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Helen's Tears. (The Flower Book), 1882-1898. Creator: Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833-1898).
Heraclitus and Democritus. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
Hercules Tearing Alceste away from Hell, ca 1806. Creator: Franque, Joseph-Boniface (1774-1833).
Himmlische Mär, 1914. Creator: Oswald, Wenzel (1883-after 1934).
Idyll, 1894-1895. Creator: Hofmann, Ludwig, von (1861-1945).
Illustration for "Der Buntscheck" by Richard Dehmel, 1904. Creator: Weiss, Emil Rudolf (1875-1942).
Illustration for "Fêtes galantes" by Paul Verlaine, 1928. Creator: Barbier, George (1882-1932).
Illustration for "Les Chansons de Bilitis (The Songs of Bilitis)" by Pierre Louÿs, 1922. Creator: Barbier, George (1882-1932).
Illustration for "Les Chansons de Bilitis (The Songs of Bilitis)" by Pierre Louÿs, 1922. Creator: Barbier, George (1882-1932).
Illustration for "Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil)" by Charles Baudelaire, 1887-1888. Creator: Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917).
Illustration for "Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil)" by Charles Baudelaire, 1887-1888. Creator: Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917).
Ilsée, Princesse de Tripoli by Robert de Flers, c. 1900. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939).
Image of theocracy (conspiracy of the popes), Early 1900s. Creator: Bely, Andrei (1880-1934).
Invocation, 1897. Creator: Marcel-Lenoir, (Jules Oury) (1872-1931).
Iustitia und Iniustitia (Justice and Injustice), 1594-1595. Creator: Vredeman de Vries, Hans (Jan) (1526-1606).
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1494. Creator: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Twelve Proverbs, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Carnival and Lent, 1600. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Alp leaves the bed chamber of two sleeping women, 1810. Creator: Füssli (Fuseli), Johann Heinrich (1741-1825).
An Allegory, c. 1500. Creator: Anonymous.
Whirl of Love, c. 1917. Creator: Werefkin, Marianne, von (1860-1938).
Le mille e una notte, 1914. Creator: Zecchin, Vittorio (1878-1947).
Frieze Design for the St. Louis 1904 World's Fair, 1904. Creator: Engelhart, Josef (1864-1941).
Frieze Design for the St. Louis 1904 World's Fair, 1904. Creator: Engelhart, Josef (1864-1941).
Frieze Design for the St. Louis 1904 World's Fair, 1904. Creator: Engelhart, Josef (1864-1941).
Nichtcomponiertes im Raum (Uncomposed in Space), 1929. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Structure of the World, c. 1925. Creator: Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo (1895-1946).
Girl with deer. Creator: Wacik, Franz (1883-1938).
Justice, 1559. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Catharsis, 1935. Creator: Orozco, José Clemente (1883-1949).
Doge Antonio Grimani Kneeling Before the Faith, Between 1555 and 1576. Creator: Titian (1488-1576).
Collection of gallant and erotic fantasies. Creator: Bayros, Franz von (1866-1924).
Neptune and Amphitrite, 1644. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
Mars and Venus, Mid of 16th cen.. Creator: Sellaer, Vincent (1490-1564).
Allegorie des Friedens, c. 1650. Creator: Anonymous.
Allegory of Astrology, First Half of 17th cen.. Creator: Schut, Cornelis (1597-1655).
The Reconciliation of the Romans and the Sabines, c. 1655-1656. Creator: Egmont, Justus van (1601-1674).
Allegory of Geometry, First Half of 17th cen.. Creator: Schut, Cornelis (1597-1655).
The first duel, 1888. Creator: Bouguereau, William-Adolphe (1825-1905).
Cristo destruye su cruz (Christ destroys his cross), 1943. Creator: Orozco, José Clemente (1883-1949).
The Rape of Helen, ca. 1695. Creator: Molinari, Antonio (1655-1704).
Cupid visiting Psyche at Night, ca 1590. Creator: Bloemaert, Abraham (1566-1651).
Bacchus and a Follower , after 1645. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
Bacchus, Venus and Cupid , c.1535. Creator: Rosso Fiorentino (1495-1540).
Allegorical family portrait, 1642. Creator: Couwenbergh, Christiaen van (1604-1667).
Venus Presenting Weapons to Aeneas, 1668. Creator: Lairesse, Gérard, de (1640-1711).
Sleeping Venus, Amor and Satyr, c. 1670. Creator: Giordano, Luca (1632-1705).
Apollo and Marsyas, c. 1660. Creator: Giordano, Luca (1632-1705).
A Homage to Velázquez, ca 1692-1700. Creator: Giordano, Luca (1632-1705).
Allegory on the Fall of Antwerp on 17 August 1585, 1585-1586. Creator: Vredeman de Vries, Hans (Jan) (1526-1606).
The Vampire, 1852. Creator: Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863).
Satan starting, touched by Ithuriel's spear, 1779. Creator: Füssli (Fuseli), Johann Heinrich (1741-1825).