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The Charioteer Bronze, Delphi, Greece, c475BC-470 BC Artist: Unknown.
The Charioteer Bronze, Delphi, Greece, c475BC-470 BC. Artist: Unknown.
The Charioteer Bronze, Delphi, Greece, c475BC-470 BC Artist: Unknown.
Aphrodite, (Venus) from Soli Cyprus, Greek, 1st century BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Statue of Athena from the ancient Temple of Athena on the Acropolis, c525 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Sheep near Knossos with Olive tree in April at dusk, Crete, c20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Thetis riding a sea monster bringing the Helmet of Achilles, late 4th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Bronze of a Gorgon's Head, c4th century BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Demeter and Persephone in a carriage, c620 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Palette with bull goring man, circa late 4th millennium BC. Artist: Unknown.
Four Dogs Palette, Ancient Egyptian, late 4th millennium BC Artist: Unknown.
Greek Relief of Young man holding Strygil with Boy holding Oil Vessel, c400 BC Artist: Unknown.
Detail from the Francois Vase, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase, Satyr and Warrior fighting, c6th century BC.  Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase,  Ajax carrying the body of Achilles, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Detail from the Francois Vase, Thetis, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Athlete with Jumping-Weight, detail of Greek Kylix, (drinking-cup), c6th century BC.
A Smith, detail of a Greek Cup, (Kylix), c6th century BC.
Greek Vase Painting, Hoplite Fighta Scythian, c6th century BC.
Greek Amphora, detail of Achilles and Ajax playing a game, c6th century BC. Artist: Exekias.
Agora, Stoa of Attalos and Acropolis, Athens, Evening, c20th century. Artist: Unknown.
Acropolis from Agora, Athens, c20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Stoa of Attalos, Athens built by Attalos II (153-138 BC), reconstructed 1953-1958, c20th century.  Artist: Unknown.
Greek Terracotta Figure, c620BC-c300BC. Artist: Unknown.
Terracotta Corinth Doll, 350 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Avenue of Lions, Delos, c600BC Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Helmet of Hoplite, 7th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Helmet and Cuirass, late Geometric period, 8th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
The Saffron-Gatherer Fresco from Minoan Royal Palace, Knossos, Crete. c15th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Vase-Painting, A woman brings offering to an altar, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Ostrakon of Cimon, an Athenian statesman, Fragment of Greek Pottery, c5th century BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Greek Vase-Painting, A Banquet, possibly Funerary, c5th century BC Artist: Unknown.
Stela of Menalaus and Helen (of Troy), Archaic Greek, c8th century BC-c5th century BC Artist: Unknown.
Cleobis and Biton pull their mother's chariot, c6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Hermes. Greek relief from Thasos, Greece, c470 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Greek relief, Agamemnon seated left with Talthybis and Epeios, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Prometheus creating the First Man, detail of Sarcophagus from Arles, France, c3rd-4th century. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Grave-Slab of Shipwrecked Sailor, from Rheneia, Mykonos, c5th century BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Greek Games from a marble relic, c490 BC. Artist: Themistocles.
Comedy scene, Apollo cures Cheiron Krater, 380 BC
Hades carries off Persephone, detail of Red-figure Volute Krater, c380 BC Artist: Iliupersis Painter.
Persephone Taking Leave of Pluto with Hermes and Demeter standing nearby, c550BC-c525 BC.
Hades and Persephone Banqueting: Altic Red-figure Kylix, c430 BC. Artist: Codrus Painter.
Theseus kills the Minotaur (with Ariadne present), Greek Vase painting, 5th Century BC. Artist: Hermonax.
Greek Warrior Painted Siana Cup, c6th century BC.
Apollo offering a libation to the raven, kylix, 5th century BC.
Greek Vase-Painting Hercules fights the Lion, c6th century BC.
Greek vase in the form of a Hare, Corinthian period, circa early 6th century.
Louvre Wrestlers in Bronze, c2nd century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Demeter seated on a Panther, Greek Terracotta, c350 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Greek Terracotta Boy wearing Cloak, Athens, 300 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Terracotta, Woman playing Kithera with plectrum, 3rd century BC-2nd century BC Artist: Unknown.
Greek Terracotta, Eos, goddess of Dawn, carries Kephalos, c450 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Terracotta, Artemis Bendis with a small hunting dog, c350BC-c300 BC Artist: Unknown.
Horse and Rider, Greek Terracotta, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Alexander the Great, c4th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Clay Votive Figurine of Man wearing Belt and Dagger, Proto-Palatial Period, 2000BC-1700 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Greek mosaic, Alcibiades, c450BC-c404 BC Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Papyrus of Ani Ploughing, Theban Book of the Dead,  c1250 BC Artist: Unknown.
Bronze statue of Leonidas at Thermopylae, c20th century. Artist: Vasos Falireas.