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Allegory of Servitude. Creator: Padovanino (1588-1649).
Angelo della fama (Angel of Fame). Creator: Padovanino (1588-1649).
Fortuna with a purse, 1637. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
Hagbard and Signe, before 1820. Creator: Eckersberg, Christoffer-Wilhelm (1783-1853).
Heimdall Summons the Gods to Battle , 1828. Creator: Baade, Knud (1808-1879).
The Legend of the Danish Flag. The Dannebrog falling from the sky during the Battle of Lyndanise, 18 Creator: Lorentzen, Christian August (1749-1828).
Mermaid, 1847. Creator: Jerichau-Baumann, Elisabeth (1819-1881).
The Vestal Virgin Tuccia with a Sieve, c. 1500. Creator: Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506).
The Muse Thalia, ca 1457. Creator: Pannonio, Michele (before 1415-c. 1464).
Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche , 1517. Creator: Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino) (1483-1520).
Cupid and the Three Graces , 1517-1518. Creator: Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino) (1483-1520).
Venus, Ceres and Juno , 1517. Creator: Giovanni da Udine (1487-1564).
Loggia di Amore e Psiche, Villa Farnesina, 1517-1518. Creator: Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino) (1483-1520).
The Death of Chione, c. 1622. Creator: Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665).
The Fight between the Giaur and the Pasha, 1835. Creator: Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863).
Illustration for the ballad "Der Taucher" (The Diver) by Friedrich Schiller. Creator: Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858).
Mary Stuart blessing Roland Groeme and Catherine Seyton. After Walter Scott's "The Abbot", 1830. Creator: Johannot, Alfred (1800-1837).
Le Duc et la Duchesse de Guisse. After "Henry III and His Courts" by Alexandre Dumas, 1829. Creator: Devéria, Achille (1800-1857).
Effie and Jeanie Deans. After Walter Scott's "The Heart of Mid-Lothian", First quarter of 19th cen.. Creator: Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858).
Faust in His Study (Faust dans son cabinet), ca 1848. Creator: Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858).
Marguerite au rouet (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel), c. 1831. Creator: Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858).
Ferdinand and Miranda playing a game of chess, 1822. Creator: Saint-Evre, Gillot (1791-1858).
Lenore. "The dead travel fast", c. 1830. Creator: Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858).
Les Puritains d'Écosse (Old Mortality), First half of the 19th cent.. Creator: Roqueplan, Camille (1803-1855).
Triumph of Napoleon, First Consul, 1801. Creator: Roger, Barthélemy (1770-1841).
Death as a friend, 1851. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
The Girl and the Death, 1916. Creator: Schnug, Léo (1878-1933).
La mort et le bûcheron (The Death and the Woodcutter), 1755. Creator: Oudry, Jean-Baptiste (1686-1755).
Ars moriendi (The Art of Dying), 1496. Creator: Anonymous.
Danse macabre, 1490. Creator: Anonymous.
Pygmalion and Galatea, before 1819. Creator: Girodet de Roucy Trioson, Anne Louis (1767-1824).
The Entombment of Atala, 1808. Creator: Girodet de Roucy Trioson, Anne Louis (1767-1824).
The Sleep of Endymion, 1791. Creator: Girodet de Roucy Trioson, Anne Louis (1767-1824).
Dmitry Donskoy on the Snipes' Field, 1805. Creator: Kiprensky, Orest Adamovich (1782-1836).
Illustration for the tale "The Lost Letter" from "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" by Nikolai Gogol, Creator: Pryanishnikov, Illarion Mikhailovich (1840-1894).
The People Delivered to the Vampire Taxes. From "La Caricature", 1833. Creator: Grandville, Jean-Jacques (1803-1847).
Règne animal (Animal Kingdom). From "La Caricature", 1833. Creator: Grandville, Jean-Jacques (1803-1847).
Les Métamorphoses du jour. L'attente d'un convive (The Metamorphoses of the day. Waiting for the gue Creator: Grandville, Jean-Jacques (1803-1847).
Honoré de Balzac, the most prolific of our authors, supported and crowned by women, 1839. Creator: Grandville, Jean-Jacques (1803-1847).
Dryad Head (After Frans Floris), ca 1555. Creator: Gietleughen, Joos van (active between 1555 and 1583).
Putti Playing (After Raphael), 1544. Creator: Monogrammist NDB (active c. 1520-1550).
Witches, 1510. Creator: Baldung (Baldung Grien), Hans (1484-1545).
Hercules killing Cacus, 1588. Creator: Goltzius, Hendrick (1558-1617).
Diogenes, after 1527. Creator: Ugo da Carpi (1480-1532).
Diana and her nymphs bathing, with a stag hunt in the background, ca 1606. Creator: Francken, Frans, the Younger (1581-1642).
Heraclitus, 1634. Creator: Ribera, José, de (1591-1652).
A witchcraft scene. Creator: Heintz, Joseph, the Younger (ca 1600-after 1674).
Nikolai Rostov. Illustration for the novel War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, 1944-1947. Creator: Rudakov, Konstantin Ivanovich (1891-1949).
Natasha Rostova. Illustration for the novel War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, 1944-1947. Creator: Rudakov, Konstantin Ivanovich (1891-1949).
Natasha and the wounded Prince Andrei in Mytishchi. Illustration for the novel War and Peace, 1893. Creator: Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich (1862-1945).
Natasha on her first ball. Illustration for the novel War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, 1893. Creator: Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich (1862-1945).
Pierre in the family. Epilogue. Illustration for the novel War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, 1911-1912. Creator: Apsit, Alexander Petrovich (1880-1944).
The Triumph of Divine Providence and the Fulfilment of its Purposes under Pope Urban VIII, 1632-1639 Creator: Cortona, Pietro da (1596-1669).
The Triumph of Divine Wisdom, 1629-1631. Creator: Sacchi, Andrea (1599-1661).
Nasta'liq Calligraphy, First Half of 16th cen.. Creator: Mir Ali Haravi (Heravi) (active first Half of 16th cen.).
Demotte Shahnameh: Faramarz pursues the king of Kabul, ca 1330. Creator: Iranian master.
Madame La Mort, 1890-1891. Creator: Gauguin, Paul Eugéne Henri (1848-1903).
Buddha Head, 3rd-4th cent.. Creator: Central Asian Art.
The Sixteen Arhats (Juroku Rakan). Creator: Kazunobu, Kano (1816-1863).
Thangka with Scenes from the Life of the Buddha, Second Half of the 19th cen.. Creator: Tibetan culture.