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'Ruins of the Temple of Kom Ombo', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'Temple of Sobek and Haroeris at Kom Ombo', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'General View of the Island of Philae, Nubia', 1838. Artist: David Roberts
'Philae', 1838. Artist: David Roberts
'Pyramids', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'Karnac', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'Tomb of the Califes, Cairo', c1907. Artist: David Roberts
'Tomb Door, Mosque of Sultan Barquq', 19th century. Artist: Emile Prisse D'Avennes
'The Sphinx', 19th century. Artist: Emile Prisse D'Avennes
'Heliopolis', 1878. Artist: William Simpson
'The Emperor of Austria Ascending the Great Pyramid, Egypt', 1869.  Artist: William Simpson
'Entrance to the Great Pyramid, Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Richard Phene Spiers
'Blow', 1799. Artist: Francisco Goya
'Swallow it, dog', 1799. Artist: Francisco Goya
'No one has seen us', 1799. Artist: Francisco Goya
'Look how solemn they are!', 1799. Artist: Francisco Goya
'The Devout Profession', 1799. Artist: Francisco Goya
Taharqa in front of the falcon Hemen, Ancient Egyptian, 7th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Statue of the Ancient Egyptian god Thoth in baboon form. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian tomb model, 22nd-19th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian model of a boat carrying a mummy to its tomb. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian stele with hieroglyphics, 27th-25th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt, 20th Century. Artist: Unknown
Seated statuette of the Ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, 16th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Canopic chest from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Alabaster perfume vase from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Ivory fan trimmed with ostrich feathers, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Tomb of Amenhotep II, Valley of the Kings, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Tomb of Seti I, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Tomb of Sethi I, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian relief, c1300 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wall paintings in the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
'Karnak', c1866. Artist: Richard Phene Spiers
'Column at Karnak, Egypt', 1863-1864. Artist: Emmanuel Rouge
Temple Arch at Karnak, Egypt, 1863-1864. Artist: Richard Phene Spiers
The Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, 1852. Artist: Maxime du Camp
Column at Karnak, Egpyt, 1893. Artist: Auguste Edouard Mariette
Temple Edfu, Egypt, 1893. Artist: Auguste Edouard Mariette
Temple Edfu, Egypt, 1893. Artist: Auguste Edouard Mariette
Memphis Saqqara, Egypt, 1893. Artist: Auguste Edouard Mariette
Memphis Saqqara, Egypt, 1893. Artist: Auguste Edouard Mariette
Memphis Saqqara, Egypt, 1893. Artist: Auguste Edouard Mariette
Memphis Saqqara, Egypt, 1893. Artist: Auguste Edouard Mariette
Artifacts, Memphis Saqqara, Egypt, 1893. Artist: Auguste Edouard Mariette
'The Inner Temple, Philae', Egypt, 1842. Artist: E Weidenbach
'An Albanian marriage', 1892. Artist: Unknown
'Fantasy Castle in Moonlight I', 1820-1876. Artist: George Sand
'Fantasy Castle in Moonlight II', 1820-1876. Artist: George Sand
'The Rhino', c1850-1890. Artist: Stanislas Lepine
Temple of Vesta, Rome. Artist: Unknown
'Caprice d'un Temple Romain avec l'Enterrement Triomphal d'Alexandre le Grand', 1755-1760. Artist: Robert Hubert
'Saturn Devouring one of his Children', 1821-1823. Artist: Francisco Goya
Temple ruins, Nubia, Egypt, 1887. Artist: Henri Bechard
Edfu, Nubia, Egypt, 1887. Artist: Henri Bechard
Column and ruins, Nubia, Egypt, 1887. Artist: Henri Bechard
Temple of Isis, Philae, Nubia, Egypt, 1887. Artist: Henri Bechard
Eastern columns, Temple of Isis, Philae, Nubia, Egypt, 1887. Artist: Henri Bechard
Ombos Temple, Nubia, Egypt, 1887. Artist: Henri Bechard
The Colossi of Memnon, Thebes, Nubia, Egypt, 1887. Artist: Henri Bechard
Gebel Silsileh, Egypt, 1878. Artist: Felix Bonfils