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Game of the Goose, ca. 1900-1910., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Game of the Goose, with the rules printed in the center, ca. 1900-1910., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Gran marcha triunfal : coro general - Francisco I. Madero and Emiliano Zapata, ca. 1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
In proof of true love, a watercarrier skeleton arguing with a woman (Posada); two..., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Indulgence with an image of St Peter watching over two pilgrims, ca. 1900-1910., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Execution of Jesus Bruno Martinez, 1892., 1892. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Firefighters putting out a fire in a house, firetruck in foreground, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Forty-two guesses, ca. 1900-1910., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Cupid's Skeleton, ca. 1900-1910., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Demons troubling a sick man in bed, illustration for 'El Brujo Verde (The Green M..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A broadsheet with a popular song 'La China' on the recto, on the verso the dance ..., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A clown standing with one hand on his hip and an elephant peering out from behind..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A couple dancing while a band plays music in the background, illustration for 'La Tipica,'..., 1894. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A demon breathing fire and people running around in the foreground, illustration ..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A demon holding a young boy by his shoulders over a group of vultures, illustrati..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A female saint standing with a cavalier and surrounded by angels and skeletons, ca..., ca 1890-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A female soldier standing, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A gasping woman on the ground with her hands raised to her head, from a broadside entitled..., 1893. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A girl with two faces, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A group of holy men holding candles around a bier with a prelate, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A group of men with weapons issuing a cry for independence, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A group of people surrounding a horse, illustration for 'El Veterinario (The Vete..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A group of prisoners performing labor by the sea, from a broadside entitled "Ultimas notic..., 1892. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A gypsy, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man and woman speaking on the street, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man being thrown to the sharks, from a broadside entitled 'Triste Fin de Gerard..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man bending down to look at a woman with a sign on her back, illustration for '..., ca. 1890. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man grabbing a woman by her sleeve and stabbing her, from a broadside entitled 'The murd..., 1891. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man holding up a piece of fabric with an image of the Virgin, illustration for ..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man leaning over the side of a bed vomiting, from a broadside entitled 'Death of Aurelio..., 1892. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man raising his glass with a group of men sitting at a table in the background,..., ca. 1890-1899. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man shrugging his shoulders towering over buildings and people..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man sitting on a bed being poked with a broom by someone under the bed, illustr..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man stabbing another man in the chest while his associates loot a store, from a..., ca. 1890-1891. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man with a gun standing over a woman he has just shot, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man with weapons and a pipe in his mouth flanked by two skeletons, illustration..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A print shop with a printer handing something to a gentleman..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A revolutionary holding a rifle and kneeling to protect a fallen revolutionary, c..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A revolutionary soldier on horseback with a rifle (Heraclio Bernal), ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A rooster, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A skeleton covered with a sheet crying in a cemetery, from a broadside entitled '..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A skeleton holding a bone and leaping over a pile of skulls while people flee, fr..., ca. 1907. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A skeleton painting and another skeleton holding a bottle of liquor, from a broad..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A skeleton wearing a cape speaking to a frightened man with a cane and backpack, ..., ca. 1890-1899. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A sorceress pointing her wand at a crocodile while royal figures watch, illustrat..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A vendor selling toys, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A woman and a man standing on a balcony looking up at a flying monster in the sky..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A woman crying with a handkerchief in her hand talking to an old hag, illustratio..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A woman dancing with a cat in a suit, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A woman discovering a man who has committed suicide by hanging himself from a bal..., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A woman holding a pan and ladle with other women and cooking supplies in the back..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A woman looking over a man's shoulder at the letter in his hand, illustration for..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Amador Salazar, ca. 1880-1910., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
An old man with spectacles and one hand behind his back painting on a wooden bloc..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
An uncut sheet printed on both sides with pages and illustrations..., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
An uncut sheet printed on both sides with pages pages and illustrations..., ca. 1900-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Broadsheet about a thief named Ignacio Parra, who is shown on horseback h..., ca. 1900-1913. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Broadsheet celebrating one of the founders of the Mexican Revolution, Francisco Madero..., ca. 1911. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Broadsheet celebrating one of the founders of the Mexican Revolution, Francisco Madero..., ca. 1911. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
Broadsheet featuring three love ballads with vignettes showing a woman reading..., 1918 (published). Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.