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'Major-General Sir A. Alison', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Sir Frederick Roberts', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Street in Suez', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Citadel in Cairo, from the Nile', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'The Indian Contingent - The Thirteenth Bengal Lancers', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Lieutenant Henry Gribble, 3rd Dragoon Guards', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Second Battle of Kassassin (September 9): Capture of Two Krup Guns by the Royyal Marines', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Wells of Moses, Near Suez', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Professor Palmer', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Colonel Goodenough, Commanding the Royal Artillery', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Colonel Nugent, Commanding the Royal Engineers', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Plan of the Battle of Tel-El-Kebir, (September 13, 1882)', c1882. Creator: Unknown.
'The Highland Brigade Storming The Trenches at Tel-El-Kebir', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Lieutenant Wyatt Rawson', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Lancers Returning from a Foray', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Swazi Scout', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Sir Garnet Wolseley's Camp at Ulundi: Zulus Coming In To Give Up Their Arms', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Plan of the ground where Cetewayo was captured', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Major Marter', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Major Marter and his men guarding Cetewayo in the native Kraal', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'General Gordon', c1880. Artist: Adams and Scanlan.
'Memorial stone on the spot where Prince Louis Napoleon was killed', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Sketch Map of Sekukuni's Country', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Sekukuni', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Bovane, the Swazi Commander-in-Chief', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Storming of Sekukuni's Stronghold: Sir Garnet Wolseley cheering on the Swazies', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Heidelberg', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Map of the Country between Newcastle and the Transvaal', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'General Graham', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'General Anstruther', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Map of the Theatre of War in the Transvaal', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'View near Pretoria', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Plan of the Battle of Laing's Nek (January 28, 1881)', c1880s. Artist: Unknown.
'Colonel Deane', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Covering the retreat of the fifty-eighth regiment after the Battle of Laing's Nek', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Plan of the Action on the Ingogo, (February 8, 1881)', c1880s. Artist: Unknown.
'S. J. Paul Kruger, President of the South African Republic', c1880s. Artist: Sweeton Tilly.
'Plan of the March to Majuba Hill, (February 26, 1881)', c1880s. Artist: Unknown.
'Sir George Pomeroy Colley', c1880. Creator: Unknown.
'Plan of the Summit of Majuba Hill, (February 27, 1881)', c1880s. Artist: Unknown.
'Sir George Colley at Majuba Hill', c1881. Artist: Unknown.
'P. J. Joubert, Commandant-General of the Boer Forces', c1881. Artist: Unknown.
'Sir Donald Stewart', c1880s. Artist: Unknown.
'President Kruger's Country House', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Market Street, Pretoria', c1880s. Artist: Unknown.
'Mr. J. H. Brand, President of the Orange Free State', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'The Artillery of the South African Republic', c1880s. Artist: Unknown.
'Church Square, Pretoria', c1880s. Artist: Unknown.
'Tewfik, Khedive of Egypt', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'The Old Harbour, Alexandria', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'Plan of the Bombardment of Alexandria, (July 11, 1882)', c1882. Artist: Unknown.
'The Bombardment of Alexandria', 1882, (c1882-85). Artist: Unknown.
'Sir Evelyn Wood', c1882-85. Artist: Unknown.
'Admiral Seymour (afterwards Lord Alcester)', c1882-85. Artist: Unknown.
'Arabi Pasha', c1882-85. Creator: Unknown.
'The Khedive's Palace at Ras-El-Tin, Alexandria', c1882-85.. Artists: Unknown, B Strassberger.
'Landing Troops at the Khedive's Palace at Alexandria after the Bombardment', 1882, (c1882-1885). Artist: Unknown.
'Arabi Pasha's House, Cairo', c1882-1885. Creator: Unknown.
'Map of the Delta of the Nile, Strategic Points in the Egyptian Campaign, 1882, (c1882-85). Artist: Unknown.
'Lieut.-Gen, Sir John Adye, Chief of the Staff', c1882-1885. Artist: Unknown.