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'A Mexican Courtyard (Patio); A Zigzag Journey through Mexico', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Devant Vermandovillers; La bataille vue d'un aeroplane a 200 metres de hauteur', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; Trois des notres eclopes, avaient refuse de se laisser evacuer Creator: Unknown.
''Les evenements d'orient; M. Guillemin, notre ministre en Grece, etles amiraaux de notre escadre. Creator: S. Leonce.
'Warrego Creek; Incidents of Bush Life in Queensland', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Sculpture: "Chastity", by J. Durham, in the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1860. Creator: Smyth.
The Revolution in Sicily - the English Battalion at the foot of the round tower of the..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Interior of the Soldiers' Theatre at Mourmelon-le-Grand, Chalons Camp..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Bivouac of the Volunteers at the close of the Review, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
School for deaf and dumb infants at Old Trafford, Manchester [opened recently], 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Plan of the city of Peking, 1860. Creator: John Dower.
'View in the Sierra Nevada', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Notre Attaque du 12 septembre 1916 ; Le bombardement des lignes allemandes de Feuillaucourt, a l'Es Creator: Unknown.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; Cadavres allemands', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Les dernieres victoires Russes; Arrivant au terrain decouvert, les fantassins russes se dressent et Creator: Unknown.
'The "Maltese Cross" Hotel, Spezia; The Gulf of Spezia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Group of Kanaks; Some Account of New Caledonia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Old Australian and his "Gin."; Incidents of Bush Life in Queensland', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
North-west front of the Asylum near Arlsey, Bedfordshire, for the insane poor of Hertford..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Font in the Baptistery of Sienna Cathedral, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
"Mons Meg", Edinburgh Castle, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Ragged School Festival at Muswell-Hill, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'View in the Himalayas; Black Bear Shooting in the Himalayas', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
The War in China - departure from Hockly Pier, Odin Bay, of the Sikh Cavalry and troops..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales in Canada - the Orangemen's Arch at Toronto, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The British brigade marching into the Largo St. Francesco di Paola, Naples..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'The Ba Falls, in Lebris Bay; Some Account of New Caledonia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Notre Attaque du 12 septembre 1916 ; Le depart de l'attaque, a midi trente: la premiere vague attei Creator: Unknown.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; Un poste de commandement pendant la bataille', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Les evenements d'orient; Le 3 juin 1916,l'etat de siege est proclame a Salonique: des soldats et de Creator: Unknown.
'Catching Wild Horses with the Lasso; Frontier Adventures in the Argentine Republic', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Birds-Eye view of the Pagoda of Eagles Nest, near Chingleput; Notes on the Ancient Temples..., 1875 Creator: Unknown.
New drinking-fountain in Fleet Street, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada - the Citadel of Quebec, from Prescott Gate...., 1860. Creator: Richard Principal Leitch.
The town of Bathurst, New Brunswick - from a photograph by E. J. Russell, of Bathurst, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Village and Bridge of Sallenches, Savoy, 1860. Creator: Jean Adolphe Beauce.
The Emperor Napoleon's visit to Corsica: view of Bastia, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales laying the last stone of the Victoria Bridge over the St. Lawrence..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Hien-Fou, the Emperor of China, 1860. Creator: Smyth.
The Bahia Railway, Brazil: Site of the station at Bahia - from a photograph by B. Mulock, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Mandapam of the Pagoda of Chellumbrum; Notes on the Ancient Temples of India', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Au Combat; Pres de la ferme du Bois-Labe, pris le 13 septembre: au cours de leur progression, nos h Creator: Unknown.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; Les Allemands occupant la ferme des Chambrettes se defendirent Creator: Unknown.
''Les evenements d'orient; Nos marins gardant la legationde France, a Athenes. Creator: Unknown.
'View near Nynee Tal; Black Bear Shooting in the Himalayas', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Entrance to the Pagoda of Conjeveram; Notes on the Ancient Temples of India', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
The Volunteer Review in Hyde Park, 1860. Creator: J. Palmer.
Deir-el-Kamr, on the southern side of Mount Lebanon, lately destroyed by the Druses, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Visit of the Prince of Wales to North America - the Government House, Charlotte Town, Prince Edw Creator: Unknown.
The new lake, Kew Gardens, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Quarters for infantry at the camp of Chalons - from a drawing by M. Beaucé, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Stereorama at Cremorne Gardens - panorama of the route to Italy, via the St. Gothard Pass, 1860. Creator: Smyth.
The Revolution in Naples - Garibaldi at the Shrine of the Virgin of Piedigrotta on the 8th..., 1860. Creator: W Thomas.
Landing of a portion of the national army at the Marina di Palmi, Calabria..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The War in China - the landing of British troops at Pehtang..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; Le 15 decembre, a trois heures du soir: un convoi de 300 allem Creator: Unknown.
Review of Derbyshire Rifle Volunteers at Chatsworth Park - from a drawing by T. Walton, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Haunt of the Black Bear; Black Bear Shooting in the Himalayas', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Sportsman's Tent in India; Notes on the Indian Wolf, "Canis Pallipes."', 1875. Creator: Charles Horne.
'L'Apparition des Tanks; L'entrée en ligne des premiers chars d'assaut Anglais, le 15 septembre 1916 Creator: J Simont.