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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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Apollo, Music and Geometry, 1741. Creator: Batoni, Pompeo Girolamo (1708-1787).
Apotheosis of Venice, 1585. Creator: Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588).
At the Wigmakers, Second Half of the 17th cen.. Creator: Maestro della Fertilità dell'Uovo (active End of 17th cen.).
Autumn Gold, 1905. Creator: Lenz, Maximilian (1860-1948).
Avec Verhaeren: Un Ange (With Verhaeren: An Angel), 1889. Creator: Khnopff, Fernand (1858-1921).
Battling Centaurs (Kämpfende Centauren) (plate V) from Intermezzos, Opus IV..., 1881. Creator: Klinger, Max (1857-1920).
Bear and Elf (Bär und Elfe) (plate I) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV), c. 1880. Creator: Klinger, Max (1857-1920).
Belisarius Begging for Alms, 1781. Creator: David, Jacques Louis (1748-1825).
Bellerophon on Pegasus, ca 1746. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
Berglied (Mountain Song) after Friedrich Schiller, 1881. Creator: Bode, Leopold (1831-1906).
Blessed Soul (Anima beata), 1640-1642. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
Boreas Abducting Orithyia. Creator: Chiari, Giuseppe Bartolomeo (1654-1727).
Caritas (Charity) from The Seven Virtues, 1559. Creator: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612).
Carpathian Guard, 1914-1915. Creator: Schramm, Alois Hans (1864-1919).
Centaur and child, c. 1890. Creator: Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917).
Charon, ca 1896. Creator: Doudelet, Charles (1861-1938).
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Children's Picture Book (Children's encyclopaedia) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, 1798-1830. Creator: Pupils of the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School.
Christ Triumphant over Sin and Death, c. 1615-1620. Creator: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640).
Cleopatra, 1638-1639. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
Concert. Creator: Albricci, Enrico (1714-1775).
Coriolanus persuaded by his Family to spare Rome (Veturia at the Feet of Coriolanus), ca 1652. Creator: Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665).
Courage and Justice, 1744. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
Cupid Blowing a Soap Bubble, 1634. Creator: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669).
Cupid triumphant at sea (Amorino Medici), 1661. Creator: Sirani, Elisabetta (1638-1665).
Cupid, c. 1815. Creator: Hayez, Francesco (1791-1882).
Cupid, Death and the Beyond (Amor, Tod und Jenseits) (plate XII) from Intermezzos..., 1881. Creator: Klinger, Max (1857-1920).
Dance of death on the battlefield in front of burning ruins, 1882-1885. Creator: Romako, Anton (1832-1889).
Dance of the Elves, 1888-1889. Creator: Auchentaller, Josef Maria (1865-1949).
Dawn. Creator: La Touche, Gaston, de (1854-1913).
Day and Night (Diptych), 1899. Creator: Preissig, Vojtech (1873-1944).
Day and Night (Diptych), 1899. Creator: Preissig, Vojtech (1873-1944).
Democritus, ca. 1628-1629. Creator: Velàzquez, Diego (1599-1660).
Der Ring des Nibelungen, 1914. Creator: Stassen, Franz (1869-1949).
Der Ring des Nibelungen, 1914. Creator: Stassen, Franz (1869-1949).
Der Ring des Nibelungen, 1914. Creator: Stassen, Franz (1869-1949).
Der Ring des Nibelungen, 1914. Creator: Stassen, Franz (1869-1949).
Der Ring des Nibelungen, 1914. Creator: Stassen, Franz (1869-1949).
Der Ring des Nibelungen, 1914. Creator: Stassen, Franz (1869-1949).
Diana and Callisto, 1556-1559. Creator: Titian (1488-1576).
Dido At The Stake, 1935. Creator: Rothaug, Alexander (1870-1946).
Dive Bomber and Tank, 1940. Creator: Orozco, José Clemente (1883-1949).
Drinking Bacchus Boy, c.1623. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
Edith Finding the Body of Harold, 1828. Creator: Vernet, Horace (1789-1863).
Elf at the brook, 1888-1889. Creator: Auchentaller, Josef Maria (1865-1949).
Europa and the Bull, 1910s. Creator: Leeke, Ferdinand (1859-1937).
Faith, Hope and Charity, 1744. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
Fides (Faith) from The Seven Virtues, 1559. Creator: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612).
Fishing for Coral. From the series Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium, 1578. Creator: Stradanus (Straet, van der), Johannes (1523-1605).
Flora (La Nuda), ca. 1600. Creator: Procaccini, Carlo Antonio (1571-1630).
Fortitudo (Fortitude) from The Seven Virtues, 1559. Creator: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612).
Fortitudo (Fortitude) from The Seven Virtues, 1559. Creator: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612).
Ganapati Thangka, 18th century. Creator: Tibetan culture.