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View of the Church of Saint John Lateran in Rome, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Church of Saint Sebastian Outside the Walls in Rome, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the church of St. Mary le Bow in Cheapside London, 1745-1753. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the City Hall in Amsterdam with firefighters on Dam Square, 1752. Creator: Unknown.
View of the courtyard of the Temple of Solomon, 1754-1755. Creator: Unknown.
View of the Foundling Hospital in London, 1751. Creators: Robert Sayer, Fabr. Parr.
View of the Hampton Court Bridge over the River Thames between Hampton and East Molesey, 1754. Creator: James Hulett.
View of the Horse Guards Parade in London showing the departure of George II Augustus, King.... 1753 Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the interior of Saint Paul's Cathedral in London, 1753. Creator: Johann Michael Muller.
View of the interior of Saint Paul's Cathedral in London, 1753. Creator: Johann Michael Muller.
View of the interior of the Rotunda in London's Ranelagh Gardens, 1751. Creator: Nathaniel Parr.
View of the interior of the Saint Stephen Walbrook church in London, 1753. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of The Mall in Saint James's Park in London, 1752. Creator: William Henry Toms.
View of the Mansion House in London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Mansion House in London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Mansion House in London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Pont Neuf over the River Seine in Paris, looking towards the Pont Royal, 1749. Creator: Remigius Parr.
View of the Rotunda and the Chinese Pavilion on the Canal in London's Ranelagh Gardens..., 1752. Creator: Charles Grignion.
View of the Rotunda in London's Ranelagh Gardens with a masquerade ball on the occasion... 1751. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of the Rotunda in Ranelagh Gardens in London, 1751. Creator: Nathaniel Parr.
View of the Royal Hospital Chelsea and the Rotunda in London's Ranelagh Gardens, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Royal Hospital Chelsea and the Rotunda in London's Ranelagh Gardens, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Royal Palace in Madrid, 1752. Creator: Unknown.
View of the Temple of Comus in Vauxhall Gardens in London, 1751. Creator: Johann Michael Muller.
View of the Admiralty warehouse in Amsterdam, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the Temple of Vesta, the Pyramid of Cestius and other buildings in Rome, 1745-1794. Creator: Anon.
View of the Neva River in Saint Petersburg seen from the west side, 1745-1794. Creator: Anon.
View of the ruin of the arch of the colonnade at Palmyra, seen from the west side
, 1745-1794. Creator: Anon.
View of the front of the Berliner Stadtschloss in Berlin, 1754-1755. Creator: R. Benning.
View of the Upper Castle Yard of Dublin Castle, 1752-1753. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of the Trinity College Library in Dublin, 1753. Creators: Fabr. Parr, James Mason.
View of the Royal Palace in Lisbon, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the Banqueting House and Horse Guards Building in London, 1753. Creator: Unknown.
View of the Observatory and the Jesuit College in Rome, 1700-1799. Creator: Unknown.
The Castle and School in Wouw, 1741. Creator: Aert Schouman.
The castle in Wouw, 1741. Creator: Aert Schouman.
Men and women play croquet, 1905 or earlier.  Creator: Anna Maria Kruijff.
View of Thun, Switzerland, 1828-1892. Creator: Charles William Meredith van de Velde.
View of the Meran valley in Tyrol, 1828-1892.  Creator: Charles William Meredith van de Velde.
View of Cannes, 1866-1892. Creator: Charles William Meredith van de Velde.
View of the church in Arkel, c.1733-c.1740. Creator: Cornelis Pronk.
The church in Leimuiden, 1701-1759. Creator: Cornelis Pronk.
'De Vos' Windmill and the 'Verbeid de Tijd' house on the Drecht..., 1701-1759.  Creator: Cornelis Pronk.
The Hof van Putten and the church of Geervliet, 1749-1757. Creator: Cornelis Pronk.
The unexpected twins, 1763. Creator: Jacobus Buys.
Lodge, Sneppenschrik, 1864. Creator: Johannes Tavenraat.
View of Kasteel Ooij, North Brabant, 1682. Creator: Josua de Grave.
View of Kasteel Ooij, near Nijmegen, North Brabant, 1682. Creator: Josua de Grave.
View of the Waterschans Bulwark, Bergen op Zoom, 1671. Creator: Josua de Grave.
View of the Fortress of Saint-Michiel, near ’s-Hertogenbosch, 1672. Creator: Josua de Grave.
View of Scherpenheuvel, Flemish Brabant, c.1674. Creator: Josua de Grave.
Landscape with Huis Kluys, near Brussels, 1674. Creator: Josua de Grave.
Landscape with Huis Kluys, near Brussels, 1674. Creator: Josua de Grave.
Gate in S. Miniato, 1932. Creator: Martin Monnickendam.
Arch of Titus, Rome, 1934. Creator: Martin Monnickendam.
Robert Jacob Gordon at the Kraal of the Khoisan Leaders Gronjam and Doroep, With An Ox Being Slaught Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Ruin of a church, c.1834-c.1893. Creator: Willem Antonie van Deventer.
Church Tower in Delft, 1834-1893. Creator: Willem Antonie van Deventer.
House on a jetty, 1834-1893. Creator: Willem Antonie van Deventer.
Farmhouse by a Ditch, 1875-1880. Creator: Willem Roelofs.