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119pages, 7,087 results in yourPartnersearch for"Index Fototeca"Advanced Search
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Ramiro II 'The Monk' (1080-1157), king of Aragón (1134-1137), count of Ribagorza and Sobrarbe, mi…
Ramón Berenguer I 'The old' (1023-1076), Earl of Barcelona and Gerona (1023-1076), of Olérdola (1…
Sant Antoni Maria Claret (1807-1870). Torras i Bages, Josep (1846 - 1916), Bishop, Paintings of t…
Antonio de Nebrija (1444-1522), Spanish humanist, with Don Juan de Zuniga, master of Alcantara wh…
Pedro III, 'The Ceremonious' (1319-1387, King of Catalonia (IV of Aragon, II of Valencia ), minia…
Pedro IV 'The Ceremonious', Painting on wood, 15th century Valencian school.
Benedicto XIII, alleged portrait of the antipope called Pedro de Luna who is representing San Pet…
Juan March Ordinas (1880-1962), Spanish businessman and financier, Member of Parliament for Major…
Fray Bartolome de las Casas (1474-1566), Dominican missionary and Spanish historian.
Simon Bolivar 'The Liberator' (1783-1830), military and hero of the American Revolution.
Pere Serafí 'Lo Grec' (1515/10-1567), Catalan painter and poet, engraving depicting the poet cont…
Ramon Llull (1235 - 1315), Majorcan philosopher and theologian, representing the symbol of the do…
Ramon Llull (1235-1315), Majorcan philosopher and theologian,  travel to Bugia  as a missionary i…
Conchita Supervia (1891-1936), Spanish soprano, outstanding interpreter of Rossini.
Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909), Spanish composer, photography  around 1895-96.
Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909) and Tomás Bretón (1850-1923), Spanish composers, around 1896.
Jaime I 'The Conqueror' (1208-1276), King of Aragon and Catalunya, miniature of the codex 'Book o…
Lope de Rueda (1500-1565, Spanish playwright,  1567 engraving, on the cover of the book 'The Deli…
Ramon Calduch, Spanish singer playing guitar at home, 1967.
Ramón Berenguer IV (1113-1162), count of Barcelona and prince of Aragón, and Petronila (Peronella…
Juan de Yepes Álvarez, called San Juan de la Cruz (1542-1591), Spanish Carmelite religious  and w…
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Swiss writer and philosopher in French language.
Iñigo López de Mendoza (1398-1458), Marquis of Santillana, Castilian poet and politician , the al…
Ramón María del Valle Inclán (1869-1936), Spanish writer.
The Flood, engraving, 1860.
God appears to Moses in a burning bramble, engraving, 1860.
God gives Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, engraving, 1860.
The sword of the Lord and of Gideon.
Jesus preaching in Nazareth.
The people of Israel is heading to the Jordan carrying the Ark of the Covenant.
Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI attending mass during a session of the Ecumenical Council.
Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI attending mass during a session of the Ecumenical Council.
A leper approaches Jesus and asks him to cure the illness: Jesus agrees, miniature in the codex o…
The Ark of the Covenant and the Beast, miniature in the 'Beatus of Turín' (Commentary on the Apoc…
The Ark of the Covenant and the Beast, Miniature in the 'Beatus of Seu d'Urgell' (Commentary on t…
Image of the Christ child, patron of the city of La Guardia (Toledo).
Interior of a mosque in Rabat.
A page from the Bible of Nuremberg, German edition, 1483.
Engraving showing Adam and Eve in paradise, scene in the Bible of Nuremberg, German edition 1483.
The tables of the law', engraving in the Nuremberg Bible, 1483.
Moses in the Red Sea, scene in the Bible of Nuremberg, written in German, 1483.
Rescue of Moses, scene in the Bible of Nuremberg written in German, 1483.
King Solomon's judgment, scene in the Bible of Nuremberg written in German, 1483.
Noah and his sons, scene in the Bible of Nuremberg written in German, 1483.
Cain and Abel, scene in the Bible of Nuremberg written in German, 1483.
Frontispiece of the bible of the Casa de Alba.
Interior view of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul during Friday prayers.
Figure of baby Jesus in the crib.
Flag bearer from the canton of Unterwald, c. 1510. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editio…
Flag bearer from the canton of Zurich, c. 1510. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editions …
Flag bearer from the canton of Berna, c. 1510. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editions F…
Flag bearer from the canton of Lucerna, c. 1510. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editions…
Flag bearer from the canton of Zoug, c. 1510. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editions Fr…
Flag bearer from the canton of Glaris, c. 1510. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editions …
Flag bearer from the canton of Fribourg, c. 1500. Color engraving from 1943, published by Edition…
Flag bearer from the canton of Soleure, c. 1500. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editions…
Flag bearer from the canton of Bâle, c. 1520. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editions Fr…
Flag bearer from the canton of Schaffhouse, c. 1520. Color engraving from 1943, published by Edit…
Flag bearer from the canton of Appenzell, c. 1510. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editio…
Flag bearer from the canton of Argovie, c. 1805. Color engraving from 1943, published by Editions…