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2pages, 65 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard"Advanced Search
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The Grand Review of the Juste-Milieu Passing La Caricature, October 30, 1832 (Gran..., October 1832. Creators: Auguste Raffet, Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard.
Dantanorama Museum, 1835. Creators: Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard, Lependry, Charles Ramelet.
Children, Obey Me, Do Not Play With Those Weapons, April 1834. Creators: Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard, Auguste Desperret.
The People Delivered to the Vampire Taxes, May 1833. Creators: Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard, Auguste Raffet.
'Another world. Transformations, visions, incarnations, ascensions, locomotions…, metamorphoses…, ap Artist: Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard.