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View of the Duomo in Milan, 1759-c.1796. Creator: Unknown.
View of the Garden of Versailles, 1759-c.1796. Creator: Unknown.
View of the Duomo in Milan, 1759-c.1796. Creator: Unknown.
View of the interior of a palace, with several richly dressed ladies and gentlemen, 1684-1756. Creator: Martin Engelbrecht.
View of Somerset House and Saint Mary-le-Strand Church in London, 1722-after 1758. Creator: Nicolas Jean Baptiste Poilly.
View of The Mall in Saint James's Park in London, 1700-1799. Creator: Unknown.
View of the Town Hall, the Nieuwe Kerk and the Waag on Dam Square in Amsterdam, 1753-1799. Creator: Simon Fokke.
Carefree life in Hsin-yang, 1702. Creator: Pieter Schenk.
View of the Neva River in Saint Petersburg, viewed against the current, 1756. Creators: Robert Sayer, Robert Watts.
View of the Oudeschans in Amsterdam seen from the IJ, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the Oudeschans in Amsterdam seen from the IJ, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the Oudeschans in Amsterdam seen from the IJ, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the Schloss Pillnitz, 1752. Creator: Stevens.
View of the Admiralty warehouse in Amsterdam, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the church Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice, 1749. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Giardini Vaticani in Vatican City, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Palazzo Venezia in Rome, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of Fort William at Calcutta, 1754. Creator: Anon.
View of the ruins of Trajan's Column, the Arch of Constantine and other monuments..., 1745-1794. Creator: Anon.
View of the Town Hall and the River Seine in Paris, 1749. Creator: Paul Angier.
View of Westminster Bridge over the River Thames in London, viewed from the north, 1751. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of Westminster Bridge over the River Thames in London, viewed from the north, 1751. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of Westminster Bridge over the River Thames in London, viewed from the north, 1751. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of London Bridge over the River Thames in London, seen from the garden of Somerset House, 1750. Creator: Edward Rooker.
View of the Ponte delle Guglie over the Canale di Cannaregio in Venice, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
'View of Leith from the East Road', Scotland, 1753.  Creator: Paul Sandby.
View of the Custom House on the River Thames in London, 1753. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of Westminster Bridge over the River Thames in London, seen from the garden of Somer..., 1750. Creator: John Miller.
View of the Royal Palace in Lisbon, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the city of Paris seen from the Quai de Miramion, 1749. Creator: Nathaniel Parr.
View of the Stock Exchange, Rotterdam; taken from the Gaapers Bridge, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the city of London seen from the River Thames, 1753. Creator: Johann Michael Muller.
View of the city of London seen from the north side, 1753. Creator: Stevens.
View of the city of London seen from the north side, 1753. Creator: Stevens.
View of the city of Batavia, 1754. Creator: Anon.
View of the city of Batavia, 1754. Creator: Anon.
A perspective view of the north west front of ye parish church of St. Brides', London, 1753. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
A view of St. James's Park, taken near the stable yard, London, 1751. Creator: James Smith.
A view of the Monument erected in memory of the dreadfull fire in the year 1666', 1752. Creator: George Bickham III.
East view of Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, 1753. Creator: Paul Sandby.
East view of Sterling Castle, Scotland, 1753. Creator: Paul Sandby.
View of the Schloss Moritzburg, 1752. Creator: Unknown.
View of Marcellus's Theatre at Rome, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of an avenue in Vauxhall Gardens in London, 1751. Creator: Edward Rooker.
View of an avenue in Vauxhall Gardens in London, seen from the entrance, 1751. Creator: Edward Rooker.
View of an Avenue with a Triumphal Arch in Vauxhall Gardens in London, 1751. Creator: John Miller.
View of Fort Saint George at Madras, 1754. Creator: Unknown.
View of Greenwich Hospital on the River Thames at Greenwich, 1751. Creator: John June.
View of Greenwich Hospital on the River Thames at Greenwich, 1751. Creator: John June.
View of Hampton Court Palace in London, 1751. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of Kensington Palace in London, 1751. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of Kensington Palace in London, 1751. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of Northumberland House at Charing Cross in London, 1753. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of Saint James's Park in London as seen from Buckingham House, 1752. Creator: St Torres.
View of Saint Paul's Cathedral in London seen from the northwest side, 1753. Creator: Johann Michael Muller.
View of Somerset House and Saint Mary-le-Strand Church in London, 1753. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Berliner Stadtschloss in Berlin, 1754-1755. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the canal in Saint James's Park in London, seen from the Horse Guards Parade, 1753. Creator: Stevens.