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'Finnesko Fitted with the Ski-Shoes Shown Above', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Oates and Meares at the Blubber-Stove in the Stables', 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Petty Officers Crean and Evans Exercising Their Ponies in the Winter', 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Mount Erebus', c1911, (1913).  Artist: Edward Wilson.
'The Summit of Mount Erebus', c1910-1912, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Dr. Wilson Watching the First Rays of Sunlight Being Recorded', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Iridescent Clouds: Looking North from Cape Evans', 1911, (1913). Artist: Edward Wilson.
'Captain L. E. G. Oates by the Stable Door', 30 August 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Albatross Soaring', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Albatrosses Foraging in the Wake of the 'Terra Nova', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Dr. Wilson and Dr. Atkinson Loading The Harpoon Gun', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Christmas Eve (1910) in the Pack', (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'I Don't Care What Becomes Of Me', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'An Adélie Penguin About To Dive', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Furling Sail in the Pack', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Arch Berg from Within', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Something of a Phenomenon - A Fresh-Water Cascade', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Arch Berg from Without', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Ponting Cinematographs The Bow of the 'Terra Nova'', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Unknown.
'Seals Basking on Newly Formed Pancake Ice Off Cape Evans', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Lieut. Tryggve Gran', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'A Blizzard Approaching Across The Sea Ice', c1910–1913, (1913).  Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Barne Glacier: A Crevasse With A Thin Snow Bridge', c1910–1913, (1913).  Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Lunar Corona', 1911, (1913).  Artist: Edward Wilson.
'Exercising the Ponies', 1911, (1913).  Artist: Edward Wilson.
'Cape Royds, Looking North', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Mr. Ponting Lecturing On Japan', c1910, (1913).  Artist: Unknown.
'Open Water in the Ross Sea', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'In The Pack - A Lead Opening Up', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Great Ice Barrier, Looking East from Cape Crozier', 4 January 1911, (1913). Artist: Edward Wilson.
'Camp in the Cave Under Penelope Point', 1912, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Levick Outside Camp at Penelope Point', 1912, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'The Hut at Cape Adare', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'The Northern Party at Cape Adare', 1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Ice Structure', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Re-Cemented Crevasse', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Crevassed Ice at Entrance to Priestley Glacier', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Crevassed Ice at Entrance to Priestley Glacier', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Inside Door of Igloo by Light of Blubber Lamps', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Levick's Camp Among Crevasses', 1912, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Penguins on Ice-Foot', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'This Penguin Has An Industrious Mate', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'This One Hasn't.', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'A Pair of Adélie Penguins', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'A Proud Mother', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Browning at the Igloo Door', 1912, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'A Weddell Seal Getting On To The Ice', November 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'A Pressure Ridge in the Sea-Ice Running Towards Cape Barne', 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Cave in the Barrier, Cape Crozier, Jan. 4th, 1911', (1913). Artist: Edward Wilson.
'Emperor Penguins', 1911, (1913). Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Emperor Penguins' Eggs from Cape Crozier', 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Frost-Smoke', 1911, 1913. Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Mount Erebus', 1911, (1913). Artist: Edward Wilson.
'Hut Point from Observation Hill', 1911, (1913).  Artist: Edward Wilson.
'Wilson, Bowers, and Cherry-Garrard on Their Return from Cape Crozier', 1 August 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Track of Journey from Cape Evans to Cape Crozier - June 27th to August 1st 1911', (1913). Artist: Unknown.
'The Last Boat Leaves for the Ship', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'A Berg Calving from a Glacier at Cape Crozier', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Face of a Glacier in Victoria Land', c1911, (1913).  Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Dugdale Glacier', c1911, (1913).  Artist: G Murray Levick.