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Detail of the cover of a priestess sarcophagus.
Detail of the cover of a priestess sarcophagus.
Stela in painted wood from Thebes, representing Anubis leading the deceased before Osiris with Ho…
Stela in wood representing the deceased Ba-s-Turefi before the god Atum and Ra-Haharchte, from Th…
Ahmose Nefertari stele, queen mother of Amenhotep I.
Funerary stela of Queen Ahmose Nefertari, mother of Amenhotep I.
Commemorative tombstone of Queen Hatshepsut of the XVIII Dynasty.
Stela of Blessed Parmun.
Detail of a familiar stela from a chapel of worship.
Detail of a familiar stela from a chapel of worship.
Detail of a familiar stele in a worship chapel.
Detail of a fresco from a funerary chapel.
Funerary stela representing god Osiris, made in polychromed limestone. From Thebes.
Detail of god Anubis in a familiar stela from a chapel of worship.
Soldiers cutting branches near a river.
Passage of San Joaquin river, 1865, oil on canvas.
Battle of Yatai, 1865, oil on canvas.
Battle of Maipú, April 5, 1818, lithograph.
Hunger in Buenos Aires, 'Settlers cutting human flesh' and 'Map with roses and two Indians', doub…
Matorras Governor's Camp in the Chaco, 1774, detail.
Battle of Tuyutí 1866. Detail of an oil on canvas.
Cover of the 'Victoria de Roncesvalles' by Bernardo de Balbuena, first edition, printed by Diego …
Illustration of the 19th century in 'El Alguacil alguacilado' (The bailiffed bailiff), by Francis…
Cover of the first part of 'El Criticón' (The Fault Finder) by Baltasar Gracian, printed edition …
Cover of the book 'Todas las obras de Don Luis de Góngora en varios poemas' (All Works of Don Lui…
Cover of the work 'Os Luisiadas' by Luis Vaz de Camoes, edition printed in Lisbon in 1631.
Cover of the work 'Satyricon' by Petronius, Latin edition printed in Amsterdam in 1634.
History of Valter and patient Griselda by Francesco Petrarca, facsimile of a 15th century manuscr…
Illustration in 'El Sueño de las calaveras' (The Dream of Skulls) by Francisco de Quevedo, 19th c…
Pharsalia', historical epic story, engraving in the beginning of Book III of the printed edition …
Pharsalia', historical epic story, engraving in the beginning of Book III of the printed edition …
Epigrams', Italian engraving in the end of Book III, published in Venice in 1514.
Commentari', comments in Greek language, cover of the 1530 edition of Basel.
Rhymes' by Lupérnico and Bartolomé Argensola. Cover of the printed work in Zaragoza in 1634.
Introduction of the 'Symbol of faith', cover of the second part of the work by Fray Luis de Grana…
Odes, which were called 'Carmina' by its author, cover of the 1727 Venice edition.
 'De Celo et Mundo' by Aristotle, Book I, engraving of the earth as immobile center of the  Ptole…
Comedies by Titus Maccio Plauto, cover of the printed edition in 1518.
Engraving belonging to the Act I of the play 'Amphitryo', by Tito Maccio Plautus, in an edition o…
Facsimile 'El Cancionero' (The Song Book), folio of the beginning of the manuscript, a work by Ib…
Miniature in 'Cantigas de Santa Maria' codex of the 13th century, song CLXXXVII: Gran fe devia, H…
Saracen Hosts going to to war, Miniature in 'Cantigas de Santa Maria' by Alphonse X the Wise, cod…
Cover of the magazine 'España' (Spain), Madrid, 1917.
Llibre de bons Amonestaments (Book of good warnings), 1398.
Head of the weekly magazine 'El Be negre' (The Black sheep), 1932.
Head of the newspaper 'El Vapor, político, literario y mercantil de Cataluña' (The Steam, politic…
Spanish Civil War 1936-39. Siege of Madrid, Nationalist troops to the assault, one of the fights …
Alejandro Lerroux (1864-1949), Spanish politician, leader of the Radical Party of Barcelona, ??ph…
Borrell II (915 - 992), Count of Barcelona, Gerona, Ausona and Urgell, successor son of Count Sun…
Francisco Ferrer Guardia (1859-1909), Catalan politician and pedagogue, walking with a friend.
José Antonio Primo de Rivera (1903-1930), abogado y político español, fundador de la Falange Espa…
José Antonio Primo de Rivera (1903-1930), abogado y político español, fundador de la Falange Espa…
Oil painting on canvas of  Mosen Jacinto Verdaguer i Santaló  in the 'Font del Desmai' (1845 - 19…
Pedro de Valdivia (1497 - 1554). Spanish militar and conqueror, he conquered Chile.
Martín Alonso Pinzón (1440-1493), captain of the caravel 'Pinta' which together with 'Niña' and '…
Martín Lutero (1483-1546), German heresiarch.
Fray Junipero Serra (1713 - 1784), Spanish Franciscan monk, founder of the Catholic Missions of N…
Antonio Lopez Santa Anna (1791-1876), Mexican military and political, President of the Republic i…
Wilfred the Hairy (Guifré 'El Pilós') (840-897, Count of Cerdanya, Urgell, Barcelona, Girona and …
Peter III of Catalonia and IV of Aragon, called 'El Ceremoniós', (1319 - 1387), miniature in a pa…