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Statuette of Wadjet or Sekhmet, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Harpocrates, Egypt, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Head from Statuette of a King, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the Goddess Wadjet, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Min, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasties 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the Goddess Neith, Egypt, Third Intermediate-Late Period, Dynasty 22-30 (abt 945-332 BC Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of a Priestess with Offering Table and Situla, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasties Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the Goddess Neith Sitting on a Lotus, Egypt, Late Period (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Horus as a Child (Harpokrates), Egypt, Late Period-early Ptolemaic Period (7th- Creator: Unknown.
Fragmentary Statue: Bust of a Seated Man, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Bust of a Statuette of a Man, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of an Ibis Head, Egypt, Late Period (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of a Lepidotus Fish, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Horus, Son of Wedjat, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (305-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Relief Plaque Depicting the God Horus as a Falcon, Egypt, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Osiris Seated, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Head From a Sarcophagus, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (332 BCE-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Horus, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasties 22-25 (?) (about 945-656 BCE Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the Goddess Neith, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (abt 1069-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Anubis, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period, Dynasty 21-31... Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the Goddess Mut, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (abt 1069-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the Theban Triad, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period.. Creator: Unknown.
Ushabti (Funerary Figurine) of Psamtek, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26, reign of Amasis (570-526 BCE Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the Goddess Maat, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 or earlier (1623-1293 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Mummy Mask, Egypt, Late Ptolemaic Period-early Roman Period, 1st century BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Mummy Mask, Egypt, Late Ptolemaic Period-early Roman Period, 1st century BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Anubis, Egypt, Third Intermediate-Late Periods, Dynasties 21-31... Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Imhotep, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period, Dynasties 25-26... Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Wesir-nakht, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 31 (about 342-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Bust of a Man, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of a Jackal, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Double-sided Relief Plaque Depicting a Lion and Birds, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period or earlier (abt 305.. Creator: Unknown.
Head from an Anthropoid Sarcophagus, Egypt, Late Period/early Ptolemaic (664-220 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Imhotep, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (305-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Head From a Shabti (Funerary Figurine) of Queen Tiye, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign... Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Osiris-Iah, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-30 (about 664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Sobek, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-30 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Re-Horakhty, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period,... (abt 1069-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Relief of a Bull, Egypt, Early Ptolemaic Period, about 300 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Ptah, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-30 (about 664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Osiris, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Plaque Depicting a Quail Chick, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Plaque Depicting a Queen or Goddess, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Head of an Official, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 13 (1773-1650 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Plaque Depicting a Ram, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Relief Plaque Depicting a God, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (305-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Fragment of a Head from a Statue of a King, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 30 (380-343 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of a Sphinx from a Barque Standard, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-22... Creator: Unknown.
Equestrian and Four Figures, Mali, Probably late 12th/15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Hippopotamus, Nigeria, 9th/mid-19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Male Figure, Mali, Possibly 18th century. Creator: Unknown.
Equestrian Figure, Mali, 16th/19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Commemorative Head, Nigeria, Probably mid-17th/mid-18th century. Creator: Unknown.
Plaque, Nigeria, 16th/17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Osiris, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-30 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Relief Depicting a Calf-Bearer, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (304-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Mary of Burgundy, modeled before 1844 (early cast c. 1850). Creator: Jean-Auguste Barre.
Figure of Phryne, c.1845. Creator: James Pradier.
Le Grenouillard (Frog-Man), 1892. Creator: Jean-Joseph Carriès.
Project for a Monument to a General, 1830/40. Creator: Pierre-Jean David d'Angers.