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Hunting with the leopard, 16th century, (1849). Artist: Jean Straden
How to shout and blow horns, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Pope Leo X (1475-1521), 16th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
A nobleman of Provence, France, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Falconers dressing their birds, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Vailets of falconry, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
King Modus teaching the art of falconry, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
How to train a young falcon, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Beliefs and superstitions, 1493 (1849).Artist: A Bisson
Beliefs and popular superstitions, 1493 (1849).Artist: A Bisson
Beliefs and popular superstitions, 1493 (1849).Artist: A Bisson
Papesse Jeanne, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Dream of Childéric, 1849. Artist: Unknown
German knights, 15th century (1849).Artist: Burgmayer
German knight, 15th century (1849).Artist: Burgmayer
A knight's armament, 1849. Artist: Unknown
Single combat subjected to the judgement of God, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
The Judicial Duel, the plaintiff opening his case before the judge, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Single combat, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Single combat, 15th century, (1849).Artist: Burgmayer
A fight to the death, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Jousting in the time of Queen Isabeau, 15th century, (1849). Artist: Unknown
Single combat between Maximilien and a German knight, 15th century (1849).Artist: Burgmayer
Entrance of the lord chief into the site of the tournament, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
The wear and tear of a knight, 1565 (1849).Artist: Jost Ammon
The Emperor Charlemagne (742-814), 1849. Artist: Unknown
Seal of the Four Nations or the Facutly of Arts, 16th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
St Bonaventure, (1221-1274), 15th century, (1849). Artist: Unknown
Fellows of the University of Paris haranguing the Emperor Charles IV (1316-1378) in 1377 (1849). Artist: Unknown
Leiden University, Leiden (Leyden), Netherlands, 1614 (1849). Artist: Unknown
Leiden University public library, Leiden (Leyden), 1614 (1849). Artist: Unknown
University of Oxford, 1849. Artist: Unknown
Vice-chancellor and students of different nationalities at the University of Prague, 1849. Artist: Unknown
How to bathe a new falcon, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Bird piping, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Catching birds, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
The palace, 16th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
The cook, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Butcher, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Baker, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Miller, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost Amman
Winemaker, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Brewer, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Wine making, 13th century (1849).Artist: Thurwanger Freres
Toll bridge, 15th century (1849).Artist: H Moulin
Monnoyeurs et Changeurs, 13th century (1849). Artist: Thurwanger Freres
Merchants, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Professional tradesmen, 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
Brussels town hall, 17th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
A carpenter's apprentice working at a trial piece, 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
A brewery, 15th century (1849).Artist: Franz Kellerhoven
Wholesale dealers, 15th century (1849).Artist: Thurwanger Freres
The ancient Pont aux Changers, Paris, France, c16th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
The market, 15th century (1849).Artist: H Moulin
Tinman, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Thimble makers, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
The manufacture of oil, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Clockmaker, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Hatter, 16th century (1849).Artist: Jost Amman
Paper maker, 16th century, (1849).Artist: Jost Amman