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Engraving in an episode of Don Quixote, in 'El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha' (The I…
Conference of the Senate in March 1904' Oil by Asterio Mañanos.
Funeral chapel of Queen Maria of Mercedes Orleans at the Royal Palace,' Alejandro Ferrant drawing…
Driving the corpse of Queen Maria of Mercedes Orleans to the North Station' Juan Camba drawing, e…
Triumphal Entry into La Havana by General Arsenio Martinez Campos' (1831-1900), Spanish military,…
Entry of Napoleon in Madrid ', engraving by Jean Charles Pellerin.
Coronation of Tsar Nicholas II at the Cathedral of the Assumption of Moscow' in 1894, engraving f…
Luis Noval Serrano, hero of the Morocco war, 1909.
Coup d'état, entry of the troops of General Pavia in Congress,' Manuel Pavia (1827-1895), engravi…
Coup d'état 1874, exit of diplomatic corps from Congress,' engraving from 'Ilustración española y…
Opening of Parliament by Queen Maria Christina Habsburgo with her son Alphonse' in 1898, drawing …
Happiness of Napoleon or Allegory of hunger,' Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821).
Queen Maria de las Mercedes Orleans receiving last rites' queen of Spain, wife of Alphonse XII, d…
Napoleon in Saint Elena island' Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1815), French emperor.
Chronological table of the Popes from Saint Peter to Leon XIII, lithography.
Auto da fe in Valladolid, religious court created at the request of the Catholic Kings to investi…
Cover of 'Les Multituds', collection of stories, edition printed in Barcelona in 1906, work by th…
Cover of the edition printed in 1499 'Regiment de la Cosa Pública' (Regime of Public Affairs) wit…
Cover of 'Llibre de les dones' (Book of the women) where the Franciscan Eiximenis is depicted wri…
Engraving of a tree in the work 'Arbor Scientiae' (Science Tree) copy printed in Barcelona in 150…
Cover of the second printed edition in Barcelona in 1909 of the work 'L'Escanya Pobre, estudi d'u…
The gentleman Paris, engraving of the incunable 'Paris and Viana', edition printed in Barcelona i…
Slaughter of the friars of San Francisco el Grande accused of poisoning public waters, Madrid Jul…
Attack of the Tagalogs to fort Baler in the Philippines, defended by Spanish troops in June 1899,…
Cover of an album released in memory of the farewell to the Condor Legion, who returned to German…
Revolution of 1868, shipment in Orotava (Canary Islands), in the Vapor Buenaventura of the Genera…
Revolution of 1868, exit of Isabella II and the royal family from their residence to go into exi…
Satirical caricature in allusion to the loss of Puerto Rico published in 'La Flaca', No. 42, Barc…
Satirical caricatures of the situation in Morocco and the Carlist War, 'Tal para Cual', published…
Satirical caricature of the Sagasta Government 'Tirando la oposición da al traste', published in …
Satirical caricature of the government ministers in the kitchen, published in 'La Mosca', No. 32,…
View of a castle, engraving in 'Coplas de Mallorca' (Songs of Majorca), 1398.
Siege of Barcelona in 1714 by the troops of Philip V, negative to the offer of surrender of the c…
Reign of Charles III, infantry that in 1718 took the name of the Regiment from Ultonia with  garr…
Public reading of the proclamation of Isabella II as Queen of Spain under the regency of her mot…
Alonso Perez de Guzman 'El Bueno' (1256 - 1309), Duke of Medina Sidonia and Castilian military go…
Satirical drawing of the governors in Spain. (Zambea de gitanos), published in 'La Carcajada' No.…
Allegorical drawing to religions and freedom of religion, 'Las dos Españas' published in 'La Made…
Caricatures of the Government Ministers, published in 'La Madeja', No. 4, Barcelona 30 January 1875.
Mutiny of the sergeants that force the Regent Maria Cristina to restore the Constitution of Cadiz…
War of the Independence, siege of Zaragoza, Augustine of Aragon firing the cannon at Portillo in …
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212), engraving.
War Chile - Bolivia, naval battle of Iquique, between the Chilean corvette Esmeralda and the Moni…
Execution by firing squad in the moats of the Castle of Montjuic, six anarchists participants in …
Attempt at the exit of a procession in the Church of Santa Maria del Mar in Barcelona in 1896, il…
Brotherhoods of Valencia (1519 - 1523), riots and uprising of the artisan guilds against the nobles.
Morocco Campaign, disaster of Annual (Anoual), July 1921, help column before the bodies of the Sp…
Morocco Campaign, disaster of Annual (Anoual), July 1921, officers before the bodies of the Spani…
Death of the Visigothic king Ataulf by the same Goths in Barcelona in 415, drawing 1900.
Pelayo, Don (- 737), King of Asturias from 718 to 73, battle of Covadonga, Pelayo king's troops d…
Battle of Clavijo (834), legendary battle where the apostle James made an appearance riding a whi…
Expulsion of the Moors by decree of King Philip III during years 1609 and 1610, drawing.
Reapers War (1640 -1652), Catalan secessionist uprising, entry of a group of reapers in the city …
Costumes worn by the Polish nobility in the 17th century, drawing, 1885.
Map of the city of Barcelona during the siege of Philip V in 1714.
Document of 25 duros (Spanish coin) of the A Series of society 'La Navegación Submarina', constit…
Popular romance on the Inquisition, boxwood engraving made in 1860 in Barcelona at Ignacio Estivi…
View of Cadiz with the Town Hall in 1895.
View of the harbor of Cadiz and the railway station in 1895.
A car in the Promenade of Castellterçol village (Barcelona) in the early 20th century, photograph…