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The Settlement of Mikhaylovka, Populated by Convicts Who had Finished Their Prison Term...,1880-1899 Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
Deer Tungus from the Eastern Shore of Central Sakhalin, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
House of the Chief of the Korsakov District, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
A Settlement in the Large Village of Korsakov in Winter, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
Korsakov Prison for Exiled Convicts, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
The Gulf of Aniva The Wharf at the Korsakov Prison, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
Due Coal Mine Alekseevsky Drift, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
Korsakov Prison for Exiled Convicts in Southern Sakhalin, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
Original Dwellings of the Settlers on Sakhalin Island in the Tymovskoye District, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
Korsakov Regional Police Administration Building in Southern Sakhalin, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
Exiled Captives Carting Manure at Korsakov Post in Southern Sakhalin, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
A Prison Animal Yard Derbinsky Prison in the Tymovsk Valley, 1880-1899. Creator: Innokenty Ignatievich Pavlovsky.
Road in Manila, Capital of Luzon Island, Philippine Islands, 19th century. Creators: Alexander Postels, Adolphe Jean-Baptiste Bayot, Louis Julien Jacottet.
Framework for a Birchbark Yurt, 1897. Creator: Unknown.
A Church in Petropavlovsk, 1889. Creator: Unknown.
Tobol'sk from the south side, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Tax collection, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Isker, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Bringing the icons of Abalatsky Monastery to Tobolsk, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Isker, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
At the Obdorsk market, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
The city of Berezov from the east, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Kondinskii Monastery, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Postal station, 1862-1887. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Cover of the album "Walks through the historical surroundings of the city of Tobolsk", 1880. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Map of the Irtysh region from the village of Zashchitina to the Epanchinsky yurts..., 1880. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Group portrait of Tobolians with the author on Isker. The fifth page of the album...", 1880. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
We're packing up, 2nd half of 19th century. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
A group of men - Siberian peasants and gypsies, 2nd half of 19th century. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Well, 2nd half of 19th century. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Obdorsk fair, 2nd half of 19th century. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Ermak's punitive raid, 2nd half of 19th century. Creator: Mikhail Znamensky.
Public school, 1906. Creator: Case & Draper.
Isle of Graia, Gulf of Akabah, 1844. Creator: David Roberts.
Portico of Temple of Edfu, 1847. Creator: David Roberts.
Ruins of the Temple of Vespasian, 1575. Creator: Etienne Duperac.
Vue du Salon du Louvre en l'année 1753, 1753. Creator: Gabriel de Saint-Aubin.
Imaginary Appearance of the Ancient Capitol, c1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Magnificent Architectural Space, c1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Interior of a Prison, c1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Ancient Tomb with Obelisks Surrounded by Sepulchral Urns, c1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Ruins of Ancient Buildings, c1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Hall in the Corinthian Order, c1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
View of the Pantheon of Agrippa, today Santa Maria ad Martyres., c1761. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Part of a spacious and magnificent Harbor for the use of the ancient Romans..., 1761-mid 1780s. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
View of the Baths of Titus (image 2 of 2), c1775. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Meridies, 1605. Creator: Hendrik Hondius II.
River Landscape with Bridge and House, 1890. Creator: Henri-Joseph Harpignies.
Environs de Rome, 1866. Creator: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.
La Madeleine, 1898. Creator: Jean-François Raffaëlli.
Illumination of the Cross in St. Peter's on Good Friday, 1787. Creators: Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Louis Jean Desprez.
The First Kiss of Love, 1773. Creator: Noel Le Mire.
Abbaye en Ruine au milieu des Arbes, 1802/1806-1807. Creator: Richard Cooper.
Morocco, 1879. Creator: Stephen James Ferris.
House with Tree on Right, 1880. Creator: William Jay Dana.
Ramparts of Ypres, 1898. Creator: William Strang.
Central Park, New York: the First Ride, c1873. Creator: Unknown.
The Colossus of Rhodes, published 1610. Creator: Antonio Tempesta.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria, published 1610. Creator: Antonio Tempesta.
The Pyramids in Egypt, published 1610. Creator: Antonio Tempesta.