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1822pages, 109,286 results in yourPicture Typesearch for"portrait"Advanced Search
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Portrait of Elisaveta Alexeevna Golokhvastova (1763-1822), née Yakovleva. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Ivan Alexeevich Yakovlev (1767-1846). Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin (1763-1826), c1813-1820. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Karl Leopold, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1678-1747), 18th century. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Abraham Pavlovich Veselovsky (1685-1783), 1780s. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Prince Yuri Yuryevich Trubetskoi (1668-1739), with the Polish..., 2nd Half of 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of the Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible (1530-1584), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Tsar Boris Feodorovich Godunov of Russia (1552-1605), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of the Tsar Michail I Fyodorovich of Russia (1596-1645), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Princess Anna Leopoldovna (1718-1746), tsar's Ivan VI mother, Second Half of 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Prince Fyodor Yuryevich Romodanovsky (1640-1717), c 1785. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Countess Maria Yuryevna Cherkasskaya (1696-1747), née Countess..., 2nd Half of 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Feodor Alekseyevich Golovin (1650-1706), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Buturlin (1661-1738) , Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Pyotr Andreyevich Tolstoy (1645-1729), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Baron Peter Pavlovich Shafirov (1669-1739), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev (1680-1749), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Andrey Artamonovich Matveev (1666–1728), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Prince Ivan Alexeyevich Dolgorukov (1708-1739), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin (1661-1728), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Prince Mikhail Mikhaylovich Golitsyn (1684-1764), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Prince Nikita Yurievich Trubetskoy (1699-1767), c 1785. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Mikhail Petrovich Bestuzhev-Ryumin (1688-1760), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Grigory Fyodorovich Dolgorukov (1656-1723), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Pavel Ivanovich Yaguzhinsky (1683–1736), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Heinrich Johann Friedrich (Andrei) Ostermann (1687-1747), 2nd Half of 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Baron Ivan Antonovich Cherkasov (1692-1758), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Prince Alexander Grigoryevich Stroganov (1698-1754), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Fyodor Abrahamovich Lopukhin (1697-1757), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Prince Yakov Petrovich Shakhovskoy (1705-1777), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Benigna Gottlieb von Biron (1703-1782), Duchess of Courtland, 2nd Half of 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Count Zakhar Grigoryevich Chernyshev (1722-1784), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of the Poet Theofan Prokopovich (1681-1736), before 1778. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Christian August, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst (1690-1747), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Johanna-Elizabeth, Electress of Anhalt-Zerbst (1712-1760), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Louis Rudolph, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1671-1735), Prince..., 2nd Half of 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Charles Augustus of Holstein-Gottorp (1706-1727), Prince-Bishop..., 2nd Half of 18th cen Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Louise of Mecklenburg-Güstrow (1667-1721), Queen of Denmark..., 2nd Half of 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Queen Maria I of Portugal (1734-1816), after 1777. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of King Peter III of Portugal and the Algarves (1717-1786), after 1777. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Karl Leopold, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1678-1747), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Frederick II of Prussia (1712-1786), Second Half of the 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of King John IV of Portugal (1604-1656), 1640s. Creator: Avelar Rebelo, José de (c. 1600-1657).
Portrait of General Count Jean Rapp (1772-1821). Creator: Badoureau, Jean-François (ca 1789-1822).
Portrait of Margherita Gonzaga (1564-1618), Duchess of Ferrara, c1585-1590 . Creator: Bahuet, Jean (ca 1552-1597).
Portrait of Dmitry Vladimirovich Filosofov (1872-1940), 1897. Creator: Bakst, Léon (1866-1924).
Head of a woman crowned with laurels. Creator: Baldung (Baldung Grien), Hans (1484-1545).
The guitar player, 1888. Creator: Balmer, Wilhelm (1865-1922).
Self-portrait. Creator: Barocci, Federigo (1528-1612).
Portrait of François Laya (1890-1957), c1917-1920. Creator: Barraud, Maurice (1889-1954).
Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Antonia of Tuscany (1814-1898), 1842. Creator: Beaudin, Félicité (1797-1879).
Homer sings in a circle of young Greeks, 19th century. Creator: Becker, Carl Ludwig Friedrich (1820-1900).
Portrait of Louis de Guise, baron d'Ancerville (1588-1631) on horseback, c1613. Creator: Bellange, Jacques (c. 1575-1616).
Self-portrait, c 1497. Creator: Bellini, Gentile (ca. 1429-1507).
Self-portrait, 1665. Creator: Bellotti, Pietro (1625-1700).
Portrait of Crown Prince Otto (1912-2011), as four-year-old heir to the throne in Hungarian..., 1917 Creator: Benczúr, Gyula (1844-1920).
Portrait of Charles "Charlie" Chaplin (1889-1977) . Creator: Bernard, Émile (1868-1941).
Saint Carlo Borromeo , Second Half of the 17th cen. Creator: Bizzozzero, Ottavio (active 1669-1690).
Portrait of the composer Claude Debussy (1862-1918), 1903. Creator: Blanche, Jacques-Émile (1861-1942).
Portrait of Antonio Starabba, Marchese di Rudinì (1839-1908), 1898. Creator: Boldini, Giovanni (1842-1931).