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9pages, 534 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Napoleon Bonaparte I"Advanced Search
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'The Fourteenth of the Line at Eylau', February 1807, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'The Fourteenth of the Line at Eylau', February 1807, (1896).  Artist: Unknown.
'Frederick William III - King of Prussia', c1814-1816, (1896). Creator: T Johnson.
Vive L'Empereur!, 1807, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Bonaparte During His Later Service at Valence', c1785-1789, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'The Drummers of the Republic', 1896. Artist: Unknown.
'Francis I., Emperor of Austria', c1804, (1896). Artist: M Haider.
'Vice-Admiral François-Paul Brueys D'Aigalliers, c 1790s, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Pius VII', 1805, (1896). Artist: T Johnson.
'Arranging for Masséna's Capitulation at Cornigliano, Near Genoa', 1896. Artist: Unknown.
'The Meeting of Napoleon and Mack', 1805, (1896).  Artist: Unknown.
'Battle of Heilsberg, 10th June 1807', (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Napoleon and Alexander at Tilsit Studying The Map of Europe', 1807, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Joseph Bonaparte - King of Naples, King of Spain, Comte De Survilliers', c1808, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Detail from the Religious Marriage of Napoleon and Maria Louisa', 2 April 1810, (1896).  Artist: JW Evans.
'Marshal Claude-Victor Perrin, Duke of Belluno', 1808, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Field-Marshal Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington', c1810, (1896). Artist: R. G. Tietze.
'Napoleon And Pius VII at Fontainbleau', 1813, (1896). Artist: Peter Aitken.
'Alexander I, Emperor of Russia', c1800, (1896). Artist: Francesco Vendramini.
'Maria Louisa and the King of Rome', 1812, (1896). Artist: Charles J. State.
'Arresting Deserters', 1896. Artist: Unknown.
'Jacques-Alexandre-Bernard Law, Marquis of Lauriston', c1810, (1896). Artist: T Johnson.
'Napoleon in 1813', (1896). Artist: T Johnson.
'Marshal Édouard-Adolphe-Casimir-Joseph Mortier, Duke of Treviso', c1810, (1896). Artist: Ernst Heinemann.
'Count Maximilien-Sébastien Foy', 1826, (1896). Artist: Gustave Kruell.
'Officer of the Mounted Chasseurs Charging. (Imperial Guard)', c1812, (1896).  Creator: Unknown.
'Gebhard Leberecht Von Blücher, Prince of Wahlstadt', c1815-1819, (1896). Artist: Gustave Kruell.
'Marshal Emmanuel, Marquis De Grouchy', c1834, (1896). Artist: Henry Wolf.
'Campaign of 1815. June 15th to 19th', (1896).  Artist: Unknown.
'Marie-Laetitia Ramolino Bonaparte - Mother of Napoleon I', c1800-1804, (1896). Artist: T Johnson.
'Marshal Nicolas-Jean-De-Dieu Soult - Duke of Dalmatia', c1810, (1896). Artist: T Johnson.
'Napoleon and His Staff Surprised By Cossacks', 1812, (1896).  Artist: Unknown.
'Marshal Jean-Baptiste-Jules Bernadotte...', 1804, (1896). Artist: T Johnson.
'Napoleon and the Old Guard Before Waterloo', 1815, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Marshal Nicolas-Charles Oudinot, Duke of Reggio', 1811, (1896). Artist: Henry Wolf.
'Marshal Josef Anton, Prince Poniatowski', c1800, (1896). Artist: Charles J. State.
'The French Army Leaving Leipsic', 1813, (1896).  Artist: Unknown.
'Napoleon and His Staff', 1896. Artist: Unknown.
'The Battle of Hanau, October 30, 1813', (1896). Creator: Unknown.
'Waterloo', 1815, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Sir Thomas Picton', c1810, (1896). Artist: RA Muller.
'The Ravine at Waterloo', 1815, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Francois-Joseph Lefebvre - Duke of Dantzic', c1806, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Battle of Friedland, 14 June 1807', (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Napoleon Decorating The Russian Grenadier at Tilsitt', 1807, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'The Gorgeous Drum-Majors', 1896. Artist: Unknown.
'The Incident of the Rose', 1896. Artist: Unknown.
'Meeting of Napoleon and Tolstoi in Paris, 1807', (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Napoleon in His Study', c1800, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Jean-Andoche Junot - Duke of Abrantes', c1805-1813, (1896). Artist: T Johnson.
'The Burning of a Palace of Godoy By The Populace at Madrid', 1896. Artist: Unknown.
'The Capitulation of Baylen', 1808, (1896).  Artist: Unknown.
'Charles and Ferdinand at Bayonne', 1808, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Louis Bonaparte - King of Holland, Count of Saint-Leu', c1806, (1896). Artist: William Miller.
'A Day of Review Under The Empire, Place Du Carrousel', 1810, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Napoleon at Compiègne', 1896. Artist: Unknown.
'Marshal Louis-Gabriel Suchet - Duke of Albufera', c1800, (1896). Artist: RA Muller.
'The Cantinière of the 26th Regiment Climbing The Rocks at Busaco', 1810, (1896).  Artist: Unknown.
'Napoleon...Reaching The Convent at the Summit of the Guadarrama Mountains', 1808, (1896).  Artist: Unknown.
'Fighting In The Streets of Essling', 1809, (1896).  Artist: Unknown.