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Hercules fights the Lernaean Hydra, Relic from Lerna, 3rd Century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greece, Sparta, Funeral relief from Geraki in Severe Style, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Asklepios, Greek God of Medicine of Healing, c6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Bronze Statue of Poseidon found in sea near Cape Artemisian, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Bronze Statue of Poseidon found in sea near Cape Artemisian, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Youth from Antikyther, Bronze found in pieces in sea of Antikythera, c340 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Greek Bronze Horse and Jockey, from Artemision, life-size. 2 Cent BC. At National Archaelogical Muse Artist: Unknown.
Pericles, Greek statesman, c490-429 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Papyrus of Ani,  c1250 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Papyrus of Ani, c1250 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Minoan Pots, Knossos, Crete,  c15th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Musicians at a Sacrifice, Painted on wood, c520BC-c500 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Pyxis, (Cosmetic Box), Women performing domestic tasks, Athens, c460BC-450 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Hercules Brings Cerberus to Eurystheus, with Hermes and Athena, c6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Sappho, Greek Lyric Poetess, born c600BC, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Grand Staircase of Minoan Royal Palace at Knossos, Crete, c1700BC-c1400BC. Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Mycenaean Armour from Dedra, Greece, c16th century BC-c12th century BC Artist: Unknown.
Fresco (reconstruction) of Ladies of Minoan Royal Court, Knossos, Greece, c20th century.  Artist: Unknown.
Minoan Katsambas Tomb Jug, c1400 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Octopus Vase from Heraklion Museum, Crete, Minoan c1500 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Minoan Kamares Style jug, c2000 BC Artist: Unknown.
Mycenaean 'Zeus' Crater, 14th Century BC Artist: Unknown.
Detail of Dionysus Seated, Greek Plate,  Painted by Psiax, c520 BC. Artist: Psiax.
Horseman on Greek Scent-Bottle (Araballos) Proto-Corinthian, c7th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Soldiers and Chariot in Battle, vase painting, c6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Vase Painting, Persephone and Hades Banqueting in the Underwold, c430 BC. Artist: Codrus Painter.
Greek Red-figured Kylix, (Drinking Cup), c440-430 BC. Artist: Codrus Painter.
Kylix showing the Labours of Theseus, Athens, c440BC-c430BC.  Artist: Codrus Painter.
Theseus and the Minotaur on the lid of a Greek Dish, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Heralles and Antaios, detail on Greek Neck-Amphora, c520BC-c510 BC.  Artist: Leagros Group.
Atlas, Heracles and the golden apples, Athenian black-figure lekythos, c6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Hercules bring Cerberus to Eurystheus (sheltering in the large jar), c6th century BC Artist: Unknown.
Greek Vase Painting, Woman with Offerings at a Tomb, 460-450 BC.
Greek Vase-Painting, Odysseus' crew Turning to  Pigs on Circe's Isle, c6th century BC.
Two Greek Ships on a Greek Vase (Kylix), c6th century BC.  Artist: Nikosthenes.
Apulian Vase, Penelope Spinning Wool, c340 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Vase,  Black-figure Amphora depicting Boxing Scene, c6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Geometric Terracotta Vase, Funerary Scene, c8th century BC. Artist: Dipylon Master.
Amphora, Theseus and the Minotaur, 6th century BC.  Artist: Unknown.
The Agora and Stoa of Attalos with Acropolis beyond, Athens, c20th century. Artist: Unknown.
Homer, Roman Portrait Bust, c2nd century Artist: Unknown.
Demosthenes. Greek Orator & Statesman, 384-322 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Apollo, Greek Bronze. circa early 5th century BC Artist: Unknown.
Athena, Roman copy of Greek sculpture, c1st century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Portrait Head of Philosopher, found in sea of Antikythera, circa late 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek small bronze Apollo from Kosmas near Sparta, late 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Greek Portrait head of a man, late Hellenistic Period, c1st century BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Kore, Persephone wearin Ionaian Chiton and Himation Attic Sculpture, c420 BC Artist: Unknown.
Drinking Cup, (Kylix) of Girl Dancing with Youth Playing Flute, Attic, c510 BC Artist: Epikektos.
Black figured Lekytkos (oil-bottle), Warrior Arming, Athens, c490BC Artist: Edinburgh Painter.
Greek Vase Painting, Persian and Hoplite fighting, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Herakles fights the Lernaean Hydra, Attic Vase, 450 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Herakles and Stymphalian Birds, Labours of Heracles, c500 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Herakles and the Hind of Ceryneia, Attic Amphora Vase,  c540BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Orestes at Delphi with Iphigenia, Attic Red Figure Krater, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek Vase Painting of Lyre Player, Attic Red Figure Cup, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Corinthian Lekythos with warriors, c575 BC Artist: Unknown.
Detail of Simon on Mosaic Pavement, 5th century. Artist: Unknown.
Corfu Town, view of Citadel, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Paleocastritsa, Corfu, from below the monastery, c20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.