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2534pages, 152,040 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Unknown"Advanced Search
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Head of Minerva, A.D. 1-50. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Venus on Round Base, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Venus and Cupid (Venus Genetrix type), 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Seated Isis with Infant Harpokrates, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Pluto, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Bacchus, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Hermes or Perseus, 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Hygieia, A.D. 1-100. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Artemis (Colonna type), 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Venus Chastising Cupid, 100-1 B.C. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Venus (the Mazarin Venus), 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of a Crouching Venus, A.D. 100-150. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of a Seated Cybele with the Portrait Head of her Priestess, about A.D. 50. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Apollo (Belvedere type), late 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of a Muse, about A.D. 200. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of a Muse, about A.D. 200. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Aphrodite (Venus Genetrix Type), 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Silvanus, 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Salus, A.D. 200-250. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Hercules, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Applique of a Head of Dionysos, 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Furniture Support Shaped as a Hanging Marsyas, A.D. 100-200. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Venus (Venus de Clercq), A.D. 175-200. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Venus (Crouching Aphrodite type), 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Satyr (Resting Satyr type), A.D. 130-180. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Satyr, A.D. 50-150. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Venus, about A.D. 100. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Silenus, 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Man (Ares Ludovisi type), 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Seated Hercules, 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Artemis of Ephesus, 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of a Goddess, probably Ceres or Juno, A.D. 50-75. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Aphrodite (Venus Genetrix type), 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Two Heads of Sea Monsters, perhaps late 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait Head of a Boy as Mercury, second half of 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Mercury, late 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Head from the Statue of the Young Bacchus, first half of 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Hercules, A.D. 100-199. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Apollo (Lykeios-Cyrene type), 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of a Seated Cupid, first half of 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Medusa, early 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Grave Relief of Agrippina, about A.D. 150. Creator: Unknown.
Mask from a Cavalry Helmet, A.D. 75-125. Creator: Unknown.
Double-Sided Relief with Theater Masks, mid-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Funerary Relief of a Man, first half of 3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Furniture Support with Satyr Playing Pipes, 80 B.C.-A.D. 125. Creator: Unknown.
Funerary Relief with Busts of Popillius and Calpurnia, A.D. 1-20. Creator: Unknown.
Grave Stele For Helena, A.D. 150-200. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Statuette of Zeus with Apollo and Tyche, about A.D. 200. Creator: Unknown.
Pair of Architectural Reliefs with Elephants, A.D. 80-100. Creator: Unknown.
Roundel, 2nd-3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Sarcophagus with lid and 4 unjoined fragments, A.D. 180-220. Creator: Unknown.
Sarcophagus representing a Dionysiac Vintage Festival, A.D. 290-300. Creator: Unknown.
Fragmentary Sarcophagus with the Muses, mid-3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Kline Monument with a Reclining Girl, A.D. 120-140. Creator: Unknown.
Front of a Sarcophagus with the Myth of Endymion, about A.D. 210. Creator: Unknown.
Eagle, A.D. 100-200. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Veiled Woman, A.D. 160-190. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait Bust of a Man, A.D. 140-160. Creator: Unknown.
Double-Sided Relief with Theater Masks, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.