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The Second Yamashita Kinsaku as a Woman Standing at Night, ca. 1779. Creator: Shunsho.
The Third Sawamura Sojuro in the Role of Soga no Juro, ca. 1779. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Riko as an Oiran Tying Her Obi, ca. 1779. Creator: Shunsho.
The Third Segawa Kikunojo as a Woman Standing in a Room Having a Wave-pattern Dado, ca. 1779. Creator: Shunsho.
Ichikawa Danjuro V in a Shibaraku Role, ca. 1779. Creator: Shunsho.
The Fourth Iwai Hanshiro as a Woman, ca. 1779. Creator: Shunsho.
The Fourth Matsumoto Koshiro as an Outlaw Looking at a Wooden Ninsogaki, ca. 1779-83. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo in the Role of Kan Shojo, ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Iwai Hanshiro IV as a Woman in a Black Kimono, ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The actor Nakamura Nakazo as a rokuju-rokubu (pilgrim to Buddhist temple), ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
Nakamura Nakazo I, ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
Iwai Hanshiro IV, ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
An Unidentified Actor in the Onna (Woman) Shibaraku (Wait-a-Moment) Act, ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The actor Nakamura Nakazo as a rokuju-rokubu (pilgrim to Buddhist temple), ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo Third as an Oiran, ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Riko, as a Courtesan with a Sword, ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ishikawa Danjuro V Performing a Shibaroku Act with a Drawn Sword in His Hand..., ca. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Onoe Matsusuke in Shibaraku in Deep Red Robes, ca. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo in Shibaraku in Dark Green Robes, ca. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The First Nakamura Nakazo as a Man of High Rank Attired in Naga-Bakama, ca. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Fourth Matsumoto Koshiro as a Samurai, ca. 1782. Creator: Shunsho.
The Third Ichikawa Yaozo as a Daimyo Standing Under a Maple Tree, ca. 1783. Creator: Shunsho.
Woman on Veranda, Spinning..., 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
The Fifth Ichikawa Danjuro as a Samurai Attired in Ceremonial Kamishimo, probably 1774. Creator: Shunsho.
The Second Ichikawa Monnosuke as an Unarmed Man, probably 1778. Creator: Shunsho.
Chuban of the Chushingura Drama, late 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Sakata Hangoro II and the Actor Matsumoto Koshiro IV, late 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Ichimura Uzaemon and Arashi Sangoro, ca. 1773. Creator: Shunsho.
Ichikawa Danjuro Fifth as a Komuso Holding a Basket-Hat in His Right Hand, ca. 1775. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Otani Hiroji III and the Actor Onoe Kikugoro I, ca. 1778. Creators: Shunsho, Otani Hiroemon.
The Actor Onoye Matsusuke with Sword Held Above His Head with Both Hands, ca. 1778. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Bando Mitsugoro as a Man in Sumptuous Raiment, Standing in a Field..., ca. 1778. Creator: Shunsho.
The Fifth Ichikawa Danjuro as a Man Standing in a Room, ca. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
Kabuki Actors Osagawa Tsuneyo II and Ichikawa Danjuro V, ca. 1780s. Creator: Shunsho.
Seven women walking near a football court, Edo period, mid-late 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
A girl playing battledore and shuttlecock, Edo period, 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Two peasant girls beating cloth outside a house, Edo period, 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Two women under a willow tree, 1726-1792. Creator: Shunsho.
Woman, a baby and a young girl, 1726-1868. Creator: Shunsho.
Woman near a fenced-off flowering garden, late 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
A Girl and a man walking in the snow, mid 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Woman under a Willow Tree, 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Courtesan and Attendants, late 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Young Woman with a Book, mid-18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Courtesan of Eguchi (Eguchi no kimi), Painting:1770-80; inscription: 1820s-1830s. Creator: Shunsho.
Beauty with Butterflies, 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Courtesan and Her Attendant, 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Woman in a Black Kimono, 1783-89. Creator: Shunsho.
Inro depicting the courtesan Morokoshi of Echizen-ya writing a letter, 19th century. Artist: Shunsho.
'Actors as Sumurai', 18th century. Artist: Shunshô