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Gundestrup Cauldron, Celtic God holding two men, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Gundestrup Cauldron, Celtic God holding two men, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Gundestrup Cauldron, Celtic Goddess with eagles, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Gundestrup Cauldron, Celtic Goddess with elephants, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail from Gundestrup Cauldron, showing Warriors and horsemen, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail from Gundestrup Cauldron, showing a procession with trumpets, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail from Gundestrup Cauldron, showing a Celtic sacrifice scene, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail from Gundestrup Cauldron, showing a Celtic bull sacrifice, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of Gundestrup Cauldron, Celtic horned God Cernunnos, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of Gundestrup Cauldron, Celtic God Taranis, Danish, c100 BC. Artist: Unknown
Floor mosaic showing Europa riding a bull, Lullingstone Roman Villa, Kent. Artist: Unknown
Detail of Floor mosaic showing Europa riding a bull, Lullingstone Roman Villa, Kent. Artist: Unknown
Christian wallpainting, Lullingstone Roman Villa, Kent, c350. Artist: Unknown
Cupid on Dolphin mosaic, Fishbourne Roman Villa, Sussex. Artist: Unknown
Seahorse and Cupid on Dolphin mosaic, Fishbourne Roman Villa, Sussex. Artist: Unknown
Norse chessmen, from a Viking hoard, Isle of Lewis, Scotland. Artist: Unknown
Detail from a neck-yoke for horses, Sollested, Funen, Denmark, 10th century. Artist: Unknown
Hoard of silver & Arab coins from a Viking grave, Sweden, 10th century. Artist: Unknown
Norse chessman (Warder:Castle:Rook), Isle of Lewis, Scotland. Artist: Unknown
Hoard of silver & Arab coins from a Viking grave, Sweden, 10th century. Artist: Unknown
A Pompeii street with Vesuvius in the distance, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
A street and houses, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Road leading to Arch of Caligula with Vesuvius beyond, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Road leading to Arch of Caligula with Vesuvius beyond, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Arch of Caligula with Vesuvius beyond, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
The Capitol from the Forum with Vesuvius beyond, Pompeii, Italy.  Creator: Unknown.
Columns of the Colonnade round the Forumdanc, Pompeii, Italy.  Creator: Unknown.
Columns of the Colonnade round the Forumdanc, Pompeii, Italy.  Creator: Unknown.
Columns of the Colonnade round the Forum, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Doorway of the Building of Eumachia in the Forum, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Decoration on the jamb of the dooway of the Building of Eumachia in the Forum, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Colomns of the colonnade round the Forum, Pompeii, Italy.  Creator: Unknown.
Sacrifice of an ox, Temple of Vespasian, Pompeii, Italy, 1st century.  Creator: Unknown.
Street of the Tombs on the edge of Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Wine-press in a house in Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Mercury on a fountain in a street, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Plaster Cast of a victim of the eruption of Vesuvius at Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
The House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Roman houses of Herculaneum with the modern houses of Ercolano above, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Roman huses of Herculaneum with the modern houses of Ercolano above, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Courtyard at the Roman Villa, the House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Courtyard at the Roman Villa, the House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Garden in the courtyard of the Roman Villa, the House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
A Roman snack-bar, Herculaneum, Italy, 1st century. Artist: Unknown
View down Cardo IV (street) from the balcony of the Casa a Graticcio, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Casa a Graticcio, Herculaneum, Italy: facade of the Roman house. Artist: Unknown
Paved street in the Roman town of Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Buildings of Herculaneum with houses of the modern town of Ercolano above, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Buildings of Herculaneum with houses of the modern town of Ercolano above, Italy. Artist: Unknown
A Roman snack-bar, Herculaneum, Italy, 1st century. Artist: Unknown
A Roman snack-bar, Herculaneum, Italy, 1st century. Artist: Unknown
The Shrine of the Augustales (dedicated to deified emperors including Augustus), Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
The Shrine of the Augustales, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Wall decoration in a house in the Roman town of Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Roman mosaic of Neptune and Amphitrite, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Interior garden-room in the House of Neptune, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
Interior garden-room in the House of Neptune, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
The House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy. Artist: Unknown
House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy; garden of the Roman villa. Artist: Unknown
House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy; interior of the Roman villa. Artist: Unknown