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The Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
July Calendar Page: Mary Magdalene; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
August Calendar Page: Saint Louis; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
September Calendar Page: Saint Michael; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
January Calendar Page: Feasting and Warming: Aquarius; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Creator: Workshop of Master of the First Prayer Book of Maximilian.
March Calendar Page: Gardening: Aries; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Creator: Workshop of the Master of James IV of Scotland.
May Calendar Page: Music Making: Gemini; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Creator: Workshop of the Master of James IV of Scotland.
September Calendar Page: Plowing and Sowing: Scorpio; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Creator: Workshop of the Master of James IV of Scotland.
November Calendar Page: Threshing and Pig Feeding: Sagittarius; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Creator: Workshop of the Master of James IV of Scotland.
A Man Harvesting Grapes and Another Man Pressing Grapes; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creator: Workshop of the Master of the Rohan Hours.
A Man Knocking Acorns from a Tree; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creator: Workshop of the Master of the Rohan Hours.
A Man Slaughtering a pig; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creator: Workshop of the Master of the Rohan Hours.
A Man Reaping; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creator: Workshop of the Master of the Rohan Hours.
A Man Threshing; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creator: Workshop of the Master of the Rohan Hours.
A Man Sowing; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creator: Workshop of the Master of the Rohan Hours.
The Throne of Grace Trinity; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Workshop of Willem Vrelant.
Saint Michael and the Dragon; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Workshop of Willem Vrelant.
Saint James the Greater; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Workshop of Willem Vrelant.
The Stoning of Saint Stephen; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Workshop of Willem Vrelant.
Saint Anthony; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Workshop of Willem Vrelant.
Mary Magdalene; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Workshop of Willem Vrelant.
Initial D: Christ before Annas; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1330. Creator: Atelier of the Passion Master.
Initial D: The Crucifixion; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1330. Creator: Atelier of the Passion Master.
Initial D: The Deposition; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1330. Creator: Atelier of the Passion Master.
Aimo and Vermondo Riding Out to the Hunt; Legenda Venerabilium..., about 1400. Creator: Anovelo da Imbonate.
Harvest Scene; Initial U: A Figure, before 1340. Creator: Andrea da Bologna.
Initial A: The Women at the Tomb, about 1465. Creator: Bartolomeo Rigossi da Gallarate.
Initial E: David Playing the Harp and a Man Heaving a Rock, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial C: Clerics Singing; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial C: Pentecost; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial D: David Pointing to His Mouth; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial E: David Playing the Harp; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Initial E: A Prophet, about 1450. Creator: Circle of Stefan Lochner.
Decorated Initial V, about 1450. Creator: Circle of Stefan Lochner.
Initial L: God Speaking to Moses, about 1450. Creator: Circle of Stefan Lochner.
Decorated Text Page, about 1450. Creator: Circle of Stefan Lochner.
Decorated Initial P, about 1450. Creator: Circle of Stefan Lochner.
Philosophy Consoling Boethius and Fortune Turning the Wheel, about 1460-1470. Creator: Master of Coetivy.
Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius, about 1460-1470. Creator: Master of Coetivy.
Initial Q: Bust Portrait of a Man, early 15th century. Creator: Cristoforo Cortese.
Equestrian Combat with Sword, about 1410. Creator: Unknown.
Unarmed Equestrian Combat, about 1410. Creator: Unknown.
The Crucifixion; Missal of Bishop Antonio Scarampi, 1567. Creator: Fra Vincentius a Fundis.
Initial I: God the Father Blessing, early 1460s. Creator: Francesco di Antonio del Chierico.
The Nuremberg Residence of the Derrer Family, about 1626-1711. Creator: Georg Strauch.
Pagan and Christian Scholars Debating before King Avenir and Josaphat, 1469. Creator: Unknown.
Josaphat Meeting a Blind Man and a Beggar, 1469. Creator: Unknown.
Josaphat and Barlaam Embracing, 1469. Creator: Unknown.
The Crucifixion with the Seven Wise and Seven Foolish Virgins, 1469. Creator: Unknown.
John Damascene with a Rosary before an Altar, 1469. Creator: Unknown.
The Presentation in the Temple, 1498-1499. Creator: Jean Bourdichon.
The Presentation in the Temple; Katherine Hours, about 1480-1485. Creator: Jean Bourdichon.
The Raising of the Cross; Prayers of the Mass, about 1720-1730. Creator: Jean Pierre Rousselet.
The Agony in the Garden; Prayers of the Mass, about 1720-1730. Creator: Jean Pierre Rousselet.
Pentecost; Prayers of the Mass, about 1720-1730. Creator: Jean Pierre Rousselet.
Guide for Constructing the Letter H; Mira calligraphiae monumenta, about 1591-1596. Creator: Joris Hoefnagel.
Guide for Constructing the Letter M; Mira calligraphiae monumenta, about 1591-1596. Creator: Joris Hoefnagel.
Guide for Constructing the Letters k and l; Mira calligraphiae monumenta, about 1591-1596. Creator: Joris Hoefnagel.
Guide for Constructing the Ligature ffi; Mira calligraphiae monumenta, about 1591-1596. Creator: Joris Hoefnagel.