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 'Meeting between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba', panel of the east door of the Baptistery of Sa…
Murals in the apse with scenes of Jesus' childhood and Pantocrator, Polinyà c.1122. They come fro…
Scenes of the Apocalypse, murals in the side of the nave, Polinyà 1122. They come from the parish…
 'The Nativity', detail of mural Paintings in the apse, Polinyà c.1122. They come from the parish…
 'Bathing the Baby Jesus in a wooden bowl', scene inspired by the apocryphal gospels. Detail of m…
Capital decorated, Ducal Palace, located in the lower gallery.
 'Nymph of Fontainebleau', a detail of the Nymphs gallery on a sketch by Le Rosso painted by Pier…
 'Fire', work by Le Rosso.
 'The royal elephant', work by Le Rosso.
 'Monkey on a wall', detail of the Transfiguration altarpiece, 1445-1452. Tempera on wood by Bern…
 'Woman looking through a window', detail of the Transfiguration altarpiece, 1445-1452. Tempera o…
 'Ceramics of the period', detail of the Transfiguration altarpiece, 1445-1452. Tempera on wood, …
 'Ladies drinking champagne', drawing by Javier Gosé in the Pladellorens Collection.
 'Pressing olives for oil extraction', Roman mosaic.
 'Greek boat sailing the Nile River Delta', fragment of the Barberini mosaic. From the inferior s…
Plato's Academy', mosaic. Plato teaching philosophy to his disciples. Pompeian copy of an Helleni…
Ajax with the body of Achilles, died when hurt in the heel by an arrow shot by Paris'. Episode co…
 'The Crucifixion', end of the central street of the Almudaina main altarpiece. Commissioned by t…
Virgin of the Choir', altarpiece from the monastery. It has been restored several times, the last…
Fountain of Neptune in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence, detail of bronze figures surroundin…
Fountain of Neptune in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence. Detail of Triton, bronze figure sur…
Fountain of Neptune in the Piazza della Signoria, detail of the set of figures surrounding the br…
 'The Judgment of Solomon', sculpture of 1404. Capital of the angle of the lower gallery of the D…
 'The Drunkenness of Noah', sculpture of 1404, capital of the angle of the lower gallery of the f…
 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574, map of the European continent.
 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574, map of the Kingdom of Aragon that …
 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574, map of South America, Central and …
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'  by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574, map of United Kingdom and Ireland.
 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574, map of Germany and the present Net…
 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574. Map of the region of Flanders.
 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574, map of the Kingdom of Naples.
 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574, map of Salzburg and view of the city.
 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574, map of the island of Sardinia.
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582, in the Iberian Peninsula portulan chart.
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of the Mediterranean sea, with its islands,…
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of Western Europe showing the Iberian penin…
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of Central America, Caribbean, Florida, Geo…
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of the West Coast of America (Peru, Ecuador…
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of South America. Atlantic Coast up to the …
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. World map of the lands known in the 16th century.
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of the Amazon River with its basin in full …
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of the island of Sicily.
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of Alta and Baja California and the Pacific…
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of southern Europe and coasts of North Africa.
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of western Mediterranean, with European coa…
Atlas of Joan Martines, Messina, 1582. Portulan chart of the western Mediterranean, with Italy, E…
 'Adoration of the Magi' (Epiphany) by Bartolomé Bermejo.
 'The Adoration of the Magi' work by Hieronymus Bosch.
Appearance of the Virgin to a community', detail.
Resurrection of Jesus Christ', work by Pedro Berruguete.
Temptations of Saint Anthony', by the Bosco.
The Calvary', work by Lucas Cranach the Elder.
Slaughter of Saint Cugat', it was part of the main altarpiece of the Church of the Saint Cugat Mo…
 'Around the table'. P.Verlaine, A.Rimbud, L.Valade, E. d'Hervilly, C.Pelletan, E.Bonnier, E.Blém…
Altarpiece of Jesus Nazareno in the Cathedral of Granada. Designed in 1722 by Marcos Fernandez an…
Bullfighting, series of etchings by Francisco de Goya. Plate 11: 'The Cid Campeador lancing anoth…
Madonna with All Saints' by Giotto.
 'The Annunciation', by El Greco.
 'The Annunciation' by El Greco.
 'The Assumption of Virgin Mary into Heaven' painted by El Greco.