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Detail of the choir ashlar work of the Cathedral of Barcelona, made in oak wood, 'Reliefs of Mercy'.
Altarpiece of Saint Michael and Saint Nicolas. Scene of the prodigious reproduction of the corn, …
Dombate dolmen, megalithic tomb located near Monte Castelo (La Coruña).
Schematic cave paintings in the cave of Los Letreros (Vélez Blanco, Los Velez, Almería): set of r…
Manuscript on the Constitution of Barcelona, entitled 'Usatges of Barcelona, Catalonia costums'.
Alphonso II the Liberal (1285 - 1291) confirming the city of Barcelona and its merchants the priv…
Saint Vincent before the judge and prefect Dacià, from the Altarpiece of Sant Vicenç de Sarria..
Altarpiece of Saint Vincent of Sarria, detail of Saint Vincent at the stake, by Jaume Huguet.
Table of the tomb of Saint Vincent and exorcism of a possessed', detail of the altarpiece of Sain…
Book of Hours, manuscript c. 1444, detail of the writing of a page.
Jaume Marquilles delivers his book to the Consellers of Barcelona in the presence of King Alphons…
Altarpiece of St. John the Baptist, detail 'Presentation in the Temple'.
Table of the ordination of Saint Vincent by the Bishop of Zaragoza, Saint Valerio. Painting on wo…
Wall Paintings and tomb of the Count of Barcelona Ramon Berenguer I 'the Older' (1024 - 1076).
Detail of the altarpiece of Saint Vincent with personages of the age. It comes from the Parish of…
Iron gate with Corinthian pilasters and plateresque ornaments, made between 1518-1520.
Detail of the altarpiece dedicated to the Virgin with the Annunciation and shepherds making chees…
Altarpiece of the Cathedral of Tarragona in polychromed alabaster (1426-1436), detail 'The Nativi…
Alabaster altarpiece of the main altar or Santa Tecla altar of the Tarragona Cathedral, detail of…
Holy Communion', tempera on wood by Jaume Ferrer.
Altarpiece of Santa Maria of Santes Creus, detail 'The Adoration of the Kings'. Painting on wood.
Mural painting from the apse of the church of Saint Michael, two persons contemplating Jesus' asc…
Altarpiece of Santa Maria of Santes Creus, detail of an angel musician.
Inside of the Barcelona Cathedral, detail of the main altar and choir of the 13th. Century.
Dancer, mounted on ivory, metal and marble base.
Figure representing a priestess, mounted in bronze and ivory, work by Marquet.
Dancer in bronze and ivory.
Figure of a lady in bronze and ivory, by A. Quenard.
Harlequin in bronze and ivory.
Seated female figure in bronze and ivory.
Dancer with a lyre.
Adoration of the Magi', oil on canvas by Francisco Rizzi.
Squared mouth vessel. It comes from the grave-2, Bóvila Madurell (San Quirze del Valles).
Capital with anthropomorphic decoration on the outside of one of the galleries of the cloister of…
Capital decorated with antrozoomorphic figures outside the north gallery of the cloister of the M…
Epiphany', wall Painting from the church of Navasa (Huesca).
Saint Paul indoctrinating Santa Tecla. Altar front in white marble in the cathedral of Tarragona.
Berbegal façade, made in the workshop of Sijena (?) at 1200-1210. Tempera on wood from the former…
Relief with Christ and St. Peter, high-relief in stone from Vic Cathedral.
Front in the façade of Boi, dedicated to St. Peter, from a missing church outside Boi.
Master of Soriguerola' altar frontal from Estoll parish church, municipality of Urtx (La Cerdanya).
Pantocrator'. Mural painting from the apse of the church of San Clemente de Taüll (Lleida).
 'Party of explorers'. Oil on canvas, 1851, by William Tylee Ranney.
The Conversation (Doubtful company), oil Painting by Frederic Remington.
 'A Portuguese man and an Indian woman'. Detail of a Flemish tapestry from Tournai, it's part of …
 'Tomb of Saint Narcissus'. Front detail with Saint Narcissus saying Mass between warriors and an…
 'Tomb of Saint Narcissus'. Sculpture in limestone and alabaster with traces of polychrome and bl…
Altarpiece of the Transfiguration, detail 'Healing the possessed' in the Table of the predella, 1…
Altarpiece of the Transfiguration. 'Jesus and the Samaritan woman' in the Table of the predella, …
Altarpiece of the Transfiguration. Table of the Descent from the Cross in the predella, 1445-1452…
Altarpiece in polychromed alabaster from the main altar or Santa Tecla altar. Predella detail wit…
Altarpiece of the Holy Sepulchre. Table of the Descent into Limbo. Tempera on wood, 1361, from th…
 'Crucifixion'. Mural Painting of 1346 in the Chapel of Saint Michael in the Pedralbes Monastery …
Sigena Altarpiece. Table of the Adoration of the Shepherds, 1375. It comes from the Monastery of …
Altarpiece of St. Francis and Franciscan orders. Table of Slaughter of the Innocents. Tempera on …
Saint Augustine Episcopal Consecration'. Table of the altarpiece, 1470. Supposed Self Portrait of…
Altarpiece of Saint George. Central panel, the hand of God blesses the Saint protecting him, at t…
Altarpiece of the Transfiguration', detail of the table showing the Canaan Weddings, before its r…
Cave paintings typical of the Levantine art, found in the Roca dels Moros or Cogull Cave (Lleida)…
Table entitled 'The Bride of Lammermoor' Walter Scott novel that inspired Donizetti's opera 'Luci…