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2pages, 73 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Saint Catherine"Advanced Search
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The Marriage of St. Catherine. Creator: Carlo Maratti.
The mystic marriage of Saint Catherine, ca. 1550. Creator: Andrea Schiavone.
The mystic marriage of Saint Catherine, ca. 1550. Creator: Andrea Schiavone.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, shortly after 1342. Creator: Pietro Lorenzetti.
Various Studies, chiefly for the Borghese-Beckford St Catherine, early 16th century. Artist: Raphael.
'Saint Catherine of Alexandria with a Donor', c1480. Artist: Bernardino Pinturicchio.
The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine, c1520, (1911). Artist: Bernardino Luini
'The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine', late 1520s. Artist: Parmigianino
'The Holy Family with Saints Catherine, Anne and John the Baptist', c1580-c1582. Artist: Benedetto Caliari
'Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine, Elisabeth and John the Baptist', 1510s.  Artist: Andrea del Sarto
St Catherine, 19th century.Artist: F Knolle
'Mystical Marriage of St Catherine', 1466 (1930).Artist: Benozzo Gozzoli