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Party of exiles and convicts embarking on river barge at Tumen [ie, Tiumen]..., between 1885 and 86. Creator: Unknown.
Street scene in Miamatchin [ie, Maimachin], Trans Biakal [ie, Transbaikalia], between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Nathalie F Lindholm, Frederick Pray, Sarah Smith (in mourning dress), and Eleanor Pray..., 1899. Creator: Unknown.
Bartlemy's house, Esquimalt Harbor, between 1858 and 1861. Creator: Unknown.
No 2, log huts, winter quarters of the Br N Am Boundary Commission on..., between 1858 and 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Observatory tent, N A [ie, North American] Boundary Commission, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Khirgiz (ie, Kazakh) horsemen, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Kirghiz (ie Kazakh) tribesmen with a local Russian Governor and his wife, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Group of Kirghiz (ie Kazakh) men posing with a local Russian Governor, his..., between 1885 and 86. Creator: Unknown.
Part of the Kettle Falls of the Columbia River, 1860, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Alexandrofski central prison about sixty versts from Irkutsk, 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Kartoumski Alps from the crest of the White Berel Mts, 1885. Creator: Unknown.
Prison in Irkutsk, eastern Siberia, 1885. Creator: Unknown.
A Siberian posting sledge on a cold morning, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: George Albert Frost.
Runaway Siberian convicts (common criminals), between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Street in Irkutsk, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
View of a settlement or village with a government(?) building and a church..., between 1885 and 86. Creator: Unknown.
Laborers awaiting work at the Hill of Idleness Types of Russian working..., between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
A Siberian posting sledge on a cold morning, with GK [ie, George Kennan]..., between 1885 and 86. Creator: George Albert Frost.
Onanski Datzan or a Buddhist monastery, Trans Baikal [ie, Transbaikalia], between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Siberian convicts taking lunch by the roadside (common criminals), between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Group of convicts at head of inclined plane leading to barge, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Bazar [ie, bazaar] or market place at Barnaoul [ie, Barnaul], between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
A group of hard-labor convicts (common criminals) in Siberia, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Types from a party of convicts on the road, near Tomsk, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Market stalls beside old powder magazine, Irkutsk, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Group portrait of convicts seated in a field, between 1880 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Group portrait of large group of convicts, between 1880 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
The Ferry at Semapolatinsk [ie, Seme i], between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Unknown.
View of dwellings at native village,1894 and 1895. Creator: Unknown.
Windmills near Omsk, 1885. Creator: Unknown.
View of Ketchikan, c1899. Creator: Unknown.
Yakut yurt, 1895-1939. Creator: L Veniukov.
Archpriest's House and the Alekseevskii Monastery, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
Kirensk Holy-Trinity Monastery, 1856. Creator: Ivan Dem'ianovich Bulychev.
Interior of a Yurt in a Koryak Permanent Settlement, 1856. Creator: Ivan Dem'ianovich Bulychev.
View of the Old Fort of Yakutsk, 1856. Creator: Ivan Dem'ianovich Bulychev.
Yakut Summer Yurts, 1856. Creator: Ivan Dem'ianovich Bulychev.
Dwelling at Guam, Mariana Islands, 19th century. Creators: Friedrich Heinrich Kittlitz, Victor Adam, Louis-Pierre-Alphonse Bichebois, Godefroy Engelmann.
Dwelling of Kamchatka, 19th century. Creators: Friedrich Heinrich Kittlitz, Godefroy Engelmann, Jules David, Edouard Jean Marie Hostein.
View taken in the Russian colony of Novo-Arkhangelsk (Sitkha island) (northwes..., 19th century. Creators: Friedrich Heinrich Kittlitz, Godefroy Engelmann.
View taken in the Russian colony of Novo-Arkhangelsk (Sitkha island) (northwest..., 19th century. Creators: Friedrich Heinrich Kittlitz, Godefroy Engelmann.
Lutheran Church and Offices, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
Convent Near Tomsk, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
House of VI Astashev, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
Hospital of the Department of Public Charity, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
Tatar Settlement, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
Millionaya Street, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
Governor's Apartment and the Church of the Annunciation, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
Voskresenskaya and Catholic Church, 1871. Creator: J Rogulin.
View of the Garden at the Summer House of V.I. Astashev, 1871. Creators: M Kolosov, J Rogulin.
View of the Student Hostel on the Right Corner of the University Grove, Tomsk, 1887. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.
Boys' Secondary School. Tomsk, 1880-1889. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.
Girls' Secondary School. Tomsk, 1897. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.
View of the Public Library, Tomsk, 1886. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.
View of the Korolev Theater, Tomsk, 1885. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.
Service at the Svyato-Troitskaya Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Tomsk, 1885. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.
Girls' Secondary School, 1880-1897. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.
The Men's Secondary School, 1880-1897. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.
View of the Tomsk Vocational School, 1880-1897. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich Kosharov.