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Initial K: Caritas; Gradual, about 1430-1440. Creator: Master of the Cypresses.
Initial I: The Virgin and Child with the Gentleman from Cologne; Gradual, about 1500-1510. Creator: Unknown.
Initial D: David Pointing to His Mouth; Psalter, after 1205. Creator: Master of Ingeborg Psalter.
Initial S: David in Prayer; Psalter, after 1205. Creator: Master of Ingeborg Psalter.
Decorated Initial E; Psalter, after 1205. Creator: Master of Ingeborg Psalter.
Initial P: Alexander the Great Carried Aloft by Griffins; Historia Scholastica, about 1300. Creator: Unknown.
Initial Q: Moses with the Tablets of the Law and Two Israelites; Historia Scholastica, about 1300. Creator: Unknown.
Initial C: Clerics Singing from a Choir Book; Psalter, about 1390. Creator: Unknown.
Decorated Initial D; Psalter; Ornamented Initial D, about 1390. Creator: Unknown.
Initial S: David in the Water; Psalter, about 1390. Creator: Unknown.
Initial C: The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket; Breviary, about 1320-1325. Creator: Unknown.
Initial D: David Pointing to his Mouth; Breviary, about 1320-1325. Creator: Unknown.
Initial C: The Martyrdom of Saint Andrew; Breviary, about 1320-1325. Creator: Unknown.
Initial B: Vincent Tied to a Millstone and Thrown into the Water; Breviary, about 1320-1325. Creator: Unknown.
Initial H: Saint Peter Enthroned with a Key and a Book; Breviary, about 1320-1325. Creator: Unknown.
Initial R: The Man of Sorrows; Prayer Book, about 1470-1480. Creator: Workshop of Valentine Noh.
Initial M: The Adoration of the Magi; Prayer Book, about 1470-1480. Creator: Workshop of Valentine Noh.
Initial M: The Presentation in the Temple; Prayer Book, about 1470-1480. Creator: Workshop of Valentine Noh.
Decorated Border with a Bird and Strawberries; Boethius, Consolation de philosophie, about 1460-1470 Creator: Unknown.
Decorated Border with Grapes; Boethius, Consolation de philosophie, about 1460-1470. Creator: Unknown.
Chess Problem, late 14th century. Creator: Unknown.
Text Page, about 1470-1475. Creator: Unknown.
The Fall of the Rebel Angels; Livre de Bonnes Meurs, about 1430. Creator: Unknown.
King Mark Preventing Iseult from Killing Herself, about 1320-1340. Creator: Unknown.
Decorated Initial B; Collegium Ducale, about 1420-1430. Creator: Master Michael.
The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
The Coronation of the Virgin; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
The Massacre of the Sons of Lysimachus; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
The Wounding of Pyrrhus; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
The Death of the Roman Consul Marcus Atilius Regulus, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Prisoners Led from a Defeated City; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Demetrius Nicator, King of Syria, Killed as He Attempts to Land at Tyre, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Cleopatra Presented with the Head and Limbs of Her Own Child, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
The Suicides of Meleager and Althea; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Boccaccio and Fortune; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Hercules Poisoned by the Shirt of Nessus; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
The Massacre of the Innocents; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Tiberius, Messalina, and Caligula Reproach One Another in the Midst of Flames, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Nero Pauses for a Drink during the Mutilation of His Mother's Body, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
The Assassination of the Emperor Vitellius; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Samson and the Lion; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
The Mutilation of Byzantine Emperors Justinian II and Philippicus, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Four Men kneeling before God; Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Cyrus, the Grandson of Astyages, King of the Medes, Given Suck by a Wild Animal, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Xerxes, King of the Persians, Crosses a Bridge with His Army, about 1413-1415. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Initial U: A King; Initial U: A King with a Rock; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial C: A Woman Confessing to a Cleric; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial N: God Removing Synagoga's Blindfold; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial V: The Divine Hand Crowing David; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial D: A Lion and Unicorns; Initial D: A Lion and Unicorns Eating the Bodies..., about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial D: The Fall of the Idols; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial D: A Man Hammering a Nail into the Ground before a Building; Bute Psalter, about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial O: A Priest Celebrating Mass; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial F: The Coronation of the Virgin; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial M: The Father and the Son Enthroned; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial D: A Man Threshing Wheat with a Flail; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial D: Christ as a Knight; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial V: Christ Refusing Admittance to the Foolish Virgins; Bute Psalter, about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial C: A Priest Praying at an Altar; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial D: The Israelites Greeting David; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.