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3pages, 129 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Eugen Poppel"Advanced Search
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Street ascending to the forum, Pompeii, Italy, 1927. Creator: Eugen Poppel.
House of the Vettii, Pompeii, Italy, 1927. Creator: Eugen Poppel.
View of Amalfi, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Marina Grande, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
View of Monte Solaro, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Narrow street, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Part of the colonnade at St Peter's Square, Rome, Italy, c1926 (1927). Artist: Eugen Poppel.
The Arch of Drusus, Rome, c1926 (1927). Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Garden in the Museum of the Baths of Diocletian, Rome, Italy, c1926 (1927). Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Villa Doria Pamphili on the Gianicolo, Rome, Italy, c1926 (1927). Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Moses, sculpture by Michelangelo in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome, Italy, c1926 (1927). Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Nave of the Basilica San Giovanni in the Lateran, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
The Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Forum Romanum with the Arch of Septimius Severus, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
The Colosseum, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Interior of the Colosseum, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Wine-carrier in the Campagna, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
At the back of the Vatican near the Museums and the Mint, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
The Baths of Caracalla, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Piazza del Campidoglio with the statue of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Meeting place of artists' models in front of a church in the Via Babuino, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Arch of Titus, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Gardens of the Villa d'Este near Tivoli, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
The Via Appia (Appian Way), Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Cloisters in the museum of the Baths of Diocletian, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Part of the colonnade at St Peter's Square, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Piazza del Popolo and the Pincian Hill, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Castel Sant' Angelo, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Garden in the Museum of the Baths of Diocletian, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine in the Forum Romanum, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Forum of Trajan, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Entrance of the Vatican from St Peter's Square, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Gardens of the Vatican and dome of St Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Interior of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli on the Capitoline Hill, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Spanish Steps and Trinita dei Monti Church, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Borgo Santa Lucia, Naples, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Port of Naples, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Sailing boat in the harbour of Naples, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Street in the suburbs, Naples, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Castel dell'Ovo, Naples, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Fishermen putting to sea, Naples, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Cloisters in the Monastery of San Martino, near Naples, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Pompeii, Italy, 1927. Creator: Eugen Poppel.
Street between ruins, Pompeii, Italy, 1927. Creator: Eugen Poppel.
View of the forum with Mount Vesuvius in the distance, Pompeii, Italy, 1927. Creator: Eugen Poppel.
View from the hotel, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Marina Grande, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Church on the shore, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Marina Piccola with fowler's nets, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
View of the sea with Monte Solaro, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
View of Capri with Monte Tiberio, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Water-bearer, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Street of Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
House on the Marina Grande, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Marina Grande, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
The Faraglioni, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Pergola in a vineyard, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Tarantella, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Procession, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti, Palermo, Sicily, Italy, 1927.  Artist: Eugen Poppel.