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John Bull Listening to the Quarrels of State Affairs, May 1, 1803., May 1, 1803. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
A Bird's Eye View of Smithfield Market, Taken from the Bear & Ragged Staff, Jan..., January 1, 1811. Creator: J. Bluck.
The Barber's Shop, March 20, 1803., March 20, 1803. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Morning, or, the Man of Taste, May 1, 1803., May 1, 1803. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
How to turn any Horse, Mare, or Gelding; How to Ride genteel & agreeable down Hil..., March 1, 1803. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Death and Bonaparte, The Two Kings of Terror, January 1, 1814., January 1, 1814. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
The Hall Carlton House (Microcosm of London, plate 15), April 1, 1808., April 1, 1808. Creator: J. Bluck.
The Actress' Prayer!!, August 10, 1801., August 10, 1801. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
A Silly, June 26, 1800., June 26, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
A Sulky, June 26, 1800., June 26, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Lieutenant Bowling pleading the cause of young Rory to his Grandfather, May 12, 1800., May 12, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Roderick's Examination at Surgeon's Hall, May 12, 1800., May 12, 1800. Creators: Thomas Rowlandson, Joseph Constantine Stadler.
Captain Bowling introduced to Narcissa, May 12, 1800., May 12, 1800. Creators: Thomas Rowlandson, Joseph Constantine Stadler.
Love in the Gutter, July 8, 1800., July 8, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
St. Stephen's Walbrook, November 1, 1809. Creators: Thomas Rowlandson, Augustus Charles Pugin, J. Bluck.
Admiration (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 20, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Desire (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 20, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Admiration with Astonishment (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Admiration with Astonishment (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions, January-February 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Title Page: Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions, January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Rapture (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Joy with Tranquility (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Joy with Tranquility (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Anger, January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Desire, February 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Veneration (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Laughter (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Horror, January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Terrour or Fright (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Scorn (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Laughter, January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Compassion (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Acute Pain (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Weeping (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Sadness (Le Brun Travested, or Caricatures of the Passions), January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Sadness, January 21, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
A Brace of Public Guardians, July 10, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
The Horse Armoury in the Tower, January 1, 1800. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Hell Hounds Rallying Round the Idol of France, April 8, 1815. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
'The Great Subscription Room at Brooks's, St. James's Street, London', 1808, (1947).  Creators: Thomas Rowlandson, Augustus Charles Pugin.
Caricature of Napoleon, c1814, (1921). Creator: Unknown.
'Napoleon Bonaparte', 1816, (1921).  Creator: Unknown.
'Commandant Schoenecher', 1809.  Creator: Thomas Uwins.
'The Departure', 1813. Creators: Joseph Constantine Stadler, Thomas Rowlandson.
'His Majesty's Cottage, as seen from the Lawn', 1823. Creator: Unknown.
'Patent Landau', 1809. Creator: Unknown.
'Race for the Great St. Leger Stakes, 1836. Approbation - Off in good Style', (1837).  Creator: James Pollard.
'Duck Shooting', 1810. Creator: Samuel Howitt.
Minehead, Somerset, c1816. Artist: Unknown.
'Before the Tribunal at Avignon', 1818, (1821). Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'At the Tomb of Laura', 1821. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'Doctor Syntax & The Bees', 1820. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'Dr Syntax and the Superannuated Fox Hunter', 1820. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'Dr Syntax & The Foundling', 1820. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'Dr Syntax visits a Boarding School for young Ladies', 1820. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'The Visist of Dr Syntax to the Widow Hopefull at York', 1820. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'The Banns Forbidden', 1820. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'Dr. Syntax at the Funeral of His Wife', 1820. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
'Dr Syntax with the Skimmington Riders', 1820. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.