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Arundel Mill and Castle
This is a photo of listed building number 1027926.
, 1846. Creator: David Lucas.
The First Excuse: the Man who Bought a Piece of Land, 1559. Creator: Dirck Volkertsen Coornhert.
The World Carrying Away Knowledge and Love, 1550. Creator: Dirck Volkertsen Coornhert.
The Massacre of the Innocents, c1550. Creator: Dirck Volkertsen Coornhert.
Study of a Male Nude, Unknown date. Creator: Domenico Maggiotto.
Illustration for the 'History of Henry VIII', 1797. Creator: Eberhard Siegfried Henne.
Self-Portrait, 1857. Creator: Edgar Degas.
Polichinelle, 1874. Creator: Edouard Manet.
Mars and Venus (image 2 of 2), 16th century. Creator: Enea Vico.
Flora, c1561. Creator: Enea Vico.
Battle of the Amazons, 1543. Creator: Enea Vico.
Sheet of Animals, 1547. Creators: Enea Vico, Antonio Lafreri.
Portrait of Giovanni de Medici, 1550. Creator: Enea Vico.
Mounted Turks, published 1486. Creator: Erhard Reuwich.
Two Figures, called 'Indians', published 1486. Creator: Erhard Reuwich.
Head of a girl, c1896. Creator: Ernst Klotz.
Old Doorway, Easthampton, 1920. Creator: Frederick Childe Hassam.
Eduoard, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Le Werwolf. Inscription: Les pêcheurs virent dans la dune une fillette nue mordue au cou..., 1867. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Celle qui fait 'Celle qui lit Musset', 1879. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Les Bourgeois, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
La Comédie politique, 1859. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Les Bourgeois, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
A Gheel dans un an, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Portraits, 1857. Creator: Félicien Rops.
En Province - Après les fêtes, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Ostende, 1857. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Les Faillites de Cupidon, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Debine orientale, 1861. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Les Derniers Flamands, 1858. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Le Saut du Pape, 1857. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Victor Prilleux, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Maria Ristori, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Jean Rousseau, 1857. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Ferdinand Marinus, 1857. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Wicart, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Barielle, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Ecchymoses, 1893. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Rimes de joie, 1881. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Printemps, c1882. Creator: Félicien Rops.
La Comédie politique, 1859. Creator: Félicien Rops.
La Grande Femme à la fourrure, assise, 1878. Creator: Félicien Rops.
La Grève - small plate, c1875. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Menu du diner de la Chronique, 1869. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Pallas, 1874. Creator: Félicien Rops.
La Bucheronne, 1874. Creator: Félicien Rops.
L'Oncle Claes et la tante Johanna, 1875. Creator: Félicien Rops.
L'Oracle du Hameau, 1878. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Misanthropie!, 1872. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Garçon brasseur bruxellois, 1876. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Maturité, 1887. Creator: Félicien Rops.
The night, 1895. Creator: Felix Vallotton.
Sacrifice of Cain and Abel, 16th-17th century. Creator: Francesco Allegrini.
Abraham and the Three Angels, c1750. Creator: Francesco Fontebasso.
The Annunciation, c1740. Creator: Francesco Fontebasso.
Baptism of Christ, 1788. Creator: Francesco Rosaspina.
Alexander the Great kneeling before the High Priest of Ammon, between 1530 and 1536. Creator: Francesco Salviati.
Trades Practiced in Bologna, c1640. Creators: Francesco Curti, Agostino Parisini.
Trades Practiced in Bologna, c1640. Creators: Francesco Curti, Agostino Parisini.
Trades Practiced in Bologna, c1640. Creators: Francesco Curti, Agostino Parisini.