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Stereographic View of Statue of Simon Bolivar by R. de la Cova, Central Park, New York, 1884-98. Creator: Edward Anthony.
Bust of Patroclus, August 9, 1843. Creator: William Henry Fox Talbot.
Bust of Patroclus, August 9, 1843. Creator: William Henry Fox Talbot.
Bust of Patroclus, August 9, 1842. Creator: William Henry Fox Talbot.
Veneration of the Buddha as a Fiery Pillar, late 100s-200s. Creator: Unknown.
Venus and a Satyr , c. 1700. Creator: Ignaz Elhafen (German, 1658-1715).
Venus and Adonis, mid-1700s. Creator: Georg Raphael Donner (Austrian, 1693-1741), follower of.
Venus and Cupid, c. 1840-1850. Creator: Jean-Jacques Feuchère (French, 1807-1852).
Vénus Astarté (Semitic goddess of fertility and love), c. 1900. Creator: Auguste Rodin (French, 1840-1917).
Venus with a Burning Urn, c. 1500-1520. Creator: Unknown.
Venus, c. 1560. Creator: Danese Cattaneo (Italian, 1509-1573).
Vesperbild (Pietà), c. 1420. Creator: Master of Grosslobming (Austrian).
Vesperbild (Pietà), c. 1515-1520. Creator: Master of Rabenden (German).
Vessel Ornament of Banqueter Holding an Omphalos, probably 400-375 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Vessel Ornament of Banqueter, c. 400-375 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Vessel Ornament of Banqueter, probably 400-375 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Vessel Ornament of Banqueter, probably 400-375 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Vessel Ornament of Reclining Flutist, probably 400-375 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Vessel Ornament of Reclining Lyre-player, probably 400-375 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Vessel with Bird Designs, 700-1000. Creator: Unknown.
Vessel with Crested Heads, 200 BC-AD 300. Creator: Unknown.
Victory with Cornucopia (Chariot Attachment), 40-68. Creator: Unknown.
Vidyadevi (Goddess of Learning), 900s-1000s. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child in an Architectural Frame, c. 1530-1540. Creator: Jan Gossaert (Flemish, c1475/78-1532), style of.
Virgin and Child with a Bird, c. 1350. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child, 1500-1510. Creator: Benedetto Buglioni (Italian, 1461-1521).
Virgin and Child, c. 1315-1320. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child, c. 1370-1380. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child, c. 1385-1390. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child, c. 1395. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child, c. 1400. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child, c. 1440. Creator: Donatello (Italian, c. 1386-1466), circle of.
Virgin and Child, c. 1475-1485. Creator: Pietro Lombardo (Italian, c. 1435-1515), workshop of.
Virgin and Child, c. 1510-1515. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child, early 1530s. Creator: Jacopo Sansovino (Italian, 1486-1570).
Virgin and Child, late 1200s. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin Mary as a Child, 1750-1775. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin Nursing the Christ Child, c. 1380. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin, 1510-1515. Creator: Unknown.
Virupa, early 1400s. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu and Shri Supported by Garuda, 1000s-1100s. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu Riding on Garuda, 500s-600s. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu with Shri, and Bhu, 900-950. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu, 650-700. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu, 700s. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu, 800s. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu, 900-950. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu, c. 800s. Creator: Unknown.
Vishnu, late 400s. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Hathor Column Capital, 380-30 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Head of a King, 305-246 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Lamp (Deepa Lakshmi), 1700s-1800s. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Palm Column Capital, 30 BC-AD 395. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Plaque with Figure of the Buddha, Temple at Bodhgaya, and Stupas, 800s. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Plaque with Image of Kannon, 1100-1185. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Relief of a King, 305-246 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Votive Relief of a Ram Deity, 305-30 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Walking Leopard, 1831. Creator: Antoine-Louis Barye (French, 1796-1875).
Walking Lion, after 1836. Creator: Antoine-Louis Barye (French, 1796-1875).
Walking Panther, 1831. Creator: Antoine-Louis Barye (French, 1796-1875).