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Two Arabs riding camels in the Sahara Desert, Africa, 1936.Artist: Fox Photos
Visored mask of highland people, Africa, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
Boy dancers dressed as girls, the Yafouba tribe, West Africa, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
A Yafouba tribesman juggles with a girl, Ivory Coast, West Africa, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
A man and a boy from the Ashanti people, Ghana, Africa, 1936.Artist: LNA Images
Royal bodyguard in ancient armour, northern Nigeria, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
A South African tribesman smoking, 1936.Artist: South African Railways
Bandsmen of the Northern Rhodesia Regiment beat a military tattoo, Zimbabwe, Africa, 1936.Artist: LNA Images
Two witch-doctors, Tanganyika (Tanzania), Africa, 1936.Artist: GPA
A Kikuyu warrior, Kenya, 1936.Artist: Martin Johnson
A Masai warrior, Africa, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
A Turkana tribesman, Kenya, Africa, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
A witch-doctor, Uganda, Africa, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
Desert warrior of Africa, 1936.Artist: Fox Photos
Craftsmen, Cairo, Egypt, Africa, 1936.Artist: Donald McLeish
A chieftain prince of Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Africa, 1936. Creator: Daily Herald.
Tapping for maple syrup, Canada, 1936.Artist: Canadian Government
Hindu cow with sacred cow, India, 1936. Artist: Unknown
Sesame mill painted in honour of a Hindu goddess, India, 1936. Artist: Ewing Galloway
Porters in Tibet, 1936. Artist: Fox
Masked dancers, Tibet, 1936.Artist: Ewing Galloway
Afghan tribesman, 1936.Artist: Fox
Youthful devotee of the great Buddha, 1936.Artist: Ewing Galloway
Primitive methods in the world's richest tin district, Taiping, China, 1936.Artist: Ewing Galloway
Pygmy tree dweller using a blow-gun, Malaya, 1936.Artist: Malayan Information Agency
A huntsman stringing his bow, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
Swallowing canes in a ceremonial ritual, New Guinea, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
Painted warriors, Papua, New Guinea, 1936.Artist: Sport & General
Goblin masks and visors worn as beauty aids, Papua, New Guinea, 1936.Artist: Fox Photos
A portrait of mandarins, China, 1936.Artist: Fox Photos
A man eating, Mukden (Shenyang), China, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
Printing election posters in Japan, 1936.Artist: Fox Photos