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3pages, 166 results in yourPicture Typesearch for"Stone"Advanced Search
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Amulet of a Duck, Egypt, Middle Kingdom (?) (about 2055-1650 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the Goddess Nephthys, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of a Sphinx, Egypt, Middle Kingdom (?) (about 1700 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of a Heart, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of a Papyrus Column, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of a Papyrus Column, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of a Lioness’ Head, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the Goddess Taweret (Thoeris), Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-30 (664-343 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of a Stamp Seal, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasties 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Head of the disciple Ananda, Northern Qi dynasty, 550-577. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Buddha, Northern Qi dynasty, 550-577. Creator: Unknown.
Lateral stretcher from the base of a funerary couch..., Period of Division, Northern Qi dynasty, 550 Creator: Unknown.
Lateral stretcher from the base of a funerary couch..., Period of Division, Northern Qi dynasty, 550 Creator: Unknown.
Frontal from the base of a funerary couch..., Period of Division, Northern Qi dynasty, 550-577. Creator: Unknown.
Buddhist stele, Northern Wei dynasty, dated 511. Creator: Unknown.
Stele with Bodhisattva Maitreya (Mile); reverse with Buddha..., Northern Zhou dynasty, 557-581. Creator: Unknown.
Standing figure (torso) of a bodhisattva (pusa), Tang dynasty, early 8th century. Creator: Unknown.
Lintel possibly showing the Western Paradise of the Buddha Amitabha, Tang dynasty, 8th century. Creator: Unknown.
Fragment of Guanyin of Eleven Heads, Tang dynasty, 703. Creator: Unknown.
Slab in low relief from mortuary chamber..., Eastern Han dynasty, 25-220. Creator: Unknown.
Standing Bodhisattva, Northern Qi dynasty, 550-577. Creator: Unknown.
Head of the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta (Dashizhi), Northern Qi dynasty, 550-577. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Buddha, Period of Division, 550-577. Creator: Unknown.
Durga slaying the Buffalo Demon, Central Javanese Period, 9th century. Creator: Unknown.
Casket with Four Guardian Animals on the inner walls..., Goryeo period, 1197. Creator: Unknown.
Disk, Goryeo period or Five Dynasties-Northern Song period, 10th-11th century. Creator: Unknown.
Torso of a Standing Buddha, Gupta dynasty, 5th century. Creator: Unknown.
Pedestal with Buddha, bodhisattvas, and monks, Sui dynasty, 581-618. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Shijia Buddha (Shakyamuni), Sui dynasty, Dated 582 CE. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Buddha with bodhisattvas (fragment), Sui dynasty, 581-618. Creator: Unknown.
Standing figure of Bodhisattva, Tang dynasty, 8th-9th century. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Luohan, Tang dynasty, ca. 700-750. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Buddha with a standing monk, Tang dynasty, first half 8th century. Creator: Unknown.
Lunette, Tang dynasty, middle 8th century. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Buddhist figure: high octagonal pedestal and perforated..., Tang dynasty, 8th century. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Bodhisattva, Tang dynasty, first half 8th century. Creator: Unknown.
Recumbent ram, Ming dynasty, 1368-1644. Creator: Unknown.
Seated lion, Ming dynasty, 1368-1644. Creator: Unknown.
Seated lion, Ming dynasty or Qing dynasty, 1368-1911. Creator: Unknown.
Square fragment: showing Buddhist procession, Northern Wei dynasty, early 6th century. Creator: Unknown.
Buddhist sculpture, Northern Zhou dynasty, 557-581. Creator: Unknown.
Buddhist sculpture, Northern Zhou dynasty, 557-581. Creator: Unknown.
Buddhist stele, Period of Division, Dated 564 C. E.. Creator: Unknown.
Small stupa, Period of Division, 557-581. Creator: Unknown.
Fragment, showing torso of seated Buddha..., Period of Division, ca. 500. Creator: Unknown.
Buddhist tablet, Period of Division, 535-557. Creator: Unknown.
Buddhist tablet, Period of Division, Dated 574 CE. Creator: Unknown.
Circular plaque with Buddhist trinity on obverse..., Period of Division, Dated 500 CE. Creator: Unknown.
Buddhist tablet, Period of Division, Dated 536 CE. Creator: Unknown.
Buddhist tablet in the form of a miniature shrine, Period of Division, ca. 520. Creator: Unknown.
Small soapstone tablet, with pierced relief of Manjusri on lion, Period of Division, dated 543. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Buddha (fragment), Period of Division, 534-555. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Buddha with bodhisattvas (obverse); Seated Buddha..., (reverse), Period of Division, 548 CE. Creator: Unknown.
Standing bodhisattva, Period of Division, 550-577. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Buddha (Shakyamuni) with bodhisattvas, monks, and lions, Period of Division, 549 CE. Creator: Unknown.
Seated bodhisattva, Period of Division, 550-577. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Buddha (Shakyamuni) with standing monks and bodhisattvas..., Period of Division, 535. Creator: Unknown.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin), Period of Division, 534-550. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Buddha with two bodhisattvas, Period of Division, 557-581. Creator: Unknown.
Buddha (fragment), Period of Division, possibly 386-535. Creator: Unknown.