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Scene from "Charles I." at the Lyceum Theatre, 1872. Creator: Unknown.
Male Civilians Walking Through the Foggy Streets of London, 1929. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Charles I, 1649. Creator: Wenceslaus Hollar.
The International Exhibition: "Charles I. and his standard-bearer", in aluminium, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Charles I, King of England, in a Frame with Allegorical Figures and Historical Represent Creator: Anon.
'Charles I', (c1911). Creator: Unknown.
King Charles I of England, 1632-1641. Creator: Anthony van Dyck.
Charles I (1600-1649) when Prince of Wales, 1619-1621. Creators: Hendrick van Steenwijck the Elder, Daniel Mytens, Paulus van Somer.
King Charles I (II?) of England, 1661. Creator: Simon Luttichuys.
Charles I, King of England, 1650?. Creator: Jonas Suyderhoef.
Charles I, King of England. Creator: Lucas Vorsterman.
Family Tree with Portraits of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Elizabeth, James, and Charles. Creator: Unknown.
The Angelic Guards, 1808. Creator: James Barry.
The Execution of King Charles I (Title page: Engelandts Memoriael), 1649. Creator: Joost Hartgerts.
His most Sacred Majesty King Charles the first giving his Royal Orders to his Secretary of..., 1705. Creator: Anon.
Le Cercle De Leurs Magestes Dans La Chambre De Presence: A: S. Iames; illustration from 'H..., 1639. Creator: Anon.
Charles I, King of England, with James, 1st Duke of Hamilton, 1782. Creator: Robert Strange.
Charles the First, n.d. Creator: William Sharp.
The Juxon Medal: Charles I, 1600-1649, King of England 1625 [obverse], 1639. Creator: Nicolas Briot.
Charles I, 1600-1649, King of England 1625 [obverse], 1633. Creator: Nicolas Briot.
Prince Charles, 1600-1649, King of England 1625 [reverse], c. 1625. Creator: Simon de Passe.
Portrait of Charles I and his Family, 17th century.  Creator: Remee van Leemput.
King Charles I, 1770.  Creator: Unknown.
King Charles I, ca. 1658.. Creator: William Faithorne.
Charles I, 1649., 1649. Creator: Wenceslaus Hollar.
Richmond Palace, 1638. Creator: Wenceslaus Hollar.
Charles I and Henrietta Maria, 1641. Creator: Wenceslaus Hollar.
Front page of "Mercurius Civicus: London's Intelligencer", February 1643, (1945).  Creator: Unknown.
'Charles I Dictating Dispatches to Sir Edward Walker', c1650, (1944).  Creator: Unknown.
'Charles I and Speaker Lenthall', c1850, (1947).  Creator: Unknown.
'Charles I', (1600-1649), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
'Charles I.', (1804).  Creator: J Chapman.
'Jeffery Hudson, Aged 30 Years, 18 Inches high. - Dwarf to King Charles the First', 1821. Creator: R Page.
'Charles I demanding the five members in the House of Commons', 1773.  Creator: Charles Grignion.
'The Execution of Charles I. in Whitehall, 30th January 1649', c1930. Creator: Unknown.
'The Interview of Charles I With His Children', 1649, (early-mid 19th century).  Creator: J Rogers.
'Charles The First In The Guard Room', 1649, (mid 19th century).  Creator: J Rogers.
'The Trio of the Stuarts', 1897.  Creator: John Leech.
'His Gracious Majesty Charles I, borrowing money', 1897.  Creator: John Leech.
'Cavalier and Roundhead', 1897. Creator: John Leech.
'Charles I. does not know which way to turn', 1897.  Creator: John Leech.
'A Matter of Business', 1897. Creator: John Leech.
'The Balance of Power', 1897. Creator: John Leech.
'Karl I', (1933).  Creator: Unknown.
'Snuff-Box from Tom's Coffee-House', (1881). Creator: Unknown.
'Portrait of Charles I', c1620-1649, (1928). Artist: John Faber the Elder.
'Charles I', 1935. Artist: Unknown.
Early Modern English Coin, 1644. Artist: Unknown.
'Charles I', 1856. Artist: Alfred Crowquill.
'King Charles I and Prince Charles', 17th century. Artist: Unknown.
'King Charles the First after his retreat from York to Nottingham', c1787. Artist: Unknown.
'King Charles the First in the House of Commons', c1787. Artist: Unknown.
Charles I and the Knights of the Garter in Procession, 1638. Artist: Anthony van Dyck.
'Charles I', 1789. Artist: Unknown.
The Royal Martyrdom, from a ballad of 1648 (1964). Artist: Anon.
The trial of King Charles I, 1649 (1905).  Artist: Unknown.
'Prince Charles',  c17th century, (1904). Artist: Unknown.
Charles I, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 19th century (1894). Artist: Eduard Mandel.
'Charles I. in the Guard-Room', 1886. Artist: Herbert K Bourne.
'Execution of Charles I.', c1649, (1903). Artist: Sebastian Furck.