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Maro Publius Vergelius, 70-19 BC, unknown date. Creator: Anon.
Virgil, 1665-1668. Creator: Girolamo Troppa.
Dante and Vergil in the Underworld;Study after a painting by Delacroix, 1894-1932. Creator: Edvard Weie.
Dante Flees the Wild Beasts and Meets Virgil, 1824. Creator: Bartolomeo Pinelli.
Virgil Suspended in a Basket, copy, 1541/1600. Creator: Unknown.
The Roman Courtesan (The Revenge of the Magician Virgil), c. 1520/1530. Creator: Albrecht Altdorfer.
The Roman Courtesan (The Revenge of the Magician Virgil), c. 1520/1526. Creator: Albrecht Altdorfer.
Two Studies of Virgil, c. 1812 and c. 1825. Creator: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
Virgil Reading the "Aeneid" to Augustus, Octavia, and Livia, 1790/93. Creator: Jean Baptiste Joseph Wicar.
John Milton, Age 21, 1747. Creator: George Vertue.
Dante and Virgil (Dante et Virgile), 1858. Creator: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.
The Circle of the Falsifiers: Dante and Virgil Covering their Noses because of the stench, 1827. Creator: William Blake.
The Circle of the Falsifiers: Dante and Virgil Covering their Noses because of the stench, 1827. Creator: William Blake.
The Circle of the Falsifiers: Dante and Virgil Covering their Noses because of the stench, 1827. Creator: William Blake.
The Circle of the Falsifiers; Dante and Virgil Covering their Noses because of the stench, 1827. Creator: William Blake.
Virgil Suspended in a Basket, c. 1510. Creator: Unknown.
Poet Virgil Suspended in a Basket, 1525. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
The Poet Virgil in a Basket, 1512. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
'By the hair it bore the sever'd member, lantern-wise pendant in hand', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Not more furiously on Menalippus' temples Tydeus gnawed', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'"Take good heed, thy soles do tread not on the heads of thy poor brethren"', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Then seizing on his hinder scalp, I cried: "Name thee, or not a hair shall tarry here"', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
"Wherefore doth fasten yet thy sight below amongst the maim'd and miserable shades?"', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'...all-searching Justice, dooms to punishment the forgers', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Thence issuing we again beheld the stars', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'The crust came drawn from underneath in flakes', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'"This proud one would of his strength against almighty Jove make trial"', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Yet in the abyss, that Lucifer with Judas low ingulfs, lightly he placed us', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'By that hidden way my guide and I did enter, to return to the fair world', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'"That is the ancient soul of wretched Myrrha"', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'He, soon as he saw that I was weeping', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Onward he moved, I close his steps pursued', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Now was the day departing', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'All hope abandon, ye who enter here', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Only so far afflicted, that we live desiring without hope', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'So I beheld united the bright school of him the monarch of sublimest song', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'The stormy blast of hell with restless fury drives the spirits on', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Love brought us to one death: Caina waits the soul, who split our life', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Thy city heap'd with envy to the brim', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Then my guide, his palms expanding on the ground', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Curs'd wolf ! Thy fury inward on thyself prey, and consume thee!', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Now seest thou, son! The souls of those, whom anger overcame', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'To the gate he came, and with his wand touch'd it', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Soon as both embark'd, cutting the waves', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'My teacher sage aware, thrusting him back', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'I could not hear what terms he offer'd them', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'He answer thus return'd: "The arch-heretics are here"', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Mark thou each dire Erynnis', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'He, soon as there I stood at the tomb's foot, ey'd me a space', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'From the profound abyss, behind the lid of a great monument we stood retired', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'And there at point of the disparted ridge lay stretch'd the infamy of Crete', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'One cried from far: "Say to what pain ye come condemn'd"', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'And straight the trunk exclaim'd, "Why pluck'st thou me?"', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Unceasing was the play of wretched hands', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
"Sir! Brunetto! And are ye here?", c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Forthwith that image vile of fraud appear'd'', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
"Why greedily thus bendest more on me?", c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'New terror I conceived at the steep plunge', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Thais is this, the harlot', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'There stood I like the friar, that doth shrive a wretch for murder doom'd', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.