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Jupiter and Io, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Pan Pursuing Syrinx, Who Is Changed into a Reed, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Prometheus Forms Man and Animates Him with Fire from Heaven, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Age of Gold, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Age of Bronze, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Age of Iron, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Diana and Her Nymphs Discovering Callisto's Pregnancy, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Salmacis and Hermaphrodite Transformed into a Single Person, published 1615. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Age of Silver, 1599. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Nicolaus van Aelst.
The Age of Iron, 1599. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Nicolaus van Aelst.
Minerva at Envy's Cave, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Cadmus Killing the Serpent, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Semele's Wish, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Juno with the Furies at the Gate of Hell, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Insane Athamas Killing Learchus, While Ino and Melicertes Jump into the Sea, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Perseus Killing Medusa, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Metamorphosis of the Pierides, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Pluto Carrying Proserpina Past the Nymph Cyane, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Apollo Killing Marsyas, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Jason Putting the Dragon to Sleep, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Medea Restoring Aeson's Youth, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Cycnus and Hyrie, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Hercules and Cerberus, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Scylla Watching Minos from the Castle Walls, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Theseus and the Minotaur, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Age of Gold, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Age of Iron, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Flood, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Apollo Killing Python, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Phaeton Before Apollo, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Jupiter and Callisto, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Fall of Icarus, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Myth of Io, c1490. Creator: Bartolomeo di Giovanni.
The Age of Copper, 1599. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Nicolaus van Aelst.
Apollo Killing Coronis, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Mercury Turning Aglauros to Stone, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Cadmus's Men Killed by the Serpent, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Narcissus at the Well, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Thisbe Killing Herself, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Apollo and Leucothoe, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Phineus Attacking Perseus at the Wedding, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Athena with the Muses, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Cupid Shooting His Arrow at Pluto, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Ceres Turning a Boy into a Lizard, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Athena Changing Arachne into a Spider, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Marsyas Playing the Pipes Before Apollo, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Rape of Philomela, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Jason Promises His Hand to Medea, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Medea Destroying Jason's Family and Home, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Cephalus and Aurora, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Giants Attempting to Storm Olympus, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
The Death of Phaeton, published 1606. Creators: Antonio Tempesta, Wilhelm Janson.
Bacchus and Ariadne, 1768. Creator: Louis Jean Francois Lagrenee.
Bacchus and Ariadne, c18th century. Creator: Nicolas Bertin.
Atis and Galathea, 1761. Creator: Pompeo Batoni.
Danaë and the Shower of Gold, c16th century. Creator: Anon.
Actaeon surprises Diana and her companions, 1693. Creator: Willem van Mieris.
Galatea and Acis, 1651. Creator: Adriaen van Nieulandt.
Vertumnus and Pomona, 1613. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Vertumnus and Pomona, 1617. Creator: Jan Tengnagel.