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5pages, 252 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Carleton Emmons Watkins"Advanced Search
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River View of the Royal Arches, Yosemite, 1861. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Downeville Butte, 1860s. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Malakoff Diggins, North Bloomfield, Nevada County, 1871. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
The Yosemite Valley from the Mariposa Trail, 1865-1866. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Sugar Loaf Island, Farallons, 1868/1869. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
In the Yosemite Valley, ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Section of Grisly Giant, Mariposa Grove, 1861. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
The Father of the Forest, 112 feet circumference, Calaveras Grove, 1865-66, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Cape Horn, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Islands in the Upper Cascades, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Tooth Bridge, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Castle Rock, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Pompomasos (Leaping Frogs), Three Brothers, 1861. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Cape Horn near Celilo, 1867. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Camp Grove, Near Sentinel, 1861, Yosemite. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
The Town on the Hill, New Almaden, 1863. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
View on the Columbia, Cascades, 1867. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Devil's Canyon, Geysers, Looking Down, 1868-70. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Mammoth Three Grove Hotel Calaveras Co Cal., ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Hutchings Hotel, Yosemite, ca. 1872, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Hot Sulphur Springs, Santa Barbara, 1876, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Cape Horn, Columbia River, Oregon, 1867. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Cathedral Towers, 1861. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Outline View of the Half Dome, 4967 Feet, 1861. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Multnomah Falls Cascade, Columbia River, 1867. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Section of the Grizzly Giant with Galen Clark, Mariposa Grove, Yosemite, 1865-66, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Multnomah Falls, Oregon, 1867, printed later. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Section of the Grizzly Giant with Galen Clark, Mariposa Grove, Yosemite, 1865-66. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Vernal Fall, Yosemite, 1865-66, printed ca. 1875. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
El Capitan, Yosemite, 1865-66. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Yosemite Falls from Glacier Point, 1865-66, printed ca. 1875. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Sugar Loaf Islands, Farallons, 1868-69. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
W. C. Bryant - Calaveras Grove, ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Old Dominium and Uncle Tom's Tavern. Calaveras Grove, ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Interior of Pavilion Built on the Stump of the Tree, C. Grove , ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
The Sentinels - Calaveras Grove, ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
None, ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
The Sentinels. C. Grove, ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Auld Reckie. C. Grove, ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
Pioneers Cabin - Calaveras Grove, ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.
[Yosemite National Park, California], ca. 1878. Creator: Carleton Emmons Watkins.