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1655pages, 99,266 results in yourCategorysearch for"Locations & Buildings"Advanced Search
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The town of Beyrout and Mount Lebanon - from a drawing by J. Lewis Farley, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The 1st Lancashire Mounted Rifles and the Artillery Brigade marching past, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The city of Antioch, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Tien-Tsin, on the banks of the Peiho River, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
View of Capua, from Monte St. Angelo - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Holy Trinity Chapel School at Reach, Cambridgeshire, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Proclaiming the result of the vote on the annexation question before the Royal Palace, Naples, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Great Semmering Railway - the Bollerswand Viaduct and Tunnel, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'The Great Entrance Gate of the Pagoda of Tanjore; Notes on the Ancient Temples of India', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Six Mois Dans la Somme; Prisonniers allemands (septembre 1916)', 1916. Creator: Charles Hoffbauer.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; La gauche du champ de bataille: le village de Bras et la Meuse Creator: Unknown.
'Les dernieres victoires Russes; Une attaque russe: les soldats marchent a l'ennemi, a peine courpes Creator: Unknown.
'Baba Achmed Gateway at Onergla; A Naturalist's Ride in the Atlas Mountains', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Windmill near Dorpat; The Baltic Provinces of Russia',1875. Creator: Unknown.
'House of a Native Chief, near Kanala; Some Account of New Caledonia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Dans les Souterrains du Chateau de Combles; En bas, une saile de pansement, dans un caveau don’t le Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; Des maisons ou ils s'etaient caches pendant l' evacuationde la ville, de nombre Creator: Unknown.
''Tetuan; A Ride to Gebel-Mousa, in North-Western Barbary', 1875. Creator: Trorey Blackmore.
'Quattro Capi Bridge at Rome; A First Visit to Rome', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'View in Magellan's Straits; Old South American Geographies', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Caravan Reposing, in the Hauran; The Stone Towns of Central Syria, otherwise called..., 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Experiments with Captain Fowke's pontoon bridge on the Serpentine, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Progress of the Prince of Wales in British North America - Quebec, Canada East..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Town and Castle of Gaeta - from a drawing by S. Read, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales at Montreal - Arch at the head of M'Gill Street, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Paris Wine Market: the Brandy Quarter, Rues de Languedoc and de la Côte d'Or, the Cellars, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Six Mois Dans la Somme; Sur la route, entre Maricourt et Suzanne (octobre 1916)', 1916. Creator: Charles Hoffbauer.
'Victoire Italienne; Une massue autrichienne examinee par des officiers', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Panorama of Spezia; The Gulf of Spezia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Ancient instrument of torture called "The Virgin", found in the Castle of Feistritz, Germany, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
''Turtle Shooting; The Fresh-water Turtle of the Amazons', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
The Review of Lancashire Rifle Volunteers in Knowsley Park - the Earl and Countess of..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
"My Last Look at Sicily", taken by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, from the coast of..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Arsenal at Naples - from a drawing by S. Read, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The War in Naples - Garibaldian troops  crossing the Volturno..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Zulu Village; A Few Words about Natal and Zululand', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Clery Repris; Les ruines de l'eglise', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; L'infanterie, prenant possession de la ville, traverse en courant la Piazza Gra Creator: Unknown.
'Entrance to the Forum, looking North; A First Visit to Rome', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Church of St. Mary, in course of construction at Hornsey-Rise, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Embarkation of the Prince of Wales at the Queen's Wharf, St. John's, Newfoundland, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Field-day and Sham Fight of Volunteers on Hampstead Heath, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
"The Village Smithy", by Lewis, in the Crystal Palace Picture Gallery, 1860. Creator: Morgan.
Rapids of the St. John, 1860. Creator: Smyth.
The Campo Santo, or Cemetery, Pisa, 1860. Creator: Macquaid.
The Inner Temple new Law Library, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Pah, or fortified village, of the natives in the province of New Plymouth..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Presentation to the Highgate Rifle Corps of a silver bugle by Miss Burdet Coutts..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Bridge in the Szill Valley; A Visit to the Danubian Principalities', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Vegetation of Tahiti; Speculations concerning Former Southern Geographies', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'L'Attaque Britannique du 25 septembre 1916; Reserves sortant des tranchees, apres leurs camarades d Creator: Unknown.
'Les Vainqueurs; Dans le Fond-du-loup: nettoyage des abris souterrains de l'ennemi, au moyen de gren Creator: Unknown.
'A Salonique; Debarquement du contingent italien le 10 aout ; nos allies s'avancent entre une double Creator: Unknown.
'Ducal Palace, Venice; Venice and its Architecture',1875. Creator: Unknown.
'A Kafir Kraal; A Few Words about Natal and Zululand', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Fareham Institution Hall and Corn Exchange, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Opening of Southport Pier, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Government House, Cape Town, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; Artilleurs allemands tuers a leur piece', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
The storming and capture of the North Fort, Peiho, on the 21st August, 1860... Creator: Unknown.