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Interior View of St. Philippe du Roule, Paris, n.d. Creator: Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Chapuy.
View of the Choir of the Cathedral of Mainz, plate four from Allemande, c. 1848. Creator: Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Chapuy.
The Happy Accident of the Swing, 1792. Creator: Nicolas Delaunay.
The Gamekeeper's Cottage, from the Album of 1826, 1826. Creator: Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet.
The Tower of Mont-Perrou, Seen from the Banks of the Allier (Auvergne), 1831. Creator: Paul Huet.
Elevation Perspective of l'Hôtel de Ville, Rennes, n.d. Creator: Philippe Nicolas Milcent.
View of the Former Palace of the Czars, 1833. Creator: Renoux.
The Acropolis, Athens: The Pnyx, Areopagus, Acropolis and Mount Hymmettos, 1845. Creator: Theodore Caruelle d'Aligny.
The Acropolis of Athens, 1845. Creator: Theodore Caruelle d'Aligny.
Corinth: Temple of Neptune, 1845. Creator: Theodore Caruelle d'Aligny.
View from the Banks of the Illisós: Mountains of the Argolid, Temple of Olympic Jupiter, t..., 1846. Creator: Theodore Caruelle d'Aligny.
View of Délos: Cyclades. Port of Délos, Paros and Greater Délos, 1845. Creator: Theodore Caruelle d'Aligny.
View of Corinth, 1845. Creator: Theodore Caruelle d'Aligny.
Cyclades: the Porticos of Philip, Port of Dhílos, Rinea (or Greater Dhílos) and Tínos, 1846. Creator: Theodore Caruelle d'Aligny.
Corinth: Temple of Neptune and the Acrocorinth, 1846. Creator: Theodore Caruelle d'Aligny.
The Colonnade of the Louvre, n.d. Creator: Victor Jean Nicolle.
Village Scene, n.d. Creator: Victor Rene Garson.
Persenbeug Palace, 1897. Creator: Adolf Gustav Ditscheiner.
Steyr, 1944. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Steyr, 1944. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Village Square, 1935-1940. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Monument - 'In Arte Voluptas', after 1920. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Autumn street, after 1938. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Houses, after 1938. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
House by night, undated. (c1930s) Creator: Anny Dollschein.
The Garden of Painter Franz von Lenbach in Munich, c1883. Creator: August von Pettenkofen.
Roman aqueduct, undated. (c1900s) Creator: Karl Onken.
Dr Seipel Strasse in Modling, 1942. Creator: Carl Moll.
The Church of St. Marx in Vienna, 1858. Creator: Emil Hutter.
The Minorite Church in Vienna, undated. (c1870s) Creator: Emil Hutter.
The two Carinthia gates, 1847. Creator: Franz Gerasch.
The Rotenturm Gate in Vienna, before 1858. Creator: Franz Gerasch.
Schönbrunn Palace, undated. (c1840s). Creator: Franz Josef Sandmann.
The "Eternal Light," the plague column, in Klosterneuburg, undated. (c1840s) Creator: Franz Kletzinsky.
View from the southwest onto the Upper Belvedere, undated. (c1890s). Creator: Franz Rumpler.
Marble staircase at Palazzo Bonagia in Palermo, 1878 or 1880. Creator: Alois Schonn.
Forest chapel, undated. (Late 19th century) Creator: Friedrich Hasslwander.
Kammer Castle on Attersee III, 1909/1910. Creator: Gustav Klimt.
Interior, 1913. Creator: Josef Stoitzner.
Pavilion on Dr. Körner’s vineyard near Loschwitz, 1828. Creator: Traugott Faber.
Winter in the Park, 1925. Creator: Leopold Blauensteiner.
Interior of a village church, c1900. Creator: Ludwig Michalek.
Wooden Church, undated. (c1910s) Creator: Ludwig Michalek.
From Eisenstadt, Early 20th century. Creator: Maria Weith.
Marie Krafft at the desk, 1828-1834. Creator: Johann Peter Krafft.
View from a window, c1910. Creator: Unknown.
View over Viennese suburban houses (Beatrixgasse), 1839. Creator: Adalbert Stifter.
Saint Lawrence, 1901. Creator: Alfred Roller.
The deer at the source, 1901. Creator: Alfred Roller.
Kurzweil on guard duty in the garden of Belvedere Palace in Vienna, 1867/1880. Creator: Carl Goebel.
The large marble hall of the Lower Belvedere with the sculptures from the Antique Collection, 1876. Creator: Carl Goebel.
The Marble Hall of the Ambraser Gallery in the Lower Belvedere, Vienna 1876. Creator: Carl Goebel.
The corridor and the last cabinet of the Egyptian collection, 1889. Creator: Carl Goebel.
The library, also the office of the officials of the Ambras collection (portrait collection), 1889. Creator: Carl Goebel.
In the Ambras Collection, before 1880. Creator: Carl Goebel.
In the garden of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, undated. Creator: Carl Goebel.
The Knaffelsche Stiftungshaus at Jacobergasse No. 807 in Vienna, 1858. Creator: Carl L. Wiesböck.
Motif from Mattsee, 1907. Creator: Carl Müller.
Watermill in Goisern (after Emil Jakob Schindler), 1884. Creator: Carl Moll.
From the Vienna Prater II, 1928. Creator: Carl Moll.