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'The Taj Mahal at Agra', c1895, (1904). Artist: Unknown.
'Kingdom of Alexander the Great', c1901, (1902). Artist: Unknown.
'Ancient Greece', c1901, (1902). Artist: Unknown.
'Babylonia, Assyria and Adjoining Countries', c1902, (1903). Artist: Unknown.
'The Castle of Sendshirli in Northern Syria', c1902, (1903). Artist: Unknown.
'Etruscan Antiquities from Clusium, Vulsinii, Vulci and Caere', 500 BC, (1902). Artist: Unknown.
'Caricatures of Members of the National Conference at Frankfort and of the Prussian Kreuz-Zeitung P Artist: Unknown.
'The Congress of Paris in 1856', 1907. Artist: Auguste Blanchard.
The chief knightly orders of Spain and Portugal, 1791, (1902). Artist: Unknown
Attack of Basque Carlists during the revolt of 1872-1876, (1902). Artist: Unknown
Scenes from Scythian life, (1902).Artist: Kondakow
The Alexander Mosaic, c79 AD, (1902). Creator: Unknown.
Alexander the Great of Macedonia, (1902). Artist: Unknown
Demetrius Poliorcetes, King of Macedonia, (1902). Artist: Unknown
Mithridates the Great, King of Pontus, (1902). Artist: Unknown
Tigranes, King of Armenia, (1902). Artist: Unknown
The Acropolis of Pergamon, 1902.Artist: O Schulz
Jerusalem, from the Mount of Olives, 1902. Artist: Unknown
'Greek antiquities of the Mycenean and Homeric ages', (1902). Artist: Unknown
Map of Ancient Greece, 1902. Artist: Unknown
Remains of the Servian wall near the railway station, Rome, 1902. Artist: Unknown
Pompeius Magnus, Roman military and political leader, (1902). Artist: Unknown
Julius Caesar, (1902). Artist: Unknown
Tiberius Caesar, (1902). Artist: Unknown
Emperor Caesar Augustus, (1902). Artist: Unknown
South and west sides of the Forum, Rome, (1902).Artist: C Hulsen
North and east sides of the Forum, Rome, (1902). Artist: C Hulsen
Remains of the house of the banker Lucius Caecilius Iucundus, Pompeii, (1902). Creator: Unknown.
Map of the Roman Empire, 2nd century AD, (1902). Artist: Unknown
The Alhambra, Granada, Spain, 1902. Artist: Daudet
King Arthur, 16th century, (1903). Artist: Unknown
Theodoric, King of the Ostrogoths, 16th century, (1903). Artist: Unknown
The Flagellants at Doornik in 1349, (1903). Artist: Unknown
Antonio Jose de Sucre, 19th century South American independence leader, (1901). Artist: Unknown
San Francisco in November, 1848, 1858 and the end of the 19th century, (1901). Artist: Unknown
Maps to illustrate the history of America, 1901. Artist: Unknown
Native American archaeological sites, USA, 1901. Artist: Unknown
Cliff Palace in Cliff Palace Canyon, southwest Colorado, USA, 1901. Artist: Unknown
A page from the Dresden codex, Maya manuscript, 1901. Artist: Unknown
A victim before the Maya god Kukulkan, 1901. Artist: Unknown
A page from the Vienna manuscript of Zapothec origin, 1901. Artist: Unknown
Ruins of the pyramid steps of Xochicalco, Mexico, 1901. Artist: Unknown
Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli, 15th century Italian cosmographer and mathematician, (1901). Artist: Unknown
Christopher Columbus, Genoese navigator and explorer, (1901). Artist: Unknown
The landing of Christopher Columbus on Hispaniola, 1901. Artist: Unknown
Arx Carolina, the ancient fortified settlement at Charleston, South Carolina, c1673 (1901). Artist: Unknown
George Washington, American revolutionary leader and first President of the USA, 1783 (1901). Artist: Unknown
The heroes of South American independence, (1901). Artist: Unknown
Simon Bolivar, 19th century South American revolutionary leader, (1901). Artist: Unknown
Jose de San Martin, 19th century Argentine general and independence leader, (1901). Artist: Unknown
Manuel Belgrano, 19th century Argentine economist, lawyer, politician and military leader, (1901). Artist: Unknown