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1655pages, 99,266 results in yourCategorysearch for"Locations & Buildings"Advanced Search
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View from Maida towards Soveria - from a sketch by our special artist in Italy, Frank Vizetelly,1860 Creator: Unknown.
Ovation to the first Garibaldian who entered the Café di Europa, Naples..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Robbers of the Desert; A Naturalist's Ride in the Atlas Mountains', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Royal Tombs at Golconda; Notes on the Ancient Temples of India', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Le Champ de Bataille de Combles; Les restes d'une installation allemande dans le chemin creux de Co Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; Pendant l'offensive italienne: les tranchees autrichiennes duMonte San Michele, Creator: Unknown.
'Notre offensive en Macedoine; Au combat de Boresnitza, le 19 septembre 1916', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
''The Casa do Capitulo; Excursions near Lisbon', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Paris demolitions - removal of a portion of the Quartier Latin - from a drawing by M. Thorigny, 1860 Creator: Unknown.
Entrance gateway of Westminster School, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'The Black Pagoda near the Temple of Juggernath; Notes on the Ancient Temples of India', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''L'Attaque Britannique du 25 septembre 1916; La concentration des renforts diriges sur la ligne de  Creator: Unknown.
''Les Vainqueurs; Le general Passaga entoure de son etat-major, au retour de la prise d'Hardaumont. Creator: Rettet.
Garibaldi at the Faro Point, Messina, reconnoitring the Fort Torre di Cavallo, Calabria..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Suspension Bridge over the River St. John, New Brunswick, visited by the Prince of Wales..., 186 Creator: Unknown.
The Prince's arrival at Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1860. Creator: Smyth.
View in Gaeta, with the church of St. Erasmus, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Portion of the façade of Lucca Cathedral, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Pont des Francais, New Caledonia; Some Account of New Caledonia', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales at Montreal - The Ball-Pavilion, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
''Victoire Italienne; Le ravitaillement d'eau pour les troupes. Creator: Unknown.
''Doorway and Oriel in the Penha Verde in Cintra; Excursions near Lisbon', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
The Central Court and Arcades of the Oxford University Museum, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The War in China - the forts at the mouth of the Pehtang River, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The city of Coblentz, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Review of Rifle Volunteers by the Queen at Edinburgh - the Troops marching past Her Majesty,1860 Creator: Unknown.
The Parliament Buildings, Quebec, the official residence of the Prince of Wales during his..., 1860. Creator: T. H. W..
"What's O'Clock? What's O'Clock?" - drawn by Godwin, 1860. Creator: W Thomas.
Free Public Library and Museum, Liverpool, the gift of W. Brown, Esq., to his fellow-townsmen, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Destruction of the Martello Tower, Eastbourne, Sussex, by Sir W. Armstrong's guns, at a..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Breakfast-hunting at Roccapalumba, a Sicilian village - from a sketch by our special artist, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Reinhardsbrunn, a country seat of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'A Salonique; Des reguliers grecs, qui ont quitte l'armee apres avoir fait le coup de feu contre les Creator: Unknown.
''The Prison and Guard at Tetuan; A Ride to Gebel-Mousa, in North-Western Barbary', 1875. Creator: Trorey Blackmore.
'View near Kunawat; The Stone Towns of Central Syria, otherwise called the Giant Cities..., 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Ancient houses in the Temple, and the grave of Oliver Goldsmith, 1860. Creators: Unknown, Oliver Goldsmith.
Imperial Head-quarters at the Camp at Chalons - from a drawing by M. Beaucé, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Review of Lancashire Rifle Volunteers in Knowsley Park..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
AI IMAGE - Portrait of Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, 2023. Creator: Heritage Images.
AI IMAGE - Portrait of Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, 2023. Creator: Heritage Images.
Doorjamb with a Divine Guardian, Late 5th century. Creator: Unknown.
Depot #8, Printed 1850 circa. Creator: Alphonse Le Blondel.
Saint-Ouen, Rouen, 1856. Creator: Alfred Capel-Cure.
Piazza San Marco, Venice, Printed 1870 circa. Creator: Antonio Perini.
Multi-storied Pagoda, N. China, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Pai t' a, Miao-ying Ssu, Peking, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Imperial Summer Palace, Peking, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Forest of Steles, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
T'ien-ning Ssu T'a Pagoda, Peking, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Emperor's Summer Palace, Peking, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Imperial Building behind High Wall, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Gate to Buddhist Sanctuary, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Twin Pagodas, Southern Sung Style, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Walled River with Bridge and Houseboats, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Cantonese Masonry Pagoda, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Tea Room on Water, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Crumbling Brick Pagoda, Sung Dynasty, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Pavilion on Water, S. China, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Three-arched Stone Bridge, S. China, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.
Ruined Village, N. China, 1860. Creator: Felice Beato.