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Destruction by fire of the Queen Railway Hotel at Chester, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Kimbolton Castle, Hunts, the seat of the Duke of Manchester, visited last week by the..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Monument in Carlisle Cathedral to the officers and privates of the 34th Regiment..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Armoury and drillroom at Bradford for the Third West Yorkshire Rifle Volunteers, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The last vestiges of Old Westminster Bridge, 1861. Creator: Mason Jackson.
The first Christmas from home - drawn by A. Hunt, 1861. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Julian: a Legend of Ravenshurst - illustrated by R. P. Leitch, 1861. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Christmas mummers - drawn by A. Hunt, 1861. Creator: Mason Jackson.
"The Curate of Glevering", Glevering Green - drawn by S. Read, 1861. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Inauguration of the statue to the memory of the late Marquis of Londonderry at Durham, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The Great Bed of Ware, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Shipping munitions of war at the Tower for Canada, 1861. Creator: Smyth.
Reinforcements for Canada: the Guards crossing Westminster-Bridge on their way to the..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius near the foot of the hill, between Resina and the Torre de..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.
St. John's Church, Kingstone, Staffordshire, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
St. Michael's Church, Coventry, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral Procession in the nave of St. George's Chapel, Windsor, 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral of His Late Royal Highness the Prince Consort: reception of the body of the..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral of His Late Royal Highness the Prince Consort: firing minute guns in the Long..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.
The Funeral of His Late Royal Highness the Prince Consort: the Hearse approaching..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.
Interior of the Cathedral of Speier, plate eleven from Allemande, 1844. Creator: Charles-Claude Bachelier.
Fire in the Guard House on the Pont Neuf, 1798-1804. Creator: Claude Niquet I.
Assembly of Notable People, Held at Versailles, 1798-1804. Creator: Claude Niquet I.
Tomb of Louis XII, François I, Henry IV, Louis XIV, and all the kings of France in the Val..., 1817. Creator: Pernot.
The Gallery of Notre-Dame, Paris, 1853. Creator: Edmond Gosselin.
Midday, n.d. Creator: Emmanuel Jean Nepomucene De Ghendt.
Night, 1767. Creator: Emmanuel Jean Nepomucene De Ghendt.
View of a Church, 1818. Creators: Jean-Baptiste Isabey, Godefroy Engelmann.
La Soiree du Palais Royal, n.d. Creator: Jean Gabriel Caquet.
Bath House from Hyperotomachie ou discours du son gede Poli..., 1554, assembled into portfolio 1937. Creator: Jean Goujon.
Dance of Shepherds in Antique Ruins, n.d. Creator: Jean Lepautre.
Royal Feast, 1782. Creators: Jean-Michel Moreau, Antoine Jean Duclos.
Oath of Louis XVI at his Investiture, 1779. Creator: Jean-Michel Moreau.
The Country Bagpipe, n.d. Creator: Jean Moyreau.
Natural Worship, 1794. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Mallet.
Tivoli, plate four from Views and Buildings of Italy, n.d. Creator: Lameau.
The Lectern, 1871. Creator: Leon-Augustin Lhermitte.
Women Praying in Church, 1875/1885. Creator: Leon-Augustin Lhermitte.
View of the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, 1844. Creator: François Louis Français.
The Ancient Theater at Taormina with a View of Mount Etna, Study for Saint Non's Voyage Pi..., 1783. Creator: Louis-Francois Cassas.
View of the Grotta di Palazzo with Banquet, c. 1790. Creator: Louis Jean Desprez.
View near St. Denis, 1824/27. Creator: Louis Jules Federe Villeneuve.
Mill at St. Maurice, 1824/27. Creator: Louis Jules Federe Villeneuve.
Mill at Gravelle, I, 1824/27. Creator: Louis Jules Federe Villeneuve.
Mill at Gravelle, II, 1824/27. Creator: Louis Jules Federe Villeneuve.
View of a Church Near l'Isle-Adam, 1819. Creator: Louis Jules Federe Villeneuve.
The New Polish in Paris, 1819. Creator: Louis Jules Federe Villeneuve.
The Palais Royal Garden Walk, 1787. Creator: Louis Le Coeur.
Le Palais Royal Garden Walk, 1787. Creator: Louis Le Coeur.
The Arcades at the Palais-Royal, c. 1804. Creator: Louis Leopold Boilly.
The Champs-Elysées, 1775. Creator: Louis Nicolas van Blarenberghe.
Susa Arch, 1817. Creator: Louis Pierre Baltard.
The Environs of Paris: Alfort Mill, 1817. Creator: Louis Pierre Baltard.
People Walking in a Wood, 1817. Creator: Louis Pierre Baltard.
View of the Cloister of the Cathedral of Mainz, plate two from Allemande, 1844. Creator: Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Chapuy.
Venice: Second interior View of St. Mark's, plate sixteen from Italie Monumentale et Pi..., c. 1848. Creator: Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Chapuy.
Ancona: Interior of St. Syriacus, plate 38 from Italie Monumentale et Pittoresque, c. 1848. Creator: Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Chapuy.
Rome: The Coliseum and the Arch of Constantine, plate 38 from Italie Monumentale et Pit..., c. 1848. Creator: Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Chapuy.
Bologna: The Asinelli and Garisenda towers, plate 40 from Italie Monumentale et Pittore..., c. 1848. Creator: Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Chapuy.
View of the Chapel of Calvary in the Church of St. Roch, Paris, n.d. Creator: Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Chapuy.