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'Interior of the North Temple, Ebsamboul, Nubia', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Augustus Butler
'Edfu Temple, Egypt', 19th century. Artist: AR Grieve
'Temple at Esneh, Egypt', 19th century. Artist: JH Allan
'General View of the Pyramids', Egypt, 1820. Artist: Agostino Aglio
General View of the Ruins of the Great Temple at Carnac', Egypt, 1820. Artist: I Clark
'Forced Passage in the Second Pyramid of Ghizeh', Egypt, 1820. Artist: Agostino Aglio
'Great Chamber in the Second Pyramid of Ghizeh', Egypt, 1820. Artist: Agostino Aglio
'Exterior View of the Two Temples at Ybsambul', Egypt, 1820. Artist: Agostino Aglio
Mural from the Tombs of the Kings at Thebes, 1820. Artist: Giovanni Battista Belzoni
Monument to Cartilius Poplicola, Ostie, Rome.  Artist: Lorenzini
Children's cemetery, Carthage, Tunisia, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Sacrifice scene from the Ara Pacis, Rome, 9 BC. Artist: Unknown
Temple of Heliopolitan Zeus, Baalbek, Lebanon, 10-249 AD. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of Tanit, Cartaginian, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Rome, 141 AD. Artist: Unknown
Scarab and Ra, Tomb of Seti, Egypt, 1910. Artist: Walter Tyndale
'A representation of March', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Frances Anne Lee
The Pyramids and Sphinx, Giza, Egypt, 19th Century. Artist: Lemaitre
Drinking from the River, temple wall painting, Thebes, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Purification of Mummies, detail from a temple wall painting, Thebes, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Origins of Rome, Legend Trojan, 1st Century AD. Artist: Unknown
Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, Italy. Artist: A Lorenzini
Angels of Sodom', c1846-1898. Artist: Gustave Moreau
'Shabti figure of Ramesses IV', Egyptian, 20th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
'The Fumigation of Osiris', the Book of the Dead of Neb-Qued, Egyptian, 19th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Book of the Dead of the scribe Nebqed, detail of the deceased before Osiris, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian Tomb, Procession of the Crown, Thebes, Egypt Artist: Unknown
Wall Painting, Tomb of Nefertiti, Thebes, Egypt Artist: Unknown
Wall Painting, Detail, Servant with Offerings, Chapel of Menna, Thebes Artist: Unknown
Ancient site near Alaca Huyuk, Egypt, c1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Offerings Scene, Wall Painting, Egyptian Artist: Unknown
The Sun God Ra, Boat Scene Artist: Unknown
Case, Sacrifices, Egyptian. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian make-up accessories, Pre-Dynastic period, 4th millennium BC. Artist: R Guillemot
The Pyramids and Sphinx, Giza, Egypt, 19th Century. Artist: Jules Lemaitre
'Interior of Temple Apet, Karnack', 1881. Artist: Weber M
'Heads of Rebels', 1881. Artist: Wilhelm Gentz
'A Corner of the Temple Isis', 1881. Artist: Zehrfeld
'The Sphinx and Pyramids, Egypt', 1880. Artist: Bh Fiedlen
'Temple of Maharrakah, Nubia, Egypt', c19th Century. Artist: Unknown
'Grand Entrance to the Temple of Luxor', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'Entrance to the Tombs of the kings of Thebes, Bab-el-Malouk', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'The Dromos or Central Hall of the Great Temple of Amun, Karnak', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'Medinet Abou, Thebes, 5th December 1832', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Louis Haghe
'At Luxor, Thebes, Upper Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Louis Haghe
'Medinet Abou, Thebes, 8th December 1832', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Louis Haghe
Memphis, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Ippolito Rosellini
The Sphinx and a tomb, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: CH Smith
'Entrance of Luxor', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: CH Smith
Ancient Egyptian temple, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: CH Smith
'Temple of Edfu', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Lord Wharncliffe
'Front of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel', Egypt, c1845. Artist: GF Weston
'Entrance to the Temple of Ramses III', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: GF Weston
Karnak', Egypt, 1863. Artist: Charles Emile de Tournemine
'Rock Tombs, Beni Hassan, 10 March 1863', Egypt, 1863. Artist: Charles Emile de Tournemine
'City of Tombs, Looking towards Sakkara, Cairo', Egypt, 1863.  Artist: Charles Emile de Tournemine
'Philae', Egypt, 1842-1845. Artist: E Weidenbach
'Hall at Karnak', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: E Weidenbach
'Temple of Abu Simbel', 1842-1845. Artist: E Weidenbach