
Depositors of the Union Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Great Depression, July 1933. Artist: Unknown
Franklin D Roosevelt at the Democratic Party Convention, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1933. Artist: Unknown
Demonstration against Hitler in front of City Hall, Philadelphia, Pennslyvania, USA, early 1930s. Artist: Unknown
President Roosevelt, returning to Miami, Florida, USA, after a fishing trip, 13 April, 1934. Artist: Unknown
Professor Raymond Moley, American academic and writer, 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Henry A Wallace, American politician, 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Thomas W Lamont, George Whitney, and JP Morgan, American financiers, 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Richard Whitney being sworn in at a public hearing regarding his misappropriation of funds, c1938. Artist: Unknown
Building the Fort Loudon Dam, Tennessee, USA, early 1940s. Artist: Unknown
Huey Long, American politician, early 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Gangsters in a patrol wagon, New York, USA, mid 1930s. Artist: Unknown
J Edgar Hoover, chief of the FBI, with head of the Chicago office Melvin Purvis, USA, mid 1930s. Artist: Unknown
Thomas E Dewey with Fiorello H La Guardia, Mayor of New York, late 1930s. Artist: Unknown
The wedding party at the marriage of the Duchess and Duke of Windsor, France, 3 June 1937. Artist: Unknown
John L Lewis, American trade unionist, 1939. Artist: Unknown
Adolf Hitler standing next to General Erich Ludendorff, Germany, 11 November 1921. Artist: Unknown
Milk churns being delivered to Hyde Park, London, during the General Strike, 8 May 1926. Artist: Unknown
Charles Lindbergh, American aviator, at Le Bourget Aerodrome, Paris, France, May 1927. Artist: Unknown
Herbert Hoover, accepting the Republican nomination for the US presidency, 1928. Artist: Unknown