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'Lacing a Dandy', 1819. Artist: Unknown
Charles Darwin, English naturalist, 1875. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
'The Survival of the Fittest'; application of Darwinism in the 21st century, 1880. Artist: George du Maurier
George du Maurier cartoon from Punch illustrating Darwinism, 1887. Artist: George du Maurier
'Darwinian Ancestor', 1887. Artist: George du Maurier
John Wilkes, 1763. Artist: William Hogarth
'Kew Bridge', Kew, London, 1819. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson
Marconi Shares Scandal, 1913. Artist: Leonard Raven-Hill
Humphry Davy, British chemist and inventor, 1802. Artist: James Gillray
'For Better or Worse', 1866. Artist: Unknown
'Private and Confidential', opening of the Anglo-French telephone line, 1891. Artist: John Tenniel
Draisienne or velocipede shown replacing horses in the French post service, 1818. Artist: Unknown
'A Sawrian', 1836. Artist: John Scott
French Revolution 1789: anti-clericalism. Artist: Anon
'La Grande Colere du Pere Duchene', Franco-Prussian war, 1871.  Artist: H Demare
French Revolution 1789: anti-clericalism. Artist: Anon
French Revolution 1789: anti-clericalism. Artist: Anon
'An Alchemist,' 1661.  Artist: Adriaen van Ostade
'Aux Camp des Pupilles de la Republique', 1871.  Artist: Anon
Paris besieged, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'The Mysteries of the Commune', 1871. Artist: Anon
'Le Plan Trochu', 1870-1871. Artist: Anon
'Le Plan Trochu', 1870-1871. Artist: Anon
Caricature of Wilhelm I of Prussia, Franco-Prussian war, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
Caricature of Wilhelm I of Prussia, Franco-Prussian war, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Echec au Roi', Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Etat Major de la Garde Nationale', Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Chirurgiens de la Garde Nationale et de l'Armee', Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Genie Auxiliaire', Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Garde Nationale (ancien tenue)', Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Gendarmerie Republicaine', Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Le Pays et la Cloche', 1871. Artist: Moloch
'Badingoscope', 1871. Artist: Moloch
'Le Baiser de Judas', Paris Commune, 1871.  Artist: Anon
Cartoon relating to the Paris Commune, 1870s.  Artist: Anon
'Cavalerie de la Garde Nationale', Siege of Paris, 1870-1871 Artist: Anon
'Carnaval de 1871'; Wilhelm I of Prussia entering Paris, February 1871. Artist: Unknown
'Artillerie de Marine', Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Officier du Corps des Forestiers', Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
'Eclaireurs Franchetti', Siege of Paris, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
Cartoon relating to the Paris Commune, 1870s.  Artist: Anon
Cartoon proposal to rebuild the Hotel de Ville under water to prevent fire, Paris Commune, 1871.  Artist: Anon
'Garde Nationale Sedentaire', Siege of Paris, 1870-1871.  Artist: Anon
Cartoon, Paris Commune, 1871. Artist: Anon
Napoleon III of France and Wilhelm I of Prussia, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871. Artist: Anon
'Le Figaro et le Radical', 1871. Artist: Moloch
'Les Beaux Jours de la Commune', 1871. Artist: Anon
'Les Beaux Jours de la Commune', 1871. Artist: Anon
'Paris Pacifie', 1871.  Artist: Anon
Caricature against Adolphe Thiers, 1871. Artist: Anon
'Ah! Que l'on est fier d'etre Francais', 1871. Artist: Anon
'Delegue a l'Instruction Publique', Paris Commune, 1871. Artist: Anon
Paris Commune, 1871.  Artist: Moloch
'L'Ordre et la Constitution', 1871. from series 'Les Silhouettes de 1871'. Paris Commune, 1871.  Artist: Moloch
'Le Monde et le Rappel', 1871. Artist: Moloch
Caricature of Napoleon I watching the fall of the Colonne de Vendome, Paris Commune, 1871.  Artist: Anon
'Le Garde Nationale aux Remparts', 1870-1871. Artist: Anon
'Une Bonne Prise', 1870-1871. Artist: Anon
'Une Séance en Partie Double', 1871.  Artist: Anon
'Pupilles de la Republique', Siege of Paris, 1870-1871. Artist: Anon