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Baltasar de Alcázar (1530-1606). Spanish poet. Portrait in the 'Libro de descripción de verdadero…
Fernando de Herrera 'El Divino' (1534-1597), Spanish poet. 'Libro de descripción de verdaderos re…
Fray Pedro de Valderrama (1550-1611), Spanish augustine religious born in Seville. 'Libro de desc…
Juan de Oviedo y de la Bandera (1565-1625), Spanish architect and sculptor born in Seville. Portr…
Juan de Pineda (1558-1637). Spanish jesuit. Author of 'Commentarium in job', in the book 'Libro d…
Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599). Spanish composer, engraving in the book 'Libro de descripción de …
Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (1580-1645), Spanish writer, portrait in the 'Book of description…
Achilles and Hector in the siege of Troy', Achilles, the Greek hero  of 'Iliad'.
 'Giving the land to settlers of Sierra Morena' Carlos III (1717-1788), King of Spain.
Guillermo I de Nasau 'El taciturno' (1533-1584), Prince of Orange, tried to free  Netherlands fro…
San Pedro, one of the Twelve Apostles, the first bishop of Rome, where he died.
Pablo de Céspedes (1538-1608), Spanish Painter and poet, recorded in the collection 'illustrious …
Hugo de Moncada (1478-1528), Spanish general, engraving from the collection 'Illustrious Men'.
Rafael Alberti (1902-1999), Miguel Delibes (1920-2010)), Rosa Chacel (1898-1994) photo 1991.
Rafael Alberti (1902-1999) and Rosa, Chacel (1898-1994), 1991 photo.
Rafael Alberti (1902-1999), 1988 photo.
Rafael Alberti (1902-1999), 1980 photo.
Albert I (1875-1934), King of Belgium, picture of the ilustration of 1910.
Meeting of the Council of Ministers, 1931, chaired by Niceto Alcalá Zamora (1877-1949), president…
Niceto Alcalá Zamora (1877-1949) President of the Second Spanish Republic.
Cover of the novel 'The Hungry Dog' by Ciro Alegria (1909-1967).
Victims of Serbian revolution on 11th of june, 1903,engraving of the Illustration, 1903 with Alex…
Alexander I, Tsar of Russia (1777-1825).
Death of Tsar Alexander III, Nov 1894.  Creator: Gennaro Amato.
Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia (1431-1503) Pope of the Catholic Church.
Battle of Arbela between Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia (356-323 B.C. and Darius king of …
Wedding in Susa', Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia (356-323 B.C.), With Estatira, colored e…
Mateo Alemán (1547-1615), Spanish writer.
Cover of the first part of the work 'Guzman Alfarache' Mateo Alemán, published in 1601.
Satire of suicide for Love', oil Painting by Leonardo Alenza.
Jura de Santa Gadea' Alfonso VI (1040-1109), king of Castile,  swears before El Cid Campeador.
Cantigas de Santa Maria', Alfonso X, the Wise, King Castile-Leon (1221-1284).
Cantigas of Santa Maria' Cantiga I, Alfonso X the Wise (1221-1284).
Cantigas de Santa Maria' Cantiga XXVIII, of Alfonso X the Wise (1221-1284).
Coronation of the Empress Maria by the King Alfonso XI in the monastery of  Huelgas, Alfonso XI K…
Entry in madrid' Alfonso XII, King of Spain (1857-1885).
Attempt terrorist on entering the Palace, 30th of December of 1879 to Alfonso XII, King of Spain …
Bullfight held in Madrid with the assistance of kings' Alfonso XII, King Spain (1857-1885).
Wedding of Alfonso XII with Maria Cristina of Hapsburg, Alfonso XII, King of Spain (1857-1885).
Wedding María de las Mercedes, royal entourage', Alfonso XII, King of Spain (1857-1885), drawing …
Witnessing the parade of troops in the Plaza de Oriente in Madrid', Alfonso XII, King of Spain (1…
Visit of the King to flood victims from Alcantarilla', Alfonso XII, King of Spain (1857 - 1885), …
Wedding María de las Mercedes, the royal carriage in the city of Madrid', Alfonso XII, King of Sp…
Marriage with Maria Mercedes of Orleans and Bourbon', Alfonso XII, King of Spain (1857-1885), eng…
Check the king in the Royal Palace of Madrid', Alfonso XII, King of Spain (1857-1885), engraving …
Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga and Balzola (1806-1826), Basque composer, an image of a copy of the bu…
Attack against Maura in Barcelona' Antonio Maura (1853-1925), Spanish statesman, he was several t…
Cover of the Latin edition printed by Jean Petit in Paris in 1505, 'Libre d'Amic e d'Amat' (Song …
Cover of 'La Dispute d'un Asne contre frere Anselme Turmeda', printed edition in Pamplona (Navarr…
Decretals (Liber sextus decretalium cum Apparatu Ionnis Andreae), copy manuscript on parchment It…
Pontifical from Vic, manuscript on parchment made in the scriptorium of the Cathedral of Vic, fir…
Sacramentary of San Juan de les Abadesas, manuscript on parchment made probably in the scriptoriu…
Drop cap 'D' illuminated with heads of birds and vegetables interlacing in the 'Sacramentary of S…
Drop cap 'C' illuminated with floral motives in the 'Sacramentary of San Juan de las Abadesas', m…
Calendar decorated with motifs of birds and humans heads in different colors, miniature in the 'S…
Drop cap 'C' illuminated with a quadruped and floral motifs in the 'Sacramentary of San Juan de l…
Drop cap 'C' illuminated with two birds and lush floral decoration, manuscript on parchment made?…
De Civitate Dei Libri XXII (City of God), handwritten copy made probably in Avignon (France), 13t…
Elna episcopal Sacramentary, manuscript on parchment made?? probably in the scriptorium of the Ca…
Roman Pontifical of Vic, manuscript on parchment made probably in the scriptorium of the Cathedra…